The Broadcaster Online
Week of June 4, 2023
What About Tolerance?
Mike Riley
In our post-modern world, “tolerance” is the one virtue that is esteemed above all others. It may soon become the only virtue our society will accept. Traditional virtues such as humility, chastity and temperance have long fallen out of public favor, and in some circles, are openly ridiculed. Acts once universally labeled “immoral” and “ungodly” are now celebrated under the guise of “tolerance”. Abortion, homosexuality and pornography are today championed by dozens of advocate groups and lauded by the mainstream media. Marital infidelity and divorce are so common in our present day society that few families have escaped its bitter consequences.

The Preachers of Tolerance
As the socially “enlightened ones” preach to the masses about being tolerant of those “different” than us, they are in fact the most “intolerant” of all people. These individuals are intolerant of those who hold to and embrace New Testament Christianity. In their “demands” of tolerance from people, they themselves cannot tolerate anyone who holds to the doctrine of Christ. They refuse to accept those who believe in “one body” and “one spirit”; those who preach “one hope”; those who declare the truth that there is but “One Lord, one faith, one baptism …” (Ephesians 4:4-6).

These “tolerant ones” cannot tolerate anyone who dares to believe in the inspired word of God as the sole source of truth and authority (John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17). They are “intolerant” of those who live by a morality based upon God’s divine will. These folks believe that being a child of God automatically makes one “intolerant”, dangerous and in need of “sensitivity training” so that we might become as “tolerant” as they.

The Church and Tolerance
Unfortunately, as the world goes, soon the church follows. There are many in the church who have now taken up the banner of “tolerance”, not only embracing the denominations, but accepting their false teachings as well. Such false doctrines as: (1) direct operation of the Holy Spirit; (2) use of musical instruments in worship; (3) acceptance of Calvinistic teachings (such as you are saved “before” baptism, denying the necessity of the blood of Christ in cleansing us from all sins (Revelation 1:5); (4) impossibility of apostasy; (5) original sin (sinful nature).
Like those in the post-modern world, these “tolerant ones” in the church are very “intolerant” toward those who challenge them. Labeling those they judge to be intolerant as “traditional” and “legalistic”, they look upon all who demand book, chapter and verse as “dangerous” to the spirit of the Bible and the cause of Christ.

Brethren, we must not only reject the “post-modern” value of “tolerance”, we must also reject these “enlightened ones” in the church of our Lord. Instead of succumbing to the temptation of being “tolerant” to those in error, we must hold fast to, “the form of sound words …” (2 Timothy 1:13-14).

Let us faithfully guard the treasure of truth entrusted to us (1 Timothy 6:20; 2 Timothy 1:14; Titus 1:3; 1 Thessalonians 2:4) against all – both outside and inside the church. If faithful Christians do not – then who will?
Leon Cort
Mark Craigwell
Mark Craigwell

Assistant Minister
Denver Simmons
Raleigh Gallington
Anthony Johnson
Gregory Johnson
Carlfred Malcolm
Albert Martin, Jr.
Walter Maxwell
Richard Meuse
Barry Person
Jason Reid

In Memoriam
Gone, but never forgotten, our beloved brother,
James W. Wade

Sermon for Sunday, June 4, 2023
Springs Without Water
2 Peter 2:17
Speaker: Mark Craigwell
News & Notes

Masks are now optional for our in-person services and events, but all other COVID protocols remain in effect, including signing up for Sunday worship services in advance.

America Cross's 6th Grade Graduation: Monday, June 12th, David Ellis School. Details under Upcoming Events below..

Warwick CoC Ladies’ Day and Luncheon: Sat., June 10th at 9AM. RSVP via the link under Women's Ministry below no later than June 4th.

Youth & Family Ministry
  • Boys 2 Men, Saturday, June 17th, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Details below.

Mature in Heart Pennsylvania Trip Payments: All payments are due by the end of June. Please see Bro. Gallington to find out how much you owe, and please submit any payments to Sis. Keitrice Johnson or Sis. Elizabeth Nagarajah. See details below.
Don't Miss Out! Please scroll through the entire e-bulletin each week to be certain not to miss any important announcements or links. Many items are repeated each week, but there are also new announcements that you'll miss if you don't scroll through the entire bulletin.
Sunday Worship Schedule
We will continue to offer two Sunday morning worship services to accommodate in-person attendees
The first service begins at 8:30 a.m. and runs until approximately 9:45 a.m.; the second service begins at 11:00 a.m. The weekly adult Bible class/devotional begins at 10:00 a.m. The usual sign-up rules and COVID protocols remain in effect, except that effective Sunday, May 14, 2023, masks will be optional at all in-person events (see detailed COVID response notice under NEWS & NOTES above). When you access the online sign-up form, you will be required to specify which service you would like to attend. Once capacity has been reached for a particular time slot, the form will no longer accept new registrations for that time slot. We will continue to livestream the 11:00 service on our YouTube channel, and we encourage members to utilize e-giving, even when attending in person.


In-Person Worship Sign-up

Please also note that there is a new registration link each week.

