The City Clerk's Office is currently in the midst of election season, marked by the approaching Presidential Primary Election slated for February 27, 2024.
Early In-Person Voting
Early In-Person Voting begins in the City of Traverse City on Saturday, February 17, 2024 and will run through Sunday, February 25, 2024 from 9 am to 5 pm.
City of Traverse City Early In-Person Voting Site
Governmental Center
Lower Level Cafeteria
400 Boardman Avenue
Traverse City, MI 49684
In November 2022, voters across Michigan amended the Michigan Constitution to give themselves the right to early in-person voting in all federal and state elections, and to have the option for early in-person voting at all other elections as determined by the local election official, in our case, the City Clerk. Early in-person voting must be provided a minimum of 9 days (beginning the second Saturday before the election through the Sunday before the election) and for 8 hours per day for all statewide and federal elections, with the same minimum day requirement for all other elections where the local election official opts in, with flexibility in hours.
What is Early In-Person Voting?
Early in-person voting allows the registered voter to cast their ballot in-person at an early voting site before the scheduled Election Day. Such a ballot that is cast during early in-person voting is inserted into the tabulator by the voter and therefore tabulated that day.
Absentee Voting
How is Early Voting Different from Absentee Voting?
Absentee voting, also referred to as mail-in voting, is a method that allows the registered voter to receive and submit their ballot by mail or in-person at their local Clerk’s Office. Absentee Ballots are tabulated on election day. As of 2018, all registered voters in Michigan may request an absentee ballot without providing a reason.
New for Absentee Voting!
A voter may run their absentee ballot through a tabulator during Early In-Person Voting or at their precinct on election day (and of course, you may still return the ballot to the City Clerk's Office by 8 pm on election day to have it tabulated by the Absent Voter Counting Board).
Permanent Ballot List
For individuals enrolled in the Permanent Ballot List, it is required to complete a Ballot Selection Form to receive the issuance of an Absentee Ballot for the February election. The City has sent Ballot Selection Forms via mail to all eligible voters on the Permanent Ballot List.
Registering to Vote
Because the next election is within the next 14 days, a voter must register with their local clerk with residency verification in order to vote in the upcoming election on February 27, 2024.