Sunday, July 21, 2024
The flowers will be placed in the sanctuary this Sunday to the glory of God and in loving memory of her mother, Wilhelmina Overby, given by Betty Ann Waddell.
ELDER on Call:
Week July 14: Bitzie Owens - 843-372-1365
Week of July 21: Paige Brown – 843-372-1565
Deacons for July
1. Elissa Swicord
2. Ross Hundley
3. Dawn Jacobs
4. Esther Harrell
Nursery: Beth Brown
Children’s Church: Laura Hundley
Acolyte: Gretchen Dukes
Meals on Wheels: resumes after summer
Sanctuary Guild/week following: Judy Johnson/Mary Wates
Backpack Blessing: will resume in August
Flowers for July 28: Jamie and Jason Stillinger