The Call

The Newsletter


St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church

Centered in God, Focused on Others


The Reverend Patricia Handloss, Interim Rector

Sean Glennon, Music Director

Linda Gelinas, Sr. Warden

Joanne Bibeau, Administrative Assistant Jesse Avellino, Sexton

Courtney Hill, Sunday School Director

Dear Friends,


One of the great privileges of priesthood is giving the Body of Christ to the faithful. Placing it in their hands. Hands, no two are alike and in so many forms, well tended and rough callused. Dirt under the fingernails and stained from plants or paint, or oil. Damaged from the work the hands do, manicured on Newbury Street or broken nails, bejeweled or plain; all are the hands reaching out for Christ to enter into their lives. It never stops being the most important thing I do. Those hands beautiful in all their iterations are the hands that seek The Christ and become the hands of Christ.


We use our hands for so many things in this computerized world, but the touch of the hand remains important and necessary. The hands of Christ write, build, plant, repair, create, nurture, hold the sick and dying, heal, comfort the wounded, hold the newborn, feed the babies and the ill, clean up messes—our hands are an extension of our soul. Our hands are the hands of Christ in our life. 


I wish you a Blessed Triduum and a Glorious Easter.


TONIGHT, March 28, Maundy Thursday

Service of Holy Communion

Washing of Hands

Stripping of the Altar

7:00 p.m.

March 29, Good Friday

Church open at 7 a.m. on for personal prayer and veneration of the Cross

Tenebrae Service

7:00 p.m.

March 31, Easter

Holy Eucharist

Flowering of Cross

9:30 a.m.

Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday

Please have children meet Courtney by the side garden entrance immediately after Church to take part in the Easter egg hunt. Bring a basket to collect your goodies!

 EASTER OFFERING for St. Andrew’s:  See envelopes in Narthex and in pews & bulletins on Easter Sunday.

FLOWERS FOR THE FLOWERING OF THE CROSS ON EASTER SUNDAY: Please remember to bring flowers to join in flowering the Cross on Easter Sunday. 

In 1974, at a church in Philadelphia, a group of eleven women were ordained to the Episcopal priesthood at a time when only men were eligible for ordination. This story is told in the compelling new documentary “The Philadelphia Eleven” which we will screen here at St. Andrew's ON APRIL 25, 2024.

GOOD FRIDAY OFFERING in support of ministries of Anglican communion Province of Jerusalem & Middle East

Please make a gift to the Good Friday Offering in one of the following ways: 

  1. Give securely at: 
  2. To give via phone or for gifts of stock, call (800) 334-7626 x6002. 
  3. Send check to:  

DFMS-Protestant Episcopal Church US 

P.O. Box 958983 

St. Louis, MO 63195-8983 

Make your check payable to: The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society with “Good Friday Offering” in memo field.  

The Good Friday Offering affirms the dignity of the poor, the war-torn, and those in desperate need as God’s ministry is done. Thank you for spreading hope’s message through your gifts and prayers. 

Confirmation & Sunday School News


The students meet with Rev. Pattie after the 9:30 services on Sundays.

Mark your calendars. Confirmation will take place Saturday, June 15 2024 at 10:30am for the South Shore Deanery at Church of St. John the Evangelist, Duxbury, MA; Bishop Alan M. Gates scheduled to preside.



We are collecting donations of diapers and Similac formula from now until Mother’s Day, May 12, 2024

Help fill care baskets for the babies in shelter at the Baymont Hotel

and the Pilgrim’s Hope shelter in Kingston. All are under the care of

the Plymouth Area Coalition for the Homeless.

Donations needed: Diapers (sizes 4,5 and 6); Similac formula (blue) powdered.

Donations can be dropped off at the stage in the Parish Hall. See Sherry Long with any questions. Thank you!


Paint & Potluck Night with Friendship Home (Spring edition) will take place in St. Andrew’s Parish Hall on Saturday, April 13 at 5:00 pm.

Please use this link to sign up: EVENTBRITE LINK  [] 

When purchasing tickets ($20) you will need to use the password "friendship."  Note: maximum attendees for painting is 25. Also, we ask that you bring a potluck dish (typically we feed about 45 people).  Any questions, contact Sherry Long at  


St. Andrew’s collects items for the Hanover Food Pantry. Please drop off in the narthex. Our current needs are: Our current needs are: salt/pepper; pancake mix; ketchup; mayonnaise; baked beans; instant white rice; pudding cups; canned mixed fruit; canned pears; coffee: ground/decaf/instant; juice: bottles 

Dianne and Paul Nicol have created a St Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Hanover - 28th Annual Mother's Day Walk for Peace TEAM. Use this LINK - to JOIN the TEAM as a WALKER and/or to donate in support of the walkers.