E-giving link

Livestream link
The Cross family invites you to join themon Monday, June 12th at 5:30 p.m. for their daughter America's 6th Grade Graduation from the David Ellis School.
Community Outreach
Our June outreach will take place on Saturday, June 24th at 10 a.m. at the church building. All are welcome and encouraged to participate. Masks optional.
Remote & In-Person
Class/Meeting Schedule
Wednesday Night In-Person & Dial-In Bible Study
Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in-person and via

Dial in number: 978-990-5000
Access Code: 261232#

Or join the class online at
REMINDER: Please remember to mute your phone or computer when joining any of the above conference calls to avoid interrupting the class or service you are entering, particularly if you are joining the call after the event has started.
Prayer Requests
Couples Ministry
The Couples' Ministry meets via Zoom the second and third Fridays of the month at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Women's Ministry
Click here or anywhere in the announcement above to download brochure, which includes registration and speaker information and schedule.

Our April Women's Class will be held on Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the church building, and via Free Conference Call for those who cannot attend in person.
Dial in: 978-990-5000
Access Code: 261232#

Or, join the class online at

Presenter: Sis. Gloria Gallington
Topic: This is Love!

June 2023
Visitor Thank You Letters - Sis. Chardria Sands
Visitor Gift Bags - Pam Alexander
Baptistry -Sis. Caroline Myers
Mature in Heart Ministry
Please note that the dial-in number for this conference call has changed. The new number is 945-218-0112. The access code remains the same, 3730930.
2023 Mature in Heart Pennsylvania Dutch Country Excursion: Our 2023 trip is scheduled for Thursday, September 14th through Friday, September 15th to see a production of “Moses” at the Sight & Sound Theater in Lancaster at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 14th. The cost for bus, hotel, dinner and show is as follows:
  • $340/person for quad occupancy (families)
  • $358/person for triple occupancy (families)
  • $393/person for double occupancy
  • $514 for single occupancy
  • $830/couple for grand king room
Sign up is open now and a $75 deposit is required by to hold a spot. The number is limited by bus capacity and hotel availability. If you have not already done so, please get your deposit in ASAP to secure your spot so we can finalize the theater seating. Seats can only be assigned for purchased tickets.

Payments can be made via our e-giving link at: Please follow up any payments with an email to with the subject line "Pennsylvania Trip Payment" and your name and payment amount in the body of the email so that your payments can be properly recorded.

Men Take Note

Our March Men's Class will be held on Sunday, June 25, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. at the church building.
Retention Ministry
Support Groups
Young Adult Ministry (YAM)
Date of next meeting will be announced.
Youth & Family Ministry

Monthly Ministry Meeting
1st Sunday of each month at 1:00 p.m.
Calendar: June 2023
Meetings & Events
6/2 -Xavier Craigwell's Graduation, Weston Town Green
6/3 - Look Good, Act Good, Feel Good, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. @church building
6/5 - Ministers/Elders/Deacon's Meeting
6/11 - Deacons' Meeting following 11:00 service @church building.
6/12 - America Cross's 6th Grade Graduation - details above
6/17 - Boys 2 Men, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. @church building
6/18 - Retention Ministry Meeting following 11:00 service @church building.
6/24- Community Outreach, 10 a.m.
6/25 - Men's and Women's Classes, 5 p.m. @church building
Ministry Meetings - Please contact your ministry coordinator for remote meeting schedules.
Weekly/Monthly Events
  • Sunday New Converts' Class, 10:00am @church building
  • Sunday Bible Class (children) Sundays at 10:00am @church building
  • Sunday Adult Devotional/Bible Study, 10:00am @church building
  • Sunday Worship Service 8:30 and 11:00 am in person and 11:00 a.m. via livestream on YouTube. See above for details.
  • Men's/Women's Classes, 5pm (4th Sunday of the month) @church building
  • Youth & Family Ministry (1st Sunday of the month at 2pm)
  • Mature in Heart Women's Prayer (Tuesdays @ 10:30am) VIA TELECONFERENCE (connection info above)
  • Prayer Meeting (Tuesdays @ 7pm) VIA TELECONFERENCE (connection info above)
  • Mid-Week Bible Study (Wednesdays @ 6:30pm) in person and VIA TELECONFERENCE (connection info above)
  • Mid-Week New Converts' Class (Wednesdays @ 7pm) @church building
  • Healing Hearts (Thursdays @6:15pm) VIA ZOOM
  • Couple's Ministry (2nd & 3rd Fridays @ 7 pm)
  • Women's Prayer (Saturdays 9:30am) VIA TELECONFERENCE (Connection info above)
  • Ministers/Elders/Deacons Wives Meeting, (3rd Saturday @10 am) @church building
Bro. John Kurpiel, minister for the Lawrence congregation, hosts an international radio program, “Soul Food,” on Mondays and Tuesdays from 11AM until 3PM. The program airs on Ignite Radio Broadcast via Mixlr, an interactive internet radio platform. Use the link below to tune in to listen, or to participate in the conversation. Always free to listen.
Plan of Salvation
Church of Christ in Roxbury
81 Walnut Avenue
Roxbury, MA 02119