The CENTER of Christian Civilization!

GOOGLE Wants to "Re-Sequence" Your Mind

Consider the work of God: who can make straight what he has made crooked? In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that will be after him. Ecclesiastes 7:13–14

The entire history of man can be described as a tug of war. Man has been pulled by both powers. It has been a struggle to determine which side to belong to. This is the agony of man. SMM, “Today in the Light of Dispensational History," Feb. 23, 1977

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim spoke about traveling to Texas this week and noted the 100,000 “mega" crowd at the Trump Rally in New Jersey, a “blue state.” Just because there are huge “MAGA” rallies, don’t automatically assume that Trump will win. 

Michael Knowles interviewed Dr. Robert Epstein who has done research about Google’s manipulation of online information. He recruited 14,000 volunteers who allowed Dr. Epstein to see what Google is sending them. There were 2-3 times more reminders to vote sent to Democrats. They have million of pages of personal data on each computer user so they know a lot about us! Dr. Epstein tried to give info to the New York Post to publish the story, but 45% of online traffic to that newspaper comes through Google, so they finally said no.

The global elites speak about “re-sequencing” humanity. It’s the same totalitarian agenda.

Sanctuary Service 5/12/2024

Most people blindly followed official government COVID announcements and went along when the authorities banned the “unvaxxed” from flying on planes and required healthy young people to take the experimental mRNA drug. They joined a leftwing Cult.  AstraZeneca has withdrawn its COVID vaccine because people died from blood clots.

Religion can shame you, but government can imprison or even kill you. The same censorship systems are ongoing. U.S. Senator Ted Cruz did get Google to shut off the "cheating" filter in Georgia in advance of the Senate races in 2022. They can turn the algorithms on or off.

When a nation gets rid of Christ it will worship power, wealth, and hedonism. The center of Christian culture is sacrificial love for others. When we sing a hymn it is meant to be a love song to God. To say thank you to God leads to respecting your neighbor, even if he is humble.

Oppressive (Official Music Video)

Jordan Peterson said Andrew Tate is bringing his fans to an “Islamic hell” based on multiple wives. The minute you give up the ideal of one husband and one wife, then your civilization is declining. The whole culture will crumble.

 In history only 40% of men got to reproduce. Women have to be highly selective, looking for a strong, successful man, but they can confuse confidence with strength.

A culture based on power incentivizes evil with no restraint on ruthless men who will terrorize society. Islam leads to conquering, not self-sacrifice for others. Islam means “submission.” Its goal is to make everyone submit to Allah and impose Sharia law. As Europe abandons Christianity, churches are being transformed into restaurants, so it will be easy for Islam to dominate.

When a culture is taken over by Christ, the focus is on aspiring to live for Christ, on virtue, on the character of someone conforming to God’s ideal. It is not a wide path. You join the NPG (Narrow Path Gang).

King King (Official music video)

America is importing people who are used to tyranny and who will vote for whoever is offering free stuff. In today's culture many women have been sexually intimate with numerous men, and ready to kill their unborn babies. Generations ago, women understood there were consequences to uncommitted sex. 

Christianity is not just about belief. We are in training to be better, to resemble Christ and to find ultimate meaning in sacrificial love.

From Job 21 we learn that the wicked are not always punished during their lifetimes. God allows suffering so people learn to pursue good.

Revealing: Jesus and Adam's Shared Mission

We need to love beyond our own families. We receive the love, blood and tears of Jesus and True Father. A man who has a strong covenantal relationship with his wife and his children has a lot to fight for.

Jordan Peterson says that marriages that have 70 minutes of “reconnoitering” interaction between husband and wife each week last longer. Otherwise they will grow apart. 

Divine Principle teaches that give-and-take centered on God produces joy. Pray for the gospel to spread throughout China, where many Christians get thrown into prison, but still persevere with faith. Let us do our part, regardless of what happens in the world.


Karen Bracken- Tennessee Citizens for State Sovereignty

Black Rambo "Love for Firearms and Country"

Ronald Drucker "Healing the Root Cause"

Phil Kline - Fight against Pedophilia & Election Fraud

True Father Prepared Hyung Jin Nim as his Successor

by Jim Stephens

This article will present the evidence that I can clearly see which shows that True Father trained and prepared Hyung Jin Nim as his heir and successor.

Just as Jesus knew that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed, True Father could foresee that Hyun Jin (Preston) and then later Hak Ja Han were going to betray him.

True Father knew all his life by the Principle of Creation that he had to establish God’s lineage on the earth in order to build the Kingdom of God.

He spoke extensively about “love, life, and lineage.” Therefore he knew that he had to have a lineage and thus a successor to carry on after he passed to the Spirit World.

After the many failures of a long line of John the Baptist figures, True Father must have realized that God’s Kingdom was not going to be established during his physical lifetime.

(read rest of Jim Stephen's essay)

Woke Hanism Contradicts DP!

by Peter Daly

FFWPU lecturer Robert Kittel gave a presentation explaining Hak Ja Han’s new ‘Only Begotten Daughter' theology. He said that in the Divine Principle, the Tree of Life means Perfect Adam, and so the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil means Perfect Eve. He said that when he joined the church in 1975 he was taught wrongly that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil means immature Eve before the Fall.

His claim is wrong according to the Divine Principle because, throughout all the time when Father was alive, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was always understood to be immature Eve before the Fall, ‘Good and Evil’ indicating the two possible ways she could have gone.

In any case, the Tree of Life only meant Adam in perfection and we know he never reached perfection, so clearly the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil standing next to the Tree of Life meant immature Eve. If it was perfect Eve, as Robert Kittel states, then how could a perfect woman fall?

(Read rest of article.)

Lou Jasikof Interview "Kids for Cash"

Whistleblower Lou Jasikof, publisher of the Independent Gazette, discusses the "Kids for Cash" and "Custody for Cash" corrupt judiciary scandals in Pennsylvania and a proposed bill to record video and audio in courtrooms and in judge chambers.

"Let My People Go" by Dr. David Clements Eye-opening documentary about the 2020 Selection!


Dear Father Music Video

Grand Sanctuary Meeting

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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