Mother Son


Your place for news, updates and events brought to you by the Quality Parenting Initiative Nevada.
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Making sure every child living in foster care is cared for by a caregiver (foster, relative, fictive and/or adoptive) who provides skilled, nurturing parenting while helping the child maintain connections to his or her family. 
The QPI Nevada Brand
Foster parents nurture children who have experienced trauma and provide a safe, loving and healing environment in which the children can thrive. They are parenting partners who honor and support family relationships. Foster parents are dedicated, informed and committed advocates for children. They are instrumental and fully supported members of the child and family team. Great foster parents make a difference for children and families in our community.

QPI Calendar of Events & Foster Parent Support Meetings

Click here  for a listing of upcoming events, meetings and other activities of foster care support organizations throughout Clark County.


Enhance Your Skills

Various trainings are offered in the community to help enhance caregivers' capacity to parent. Please click on the links below to learn more about exciting training opportunities from which you can benefit.  

Just in Time

Nevada Partnership for Training

The Nevada Registry 

The Parenting Project

April 2015
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month


National Child Abuse Prevention Month is a time to acknowledge the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect. It is also a time to promote the social and emotional well-being of children and families.


During the month of April--and throughout the year--communities are encouraged to share child abuse and neglect prevention strategies and activities that promote prevention.


What can you do? Go to for resources and information to promote children's social and emotional well-being and prevent child maltreatment within families.

Watch for Your Invitation to
Passport to Partnership

Don't miss this upcoming opportunity for licensed DFS caregivers and case managers to learn important information about the Partnership Agreement developed by the Quality Parenting Initiative's Child Welfare workgroup, get caregiver ID badges and much, much more!


Come to the Event for:

Licensing Renewal Training Hours

Caregiver ID Badges

Drawings and Prizes!


What: Passport to Partnership

When: Monday, May 11, 2015, 6 - 8 p.m. OR Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 4 - 6 p.m.


This event is by invitation only.



Passport to Partnership is presented by:


Serenity Now...
Coping with Stress as a Caregiver

If you're reading this newsletter, chances are you took a few minutes out of your busy day to make the time for it. What else is on your "to do" list for today? Dinner? Cleaning? Taking the kids to the doctor? For some, the thought of taking on the day's tasks is stressful.


Coping with stress is a necessity for any caregiver. How can you manage a stressful situation? Anne-Marie Abruscato, LCSW of Mojave Adult, Child and Family Services weighs in this month with a few tips to help you relax and manage your stress level.


Click here to read Anne-Marie's article.

Spotlight on Quality
Christen Murray:
Quality Foster Care Team Member
Each month the Foster Parent Champion Program highlights a caregiver, case manager, or other foster care team member who exemplifies the quality of care that we strive for as a community focused on the needs of children.


Navigating the Medicaid system is not an easy task for any caregiver. IV-E Eligible? Prescriptions needing to be filled? Pending status? It sometimes feels like a different language! That's where Christen Murray comes in.


Christen joined the DFS Eligibility Team in November 2013 and has been translating the Medicaid language for caregivers since then. Christen creates positive energy with each team member she works with and offers exceptional customer service day in and day out.


Click here to read Christen's story and learn what makes her the Spotlight on Quality honoree this month.


Do You Know a Quality Caregiver or Case Manager?
To nominate a caregiver, case manager or other foster care team member that you believe demonstrates quality care, please email your nomination to or call us at 702-455-1149. The Foster Parent Champion Program is available Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Parental Visitation:
the Path to Reunification


What is the strongest indicator of family reunification? Parental visitation. While sometimes emotional for all parties involved, visitation facilitates the bonds between foster parents and children while maintaining the connection with the biological parents. Mark E. Lissor of the DFS Visitation Center discusses the value and importance of parental visitation.


Click here for his article.

Community Events:
Baseball, Rodeo & Kids Festivals!


Spring Break is winding down for the kids, but the weather's heating up and so are the fun activities for the whole family! Once you're done with egg hunts and other weekend holiday festivities, here are a few ways the family can keep the party going. 

  • Slide into Spring! Wet 'n' Wild Las Vegas: open 10:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. every Friday and Saturday in April (except April 25 - 26).
  • Play ball! The Las Vegas 51s open their 2015 home schedule on Friday, April 17 at Cashman Field. Click here to see the complete 2015 schedule.
  • Yeehaw! The Clark County Fair & Rodeo rides back into town from Wednesday, April 8 - Sunday, April 12, 2015.
  • FREE Festival for the kids! The Clark County Children's Festival returns to Winchester Cultural Center & Park on Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.  

For the latest information on fairs, activities and fun for the whole family, bookmark the Clark County Events Page.

Introducing the QPI Kids Korner!

Have you got something to say? If you are under 21 years of age and would like to be one of our featured story tellers, please send an email with your answer to this topic: Tell us about the best vacation you ever took with a foster family.


Your story can be five words, 500 words or anything in between! Too young to write your story? Draw us a picture and send it to the address below. Please include your initials and your age with your story or drawing. We look forward to sharing your stories and drawings right here next month.


Send your story or drawing to We can't wait to hear from you!

QPI Workgroup Spotlight: Communications

Shaping the strategy and crafting the messages that support and promote the Quality Parenting Initiative throughout the Department of Family Services, the caregiver community and community partners is one of the top priorities of the QPI Communications workgroup. The Communications workgroup, which is made up of 10 - 20 dedicated individuals that includes caregivers, child welfare professionals, law enforcement agents, DFS employees, medical/mental health professionals and many more.


The Communications workgroup's efforts include: writing and publishing The Caregiver Courier, communications strategies for the QPI brand in Clark County and promoting the outcomes of all QPI workgroups. Most importantly, the Communications workgroup promotes awareness and support for children in foster care as well as foster parents.


Co-Leads: Kevin J MacDonald, DFS; Jennifer Erbes, Olive Crest.


Meetings: Third Thursday of each month (usually 9:30 - 11 a.m.) at DFS's central location, 121 S. Martin Luther King Blvd.


Want to get involved? The Communications workgroup is always looking for motivated, engaged caregivers and community members who want to join in developing communications solutions to benefit all children in care.


If you're interested in learning more about this workgroup, please contact or call 702-455-1196.


From the NPFA:
Have You Done Your Taxes Yet? NFPA's Tax Guide Available Now
The National Foster Parent Association publishes an annual guide  for foster, adoptive and kinship parents that explains the ins and outs of how in-home care affects your federal taxes.


The "Tax Benefits for Foster, Adoptive Parents and Kinship Caregivers" resource guide provides you with valuable information worth several thousand dollars or more in tax benefits.


Available to NFPA Individual members only (join NFPA now!).


Everyone Can Be a Hero.
Who's Been Yours?


This year, the National Foster Parent Association wants to give you the opportunity to submit a video, poem, photo of artwork, photograph or a letter to let the special hero in your life be celebrated by the National Foster Parent Association.


Every hero nominated is a winner! Whether you want to nominate a young person in foster care/adoption/kinship care, a social worker or other human services professional or a parent or caregiver that has made a difference in your life or that of another, we want to know.


Please take time to submit a poem, a picture of a piece of artwork you have dedicated to your hero, a photograph that shows your hero in all their glory or a short video telling that person they are your hero. Everyday heroes need to be celebrated, and this is our chance to do just that.


Submit your hero nomination here. We will do everything we can to be sure all the heroes you tell us about get a special tribute at our Hero's Gala and on our website after the convention has adjourned.

Clark County Department of Family Services | 702-455-5444 |
121 S. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89106