Proclaiming the Gospel; Equipping the Saints; Mobilizing the Church

"For with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation"

Romans 10:10

November 2022


Shalom and Grace to you, dear Co-Partner,

We are so thankful and want to express our gratitude. God is good to grant us all another thanksgiving season on this earth. We thank God for Jesus our Lord; His love and mercy endures forever. We thank God for you, as we journey together in our Lord. Thank you for partnering with World Mission Outreach and making an eternal impact on souls with the love and Gospel of Jesus. Looking back at this year 2022, we thank God for all the souls changed by the power of the Gospel and the many churches equipped on evangelism and discipleship around the world. We give glory to God and we thank you again for your partnership to make a difference in people’s lives. Without you, this ministry would not be possible.

Global Missions Conference 2023 – Black Hills, Rushmore

In October, WMO and Landmark Community Church hosted our first Global Missions Conference in Rapid City, South Dakota. Many churches were invited to join us and be equipped on the importance of the work of evangelism with an emphasis on Romans 1:16. Those who attended were equipped not just in the Word, but also in practice; going door-to-door sharing the good news in their community. For many, it was a first-time experience and some were nervous, but when they came back to the church, each one was excited to share what the Lord had done. It was a breakthrough and some even testified of leading others to Jesus! This is great news for the community and an encouragement for the church members – that they can overcome fear and share the Gospel like this too. During the Conference, WMO's six upcoming worldwide evangelistic outreaches were introduced, and many signed up to join us in sharing the hope of Jesus with the world. We’d like to ask you to also consider either joining us on the field, or making a year-end donation to help others know eternal life in Jesus. We need your prayers and we need your support for these 2023 evangelistic outreaches in: Costa Rica, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Panama, Tanzania, and Spain. In all, the budget for these outreaches totals around $50,000.

House of Prayer – Costa Rica

The Lord gave us a vision to build a House of Prayer and an Evangelistic Center for Latin America. The Lord has provided the land for this project and it is ready to begin Phase One, the House of Prayer, in early 2023. This House of Prayer will be a place of prayer, for the nations to come and pray for the salvation of Israel and the world. We are believing for the salvation of many through this project. Our current need for Phase One is $30,000. If it is in your heart to contribute to the completion of the House of Prayer, we thank you for your gift. Please pray for the funds and the hands to complete this project. Prayer is powerful.

Fruits of the Vine Testimonies

Jeremy - Rapid City, SD

I (Darlene) loved going door-to-door with Colleen Marie in the community around Landmark Community Church. We had several wonderful conversations and prayed for some, but it was the last encounter we had that truly amazed me with God’s timing. I asked Colleen Marie if she would drive us to a house I had passed a few times over the previous weeks and had always felt drawn to. It was as though the Holy Spirit was trying to get my attention. We found the house and noticed the front door was wide open. We called out, “Hello! Hello!” There was some remodeling going on and a man called out from the back saying, “I’m not the owner, I just work here.” We said that was okay, but we still wanted to meet him. He said his name was Jeremy, and I shared with him that I had been drawn to the house and knew I needed to come by. I asked if Jeremy was a Christian and he said he was; but of course, to me, ‘Christian’ doesn’t necessarily mean a personal relationship with Jesus. So, I began to share the Gospel and the love of God. As I shared about the way God sees Jeremy, he began to weep and the Holy Spirit was clearly moving. I asked if I could pray for him and at that time he declined. I continued to speak the Word of God to him. He knew this was a divine appointment. God knows him and He was speaking through us. I asked again if I could pray for him and he agreed. We encouraged Jeremy to get plugged into the church and trust the Lord.

WMO family, this is what we as the body need to be doing. So many people are hurting and no one is listening to them. Jeremy knew God had sent us to him. Total strangers, yet connected through the Word of God! James 1:19 encourages us to be quick to listen, and people in this world are desperate to be heard. When we lend our ear to hear a person’s heart, God, in return, is able to speak the love of Jesus through us. 

Kelly – Cheyenne, WY

On November 5th and 6th we spoke at Faith Baptist Church in Cheyenne, Wyoming. We thank God for the opportunity to share the Word and equip the saints on the eternal value and destiny of souls in light of Hebrews 2:14-15. It’s always refreshing to see life from God’s perspective and the great hope found in Him. The church was encouraged to step up for our King Jesus and to overcome the biggest struggle for us all, fear. Also, while we were there, two people were saved through divine appointments. In the elevator of our hotel, we greeted a man and asked how he was doing. The man, Kelly, replied honestly saying, “Terrible day.” There was despair in his eyes and he looked confused; we could sense his sorrow and hopelessness. When we stepped out of the elevator, we dropped our luggage and focused on the hope of Jesus. We asked Kelly if he would give us permission to take some time to share with him and he replied, “Yes, I need some hope, I have no will power to live any longer.” God divinely placed Kelly in our path so that we could share the love and hope of Jesus. Kelly was really touched by the reality that he is made in the image of God and is valued by God. We spoke of sin and how it separates us from God; yet God so loved the world He gave himself as a sacrifice; that Kelly could be restored back to God in Christ Jesus (John 3:16). It is in Christ we have our new identity. Right away, we called Pastor Tommy Miller, our hosting pastor at Faith Baptist Church, to speak with Kelly and be in touch to follow up with him.

A great lesson was imparted to us on the exceeding importance of listening to the people around us, being sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and allowing the Lord Jesus to divinely direct our steps. People desperately need Jesus. We are so thankful to God for Jesus.

May the Lord bless you and your family and we wish you a happy Thanksgiving and a blessed Giving Tuesday (Nov. 29th)!! We thank you for considering World Mission Outreach and we thank God for you.

Blessings in Him,

Henry & Darlene

Ways you can give

To support WMO ministry, please mail checks to the following address. All gifts are tax deductible and a tax receipt will be mailed to you at the end of the year.  Thank you for your financial gifts that keep us on the frontline.

All support for tax receipts mail to:
World Mission Outreach
Boeckmann & Associates, C.P.A.
53 S. Pu'unene Ave., Unit 108
Kahului, Hawaii 96732

Safely donate online:
-Click the donate button
-Or Text giving: Text “GIVE” to +17029194448

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World Mission Outreach, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

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