Mother Son


Your place for news, updates and events brought to you by the Quality Parenting Initiative Nevada.
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Making sure every child living in foster care is cared for by a caregiver (foster, relative, fictive and/or adoptive) who provides skilled, nurturing parenting while helping the child maintain connections to his or her family. 
The QPI Nevada Brand
Foster parents nurture children who have experienced trauma and provide a safe, loving and healing environment in which the children can thrive. They are parenting partners who honor and support family relationships. Foster parents are dedicated, informed and committed advocates for children. They are instrumental and fully supported members of the child and family team. Great foster parents make a difference for children and families in our community.

QPI Calendar of Events & Foster Parent Support Meetings

Click here  for a listing of upcoming events, meetings and other activities of foster care support organizations throughout Clark County.


Enhance Your Skills

Various trainings are offered in the community to help enhance caregivers' capacity to parent. Please click on the links below to learn more about exciting training opportunities from which you can benefit.  

Just in Time

Nevada Partnership for Training

The Nevada Registry 

The Parenting Project

May 2015

The many faces of foster care.
T his month we acknowledge the many faces of foster care: former foster youth and foster alumni, caregivers, family members, child welfare professionals, policymakers, community partners and many more who strive to make lives better for our children in care. 

During National Foster Care Month, we renew our commitment to more than 3,000 children in Clark County foster care. Together we are reunifying families; helping children find safe and nurturing caregivers; building caring communities and nurturing environments to call home; and helping people in our community.

In May, we celebrate people like you who make a meaningful difference in the lives of our children. Click here to find more information and resources to get involved.


Spring Holiday Egg Hunt was
an Egg-cellent Time!



More than 300 children in care took part in the annual Spring Holiday Egg Hunt on April 2, 2015. Music, magic, dancing and an old-fashioned egg hunt highlighted the day. The annual event is made possible through collaboration with Clark County Commissioner Lawrence Weekly and generous donations from the Children's Service Guild as well as our community partners.

Clark County Commissioner Lawrence Weekly, right, with
performer Jeff Civillico at the annual Egg Hunt.


The kids filled their buckets with goodies while everyone enjoyed entertainment provided by Win-Win Entertainment. 

McGruff the Crime Dog was on hand to take a bite out of crime...
and perhaps a chocolate bunny!


DJs from Hot 97.5 FM brought the jams for the annual Egg Hunt.

Caregiver Feature Flick: That Packet!
Critics Rave...That Packet! Unpacks the Mystery  of the Medical Passport

Video of the Month:

Medical Case Management

Length: 32 minutes

Training Hours: ½ credit

Rating: ★★★★★



You know "that packet" that they give you when you pick up a child from Child Haven? Or maybe you have received "that packet" in the mail if you picked up a child from a hospital or from another caregiver? If it's your first time receiving "that packet," you may have been feeling overwhelmed with the children's immediate needs and you may not have even realized what has been provided to you. "That packet" is called the Medical Passport and is an important tool in helping you parent the children in your home.


The Medical Passport contains valuable medical information for the children in your care. Like all medical documents, you might need a translator to understand what those documents mean. This video is just that - your personal translator for the Medical Passport!


This training helps Clark County caregivers navigate the medical case management system for children in their care. The training presents information on the medical passport, medical documents, and the services offered by the Positively Kids clinic. The audience learns the importance of tracking medication and the impact that improper tracking can have on children. 


This video is specific to Clark County, conducted by a local professional and covers the process caregivers in Clark County will follow. At the end of the training, the audience will know how to effectively manage youths' medical needs. 


Click here to watch the video.

Mother's Day & Father's Day: A Challenge for Children Separated From Parents


Every year, we are bombarded with messages about Mother's Day and Father's Day. It is the theme on television shows, commercials and radio. It is reflected on social media pages. But are these holidays occasions of joy for everyone? 


Anne-Marie Abruscato of Mojave Adult, Child and Family Services offers some advice and tips for caregivers to help children deal with their emotions around these two holidays.


Click here to read her article.

Wherever You Go, I Go:
Children in Care are a Part of the Family


Caregiver Mike Pochowski

One of our most popular stories last year dealt with an issue near to all caregivers: respite. As we head into the summer months-full of gatherings, vacations and good times-we thought we'd share long-time caregiver Mike Pochowski's thoughts again on the issue of respite care, vacations and children in foster care.


"I implore you to bring your foster children with you on vacation," says Mike. "Seek whatever help you can from the Department (of Family Services), which is as equally committed to providing quality care, to make travel a reality for these children who desperately need us."


Click here to read Mike's story.

Spotlight on Quality
Pat Johnson: Quality Caregiver
Each month the Foster Parent Champion Program highlights a caregiver, case manager, or other foster care team member who exemplifies the quality of care that we strive for as a community focused on the needs of children.


Did you know that some of the top reasons to foster or adopt a teen are:

  • They can program your cell phones and DVRs
  • They can teach you how to operate your computer.
  • They can keep you up to date on the latest fashion and trends.
  • No formula, diapers, bottles or burp rags required! 

Pat Johnson is a dedicated caregiver who has fostered teenagers for the last 23 years both here in Clark County and in California. What are her top reasons for caring for teens? For the love and the laughter!


Click here to read Pat's story and learn what makes her the Spotlight on Quality honoree this month.

Do You Know a Quality Caregiver
or Case Manager?
To nominate a caregiver, case manager or other foster care team member that you believe demonstrates quality care, please email your nomination to or call us at 702-455-1149. The Foster Parent Champion Program is available Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
School's (Almost) Out.

Are You Ready for the Summer?


Your kids are already counting down the days to summer vacation. Are you prepared for them? Back by popular demand, the Caregiver Courier Summer Activities List! 


Click here to check out these great, family-friendly events and activities in and around the Vegas Valley. Summer camps, movies, water parks and much more! 


Spring Celebration Makes a Splash!

Judge Frank Sullivan gets dropped in the dunk tank at the
Spring Celebration & Foster Connection.


The tranquil Tule Springs Preserve came to life on April 4, 2015 for City of Las Vegas Councilman Steve Ross' annual Spring Celebration & Foster Connection. The event was free and open to the public.

Children put their creativity to work at the
Spring Celebration & Foster Connection.
High school improv group Compulsive Liars takes suggestions from the audience for a sketch at the Spring Celebration & Foster Connection.


An estimated 4,000 people turned out for prizes, raffles and entertainment. Best of all, they learned how to get involved in helping children in care in Clark County. 

Michael Knight of DFS, left, joins City of Las Vegas Councilman
Steve Ross onstage at the Spring Celebration & Foster Connection.


In addition to the great entertainment, DFS officials report they collected more than 50 names of people interested in learning more about becoming licensed caregivers.

Mojave Max came out of his shell and had fun with the crowd at the Spring Celebration & Foster Connection.


The QPI Kids Korner!

Have you got something to say? If you are under 21 years of age and would like to be one of our featured story tellers, please send an email with your answer to this topic: Tell us about the best vacation you ever took with a foster family.


Your story can be five words, 500 words or anything in between! Too young to write your story? Draw us a picture and send it to the address below. Please include your initials and your age with your story or drawing. We look forward to sharing your stories and drawings right here next month.


Send your story or drawing to We can't wait to hear from you!

Clark County Department of Family Services | 702-455-5444 |
121 S. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89106