Dear fellow food-lover,

Welcome to The Cheese Plate , a monthly email from Oldways with curated information about different types of traditional cheeses, with ideal pairings. Let The Cheese Plate be a guide to put wonderful traditional cheeses on your plate. Visit your favorite cheesemonger to find these delicious cheeses!
Cheeses for Spring
In honor of spring, we're featuring a buffalo's milk, a cow’s milk, and a sheep’s milk cheese that are wonderful crowd-pleasing options to serve at springtime celebrations. While spring weather can be unpredictable, these cheeses are undoubtedly delicious no matter what temperature spring sends our way.
Burrata by BUF
With fresh mozzarella on the outside and luscious cream on the inside, Burrata by BUF is a delightful spring cheese. It's made with vegetarian rennet and milk from water buffalos that roam free in the Colombian countryside. Buf is a conscientious, values-driven farmstead operation. As such, they use meticulous production processes, humane farming methods, and employ men and women in rural communities in Latin America. 

Add it to a light spring salad, melt it on focaccia, or drizzle honey over warm Burrata for a simple, savory dessert. When you're ready for a taste, you'll find Burrata by BUF in any Whole Foods Market.
Smoked Galens by Clover Creek Cheese Cellar
Bursting with umami, Smoked Galens has a complex flavor profile perfect for rich and creamy mac and cheese. It's filling, melts spectacularly, and will bring the dish to a level of sophistication that is sure to impress.

Smoked Galens is made by hand in small batches using raw milk. The milk comes from grass fed cows that live at the very same family-run farm where the cheese is made.

We were excited to find it at . Clover Creek Cheese Cellar also sells their cheeses at farmers’ markets in central Pennsylvania.
Roquefort AOP by Papillon
Roquefort AOP is one of the most famous cheeses in the world, and may just be the most famous blue cheese. Aged in caves tucked into the  Combalou mountains in France for centuries, i t was the first cheese in history to be protected by decree! 

The high fat content in Roquefort's raw sheep's milk helps it develop a soft, creamy texture with a rich milky flavor. While the blue mold gives Roquefort its distinctive tangy, aromatic bite and slightly crumbly texture.

Crumble it on a salad, pile it on a burger, or combine bread, Roquefort, and honey for a decadent snack. No matter how you serve it, you won't be disappointed!
Featured Pairing: Honey
Sweet but rarely overpowering, honey enhances the milk notes of most cheeses while also adding a nice textural balance. Drizzle plain honey on top of cheese or add some to a vinaigrette and mix it into a fresh salad topped with cheese. We recommend trying local honeys to enjoy the nectar of the specific flowers where the honey was harvested.
The Cheese Plate is made possible through the generous support of Emmi Roth , Gruyère AOP , and Parmigiano Reggiano .