Weekly Newsletter | May 10, 2024

Join us for worship this Sunday at

8:30 a.m., 9:45 a.m., and 11 a.m.

Our Scripture readings for this Sunday are: Acts 1:6-11, I John 4:7-12, and John 17.6-19.

Share prayer requests with us by sending them to: prayers@smlutheran.org

For recordings of the Bible study, sermons, matins, and more, please check out our podcasts on Podbean. You’ll be able to connect with Apple Music, Spotify, and more on the Podbean website.

Wednesday Night Dinner: Dinner this Wednesday, May 15, will be dijon chicken, rice, green beans, and salad.

Council Approves New Summer Worship Times: Staff, Worship and Music Committee, and Council have recommended new summer worship times for St. Mark's starting June 16 to Labor Day. We return to the current schedule of 3 services beginning September 8. Click here to read the decision-making process to make this change. See Pastor Audrey if you have questions. Thank you.

Click here for online worship

Cooper Assisting at Holden Village: Recently, the Holden Village community's full-time village musician received an unexpected cancer diagnosis which necessitated them leaving immediately to begin treatment. Cooper Sherry will be providing four weeks of leadership for the village as musician from May 20 to June 17 to support the community during this time. Steve Wolbrecht will provide service music in Cooper's absence.

Semi-Annual Meeting and Call Vote: All members are encouraged to attend the Semi-Annual meeting on June 9 at 12:15 p.m. in the Parish Commons. At this meeting we will vote on the call and compensation for our lead pastor. We will also conduct our normal June semi-annual meeting agenda items including votes on the 2024-25 budget and council and committee members. Lunch will be provided. See you there!

Pastoral Covenant: As Pastor Sigi retires she will abide by this Pastoral Covenant, click to read.

Save the date: A Jello Tribute: Sunday, May 12: following the 11:00 service: As a way to make Sigi's retirement jello reception even more fun and memorable, you are invited to create a dish that celebrates Sigi's ministry. Perhaps a scene from an episode of the Good News Network, a campfire out of jello, a jello tambourine... be creative! Wednesday, May 15: Pastor Sigi’s “Last Wednesday Supper” and “Dance Party” 5:30-8 p.m. here at St. Mark’s RSVP here. Any thank you gifts for Sigi's service will be designated towards a Wellness Fund--to provide resources and scholarships in areas of ministry focused on spiritual and holistic wellness.

Update on the church nursery: We are in the process of hiring a lead caregiver for the nursery. If you find the nursery closed, it is due to the availability of those who serve as assistant caregivers and following the 2 person caregiver rule we've established. If you find the nursery closed, please know you can use the family/cry room off of the sanctuary and of course, children are always welcome in worship. A Prayground designed for children to use is in the front of the sanctuary near the baptismal font. Parents are requested to supervise their children while using this space. Thanks.

Scholarship Applications Due May 12: Graduating HS seniors, the deadline for your scholarship applications is approaching: Sunday, May 12. Check our website for details.

Attention All Crafters: What could you make to donate to the fall St. Mark's bazaar that would sell for 5, 10, 20, or more dollars? Your hard work raises funds to help others here and abroad who need it.

Interfaith Women's Tea: You are invited to an Interfaith Women's Tea and Conversation on May 28 at 6 p.m. here at St. Mark's. If you plan to attend, please RSVP here, and if you are able, bring snacks to share.

Mexico Mission Trip 2024 Support!: A huge thank you to everyone who joined the 2024 Mexico team to celebrate and support this year’s mission trip. In partnership with Lutheran Border Concerns, the team plans to build two houses and repair others damaged by strong rain and wind this coming July. Donations gladly accepted either by check to the church office or through St. Mark’s online giving portal.

Ice Cream and Alliances! Inviting all who have participated in one of our Peace and Justice alliances -- and anyone else who is interested and likes ice cream -- to gather for an end-of-year celebration: Wednesday, May 22, at 6:30 p.m. We'll share the experiences of 2023-2024, dream dreams, and enjoy. Come!

Meals for Oasis Youth Center: St. Mark's is partnering with Oasis Youth Center to provide meals once a month for LGBTQ+ youth, beginning the first Friday of June. We are looking for volunteers who are willing to prepare a family-style dish for about 20 youth. If you'd like to sign up or are interested in learning more, please reach out to Amy McKnight (ashafer124@gmail.com) or Karis Crocco (a.crocco@comcast.net). Click here for more information.

Care for Creation Hikes this Summer of 2024: Please note the following dates on your calendar for Creation Care hikes this summer. The hikes are reasonably short (3-5 miles) and are geared to people of all ages. June 29-Lena Lake; July 19- Mount Rainier--Sunrise; August 16- Hurricane Hill; September 7- Mount Rainier Paradise. More information in The Bridge will follow.

Spring Ministry Updates: Check out the many activities and plans of St. Mark's alliances and ministries in the attached Spring Ministry Update!

St. Mark's Team Rocks the Hunger Walk: The St. Mark's team was 25 members strong in the 2024 Hunger Walk. The walk raised funds for the Emergency Food Network, working to ensure that no one goes hungry in Pierce County. The St. Mark's team raised $1,281, and donations are still coming in!

Endowment Grants Awarded: The Endowment Committee has awarded $4,000 in grants for 2024. Such grants are for projects or expenses that are not part of the congregationally-approved operating budget. This year’s grants: 

• helped restart the Women’s Retreat by paying the speaker’s expenses,

• helped pay for a solar panel as part of the congregation’s solar energy project,

• helped buy supplies for the labyrinth project,

• provided a scholarship to help expand participation in the Mexico Mission, and

• helped St. Mark’s Preschool teachers with travel expenses for a national training conference.

For further information about these grants, click on this link.

Coming up for Children and Youth at St. Mark's: Classes for all ages PreK-12th grade May 12 & 19, 9:45-10:45 a.m. 

May 19: 3rd-grade Milestone Event--students will receive Bibles during the 9:45 am service and then are invited to participate with a learning event with their parents at 11 a.m. in the PCC, led by Hollye Piercy. Please let Hollye know by Wednesday, May 15, if you are unable to participate. 

May 26: no Faith Formation classes for students PreK-12th grade--Memorial Day Weekend. 

June 2: First Sunday Family Worship Sunday; June 9 last day of classes; 5th grade Milestone Event at 9:45 a.m. with students and parents in the PCC. 

VBS Registration is open!

Inviting Silence is now Drop-In: Looking for more peace and joy in your life? Come join us in Inviting Silence on the 1st and 3rd Sundays in the Fireside Room from 4:30 to 5:40. It’s a time to pause – enjoy quiet and sharing. You may find this practice of pausing/sitting down when sensing anxiety or stress is quite helpful. Opening to Spirit, if only for a few moments makes all the difference. -Candyce Rennegarbe

Wednesday Noon Text Study: Noon Bible Studies has resumed. If you wish to connect with us by Zoom, please contact the church office by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, so that we can send you a link and arrange to have a laptop up and running.

Spring Sunday (9:45) Adult Forums:

May 12 Celebrating Sigi!

May 19 Bread for the World 

See this link for a bit more information.

Support groups in May: Grief support group meets Friday, May 10, at 11 a.m. in the Fireside room.

If you would like more information about the support groups please contact Pastor Sigi Helgeson.

St. Mark's Lutheran Church by The Narrows

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