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Ordination Mass

We invite everyone to celebrate the ordinations of Deacon Joseph Schultz and Richard Perkins at 10 a.m. on June 1!

A gift worth giving!

Archdiocese of Mobile offices wished Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi a happy 75th birthday during a gathering on April 18. Archbishop Rodi turned 75 on March 27, however the celebration was delayed in deference to Holy Week. Catholic school principals also delivered a birthday gift check of more than $8,500 that will be placed in a trust that Archbishop Rodi began to support food banks at Archdiocese of Mobile parishes.

To learn more about trusts, click below.

Q&A on trusts

190th anniversary for St. Peter Parish

Sunday was a special day in downtown Montgomery at St. Peter Parish as they celebrated their 190th anniversary. Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi celebrated the Mass with Fr. Thomas LaPointe as the homilist. The celebration included an outdoor Eucharistic procession.

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Photos courtesy of Bill Schaum.

Photo Gallery


Pat Arensberg - The Eucharistic celebration should call us into action

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Deacon Hector J. Donastorg - Eventos Cósmicos - Cosmic events

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Sr. Constance Veit, l.s.p. -

The surest way to discover happiness

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The Catholic Week Online

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Priest Assignments


Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi has made the following priest appointments and announcements.

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Fr. Albert Kelly: 1945-2024

Fr. Albert Kelly, a retired priest of the Archdiocese of Mobile, passed away at the age of 79 in his native Ireland on April 25. Fr. Kelly had the honor of being the first pastor at two different parishes during his ministry.

Click below for the full article.


No priest left behind

MOBILE – Several priests in the Archdiocese of Mobile now have a holy hour prayed for them every day, thanks to the Seven Sisters Apostolate.

Brought to the archdiocese in 2021, the Seven Sisters Apostolate consists of a group of seven women from a respective parish who each take one day a week to pray a holy hour for their respective pastor or parochial vicar. 

To read the full article, click below.


The Catholic Week Digest

The Archdiocese of Mobile is delivering a newsletter right to you! Produced by the staff of "The Catholic Week," issues will be emailed every two weeks on Mondays and for special events. This won't impact delivery of "The Catholic Week" to your mailbox. Click below to sign up. Thanks for your support!


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