Here we are on the best beaches of the Gulf of Mexico...Wow has the sun been putting out some heat! I am very happy that our air conditioner has been working this past month because it has been a scorcher. Please be safe if you are out in the heat. If you would like, you can come join us here at the Club and look out over the waters and enjoy the view with out the summer heat.
This past month has been slow with events in the Ballroom other than our normal civic groups that meet regularly and we appreciate them. The dining room has had some busy lunch and dinners lately.
Mary and I are working on a Dinner Theatre and Sunday Gospel Brunch to come soon. Look for more details as they unfold. We are working with Center Stage as they celebrate 50 years here on the coast. We will have some golden ticket to had out if you would like to catch one of the plays. We are also working with David Delk on his Christmas show again this year and it well be a sell out as always.
We are looking for a night time lead cook to work their magic on the evening shifts to create specials and keep the night shift going. We have an opening for a utility worker that is a "jack of all trades" to help with prep, dishes, buffets and all aspects of the Club. If you know someone please get with me or Mary.
We have one month left on the Membership Drive, so if you have friends or family that want to join. This is the time. We will run the special till the end of September.
We would like to Welcome Back the Monday night Gridiron starting in September.
I hope that each of you have a great summer and be safe and don't forget about the Club.
See you soon
PS Don’t forget the sweet tea
Update on my wellness:
Still doing good, went to MD Anderson in Houston and Dr. Campbell is very happy with the results we are getting with the Chemo treatments. I will continue treatments and return to MD Anderson in late October to do more tests and see results. I will start radiation treatments on my pelvic and spinal areas to ease some of the pack pain I am having. I am still very blessed to have each of your continued prayers and Thank You for keeping me in your thoughts.