At their Monday, February 12, 2024 meeting, the City Commission will hear an update on a strategy led by the City, related to a year round overnight shelter for the unhoused. Recognizing the immediate urgency of the situation at The Pines, it has been determined in collaboration with partners and service providers that Safe Harbor remains the only viable option for the 2024 season. We are grateful that Safe Harbor has been receptive to ongoing discussions regarding this matter with the City.
An MOU with area partners commits the parties to continued collaboration on this topic with a three pronged approach:
- Develop a proposed plan to keep Safe Harbor open for year-round overnight shelter, effective in 2024.
- Develop cost estimates, funding strategies, and an operating plan for year-round overnight shelter operations.
- Develop proposed roles and responsibilities and necessary agreements to memorialize the same, for consideration of their respective governing bodies.
Chronic homelessness is one of the most complex issues facing our community today. Chronic homelessness is life threatening and complex, but it’s solvable with the right approach.
The presentation provided at the February 12, 2024 meeting will be uploaded to the webpage at the following link.