More information . . .

   Paul & I walked in last year’s Mother’s Day Walk to benefit the Louis D Brown Peace Institute because of the increase in gun violence and mass shootings throughout the country. I found the need to do something!

   It was not the first time we had participated in the walk. After the shooting at Sandy Hill Elementary School in 2012, Bishop Tom encouraged groups from the churches in the diocese to form teams and walk. Ama Beth created a team and we joined her. It was a powerful experience to listen to and walk with people affected by gun violence.

   So in 2023, when I was looking for something positive to do to fight the darkness, I returned to the Mother’s Day Walk. Listening to the speakers last year and learning what the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute does was incredibly moving. 

   The Louis D. Brown Peace Institute provides immediate tangible support for families of homicide victims. The Survivors Outreach Services provide emotional and practical support to the survivors. The practical support includes helping with burial and other support. The SOS team is in contact with the family of any murder victim in MA within 24 hours.

   The Institute also has a community reentry program to assist those previously incarcerated integrate back into their family and community.

   Check out their website to learn more about their important work.

   If you are not able to join us for the walk, we hope you would consider making a donation to help them continue this important work.

   Thank you,

   Dianne and Paul Nicol


We are in the process of forming an Evangelism Committee to generate and pursue ideas on how to grow our parish community by attracting like-minded individuals seeking a church community that aligns with our values and beliefs in sharing the love of God with others. This group will then be able to work closely with the new Priest in Charge upon that person’s arrival. If you are interested please contact Linda Gelinas,, 781-490-3987.

Email: or call (781-826-2062) with the name and date of birth for yourself and your loved ones. Each month or quarter we will list the names (without ages – unless requested!) and offer a special blessing on a designated Sunday for all of those celebrating a birthday that month or quarter.

OFFICE HOURS: For month of APRIL, the office will be OPEN

  • every Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.;
  • every Thursday noon to 6:00 p.m. and
  • alternating Tuesdays and Fridays, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. as follows:
  • Tuesday, APRIL 9 & 23;
  • Friday, APRIL 5 & 19


THANK YOU to all who have sent in your 2024 Pledge Card. If you have not yet done so, please return it ASAP in the addressed return envelope by:

"snail mailing" it, bringing it with you on Sunday, or dropping it off at the office ASAP. (NOTE TO ONLINE GIVERS: There is place on the Pledge Card to indicate you will be making your donations online so please submit your Pledge Card even if you change your pledge amount online.)

We are reminded throughout Scripture that God has formed an everlasting covenant with us. This covenant is an invitation to enter into relationship with God and to act together in harmony with one another and all the earth. As we launch the 2024 Bishops’ Annual Appeal, we invite you to join us in deepening covenants we have formed as the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts.

Our diocesan mission strategy is a covenant to become ever more faithful and generous disciples of Jesus. With your support, the Bishops’ Annual Appeal promotes this goal through lifelong Christian formation, youth and young adult ministries, racial justice and creation care initiatives, as well as multicultural and immigration outreach.

The appeal newsletter and donation envelope are available at church or by contacting the parish office. Please place your gift in the Offering on “Ingathering Sunday,” at the end of Lent. You may also mail it back directly to the diocesan office. Together, we are able to accomplish that which we cannot do alone!


Joan & Keith Macleod - Hilarie Lennan - Pam F - Lee G. - Kristyn & Jesse - Gene and Maryann - Jackie - Sally Cotten - Kristen, Marc & Eleanor - Edgar, Gary, Glenn, and Gayle & Darrell and Kassandra & Korey - Don S - Steve K - Nancy – Heather – Teddy - Jackie H. - Michael Curry - John and Janet – Dwayne - Tracy Sprows - Sally W.- Cathey Gately - Barbara W .- Betsy S.- Barbara K. - JoAnn K. - Pam W. - Charlotte C. - Paul M. - Karen C. - Carolyn R. - Ashley E. - Sue G. - Meredith C. - Seth H. - Joann K. - Gerry M. - Paul Sheehan - Bonnie T. – Jerry - Bob S. - Nancy Huntley - Sally D. – Janice – Lisa – Alex – Bruce – Muriel - Paul R. - Susan J.- Diane G.-Beth - Marilyn - Sara, Matthew & Trang 

Hybrid Worship Service

Sundays 9:30 A.M.


Please note the following updated worship guidelines:

  • Masks optional.

  • Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance to the church, and for use before and after Holy Communion.

For those participating in the service from home, please join us on our Facebook link:

We want to thank you for your patience during this time. As always, the safety and health of our members is paramount.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak with a member of the Vestry.