March 2024 / Vol. 02
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The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will begin their 2.2 mile rebuild of US-31/Grandview Parkway/Front Street between Garfield Avenue and Division Street on March 10, 2024.
Segment 1, Phase 1: March 10
Beginning Sunday evening, March 10th, crews from Team Elmer's will begin work on US-31/Front Street from east of Grandview Parkway to Garfield Avenue, and on M-37 from Front Street north to Peninsula Drive, as well as rocker bearing replacements on the Murchie Bridge over the Boardman/Ottaway River. Work items include setting up traffic controls and barrier wall, material deliveries, pavement and sidewalk removals, storm sewer and sanitary sewer installation, and water main installation.
24 Hour Work: March 10 - 15
Beginning the evening of March 10th, work will be conducted for 24 hours each day, through the evening of Friday, March 15th. The location of this work will be on the two eastbound lanes of Front Street from Grandview Parkway to Peninsula Drive, all lanes of Front Street from Peninsula Drive to Garfield Avenue, the Front Street and Garfield Avenue intersection, and north on Garfield to Peninsula Drive.
Pedestrian Detours
As the roadway and sidewalks will be removed during this first phase of construction, and the roadway will not be traversable, northbound and southbound pedestrians on the east side of the closure will be detoured on Anderson Street, Milliken Drive, Front Street, Fair Street and Eighth Street. Northbound and southbound pedestrians on the west side of the closure will be detoured on East State Street, Railroad Street, East Front Street, Park Street, along the TART Trail, and Front Street. The Murchie Bridge walkway will be closed during the first phase of bridge work. Pedestrian detour signs will be posted. The development of pedestrian and bicycle detour mapping is currently underway.
Vehicular Detours
As work commences on this segment, so will the detour for US-31 and M-37 traffic. Westbound traffic will be detoured on Eighth Street and Railroad Avenue; eastbound traffic will be detoured on Peninsula Drive, Eastern Avenue and Milliken Drive. Northbound and southbound M-37/Garfield Avenue traffic will be detoured on Eastern Avenue, Milliken Drive, US-31/Front Street, Fair Street, and Eighth Street.
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Safety First
By slowing down, obeying signs, and minimizing distractions, we can ensure that pedestrians, drivers, and workers are safe. Emphasizing the importance of slowing down not only enhances road safety but also fosters a collective responsibility that we are all in this together!
Pedestrian Safety
The MDOT detours are expected to result in increased traffic along alternative routes and adjacent areas. In response, the City has taken proactive measures to implement tools aimed at safeguarding pedestrian safety.
- Installed additional in-street crosswalk signage at 13 new locations, supplementing existing locations
- Speed feedback signs have been deployed on select streets that may experience heightened traffic flow during the project
- The City has installed a temporary pedestrian pathway along Eastern Avenue, in addition to MDOT installing a pedestrian pathway along Garfield Avenue near Bryant Park
- Crosswalk painting being conducted to freshen crosswalks along the detoured route primarily
Worker Safety
Drivers play a crucial role in keeping construction zone workers safe. It's essential to remain vigilant for signs indicating lane shifts, reduced speed zones, or flagger instructions, and to follow them accordingly. Additionally, maintaining a safe distance from construction vehicles and workers provides them with the space they need to complete their tasks safely. By respecting construction zones and the individuals working within them, drivers contribute to a safer environment for everyone on the road.
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Businesses Open
Anticipate that the construction will affect businesses, particularly those situated along the construction zone. However, it's important to note that our local businesses will continue to operate, and by demonstrating patience, you can actively support them throughout this period of disruption.
Project Updates
The City will be working closely with MDOT and Team Elmer’s to provide the latest updates throughout this major project. All work is weather permitting.
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Maintaining and improving municipal infrastructure is vital for fostering thriving communities, serving as the backbone for supporting everyday life, facilitating transportation, ensuring access to clean water, promoting public safety, and bolstering economic growth. Neglecting infrastructure can lead to inefficiencies, and safety hazards. Therefore, investing in its upkeep and enhancement is crucial to sustainably propel cities forward, enhance residents' quality of life, and fortify the foundation for future generations.
Bridge Rehabilitation Project
The City successfully concluded a multi-year, bridge rehabilitation project, including the completion of the S. Union Street Bridge and N. Cass Street. The total for both bridge projects in 2023 was approximately $4 million. Since 2021, rehabilitation has been completed on the S. Cass Street Bridge, Eighth Street Bridge, Park Street Bridge, West Front Street Bridge (full reconstruction), S. Union Street Bridge, and N. Cass Street Bridge. Approximately, $13.3 million was invested in bridge rehabilitation between 2021 and 2023.
Madison Jefferson Reconstruction
Madison & Jefferson underwent a complete transformation, replacing existing streets to enhance traffic calming and pedestrian accessibility. The project also included significant upgrades to water and sanitary sewer utilities, while thoughtfully integrating 27 street trees to preserve the urban tree canopy in strategic locations.
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2023 WATER
Maintaining and enhancing water and sewer infrastructure is critical for public health, ensuring clean and safe water for consumption and proper sanitation, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases, and safeguarding the environment from pollution. Upgrading these systems enhances efficiency, reducing infiltration and inflow, while also supporting economic growth by attracting businesses that need reliable water sources for operations. Additionally, it secures the long-term sustainability of the City's infrastructure, minimizing disruptions and ensuring continued functionality.
In 2023, over $10 million was invested into improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the water and sewer system.
Boardman Wall Stabilization & Sewer Relocation Project
The Boardman River Wall Stabilization & Sewer Relocation Project included wall stabilization along the Boardman/Ottaway River to protect a trunk line 24-inch sanitary sewer main that serves the entire west side of Traverse City and portions of Garfield and Elmwood Townships in the 200 block alley north of E. Front Street. Determined to be at risk, a 24-inch sanitary sewer main along the 100 Block alley of E. Front Street between Union and Cass Street was protected (or relocated) since it sat directly on top of the river wall foundation, which was supported by wooden piles. The sewer main was relocated to the south in the alley away from the wall to reduce the risk of sewer failure.
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At their March 4, 2024 meeting, the City Commission approved the purchase of new restroom facilities at West End Beach.
In 2022, the City was awarded a $200,500 Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund grant to replace the bathroom facility at West End Beach and construct a new facility at the RB Parking Lot adjacent to the volleyball courts. A 50% match of $200,500 was required from the City.
The new facilities will be a precast concrete product that is built off-site. They are fabricated with high strength precast concrete to meet all local building codes with design options, meet A.D.A., and to withstand heavy snow, high wind and category E seismic loads. All concrete construction also makes the buildings easy to maintain and withstand the rigors of vandalism.
The City will order the Cortez and Kodiak models and customize the exterior finishing to fit into the surroundings. The buildings are planned for installation in fall 2024.
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Michigan's 2017 Lead and Copper Rule declares that a galvanized water service is a lead service line if it is or ever was connected to a lead gooseneck, and requires the water utility to pay for replacing private water services from the curb stop near the right of way into the building or home.
A lead gooseneck is about a 3-foot-long piece of lead pipe used as a transition between the brass connection at the water main and a threaded galvanized pipe. The City has no known fully lead services (lead pipes).
The City received a DWSRF loan for $3,510,500 and DWI grant for $1,504,500 in 2022 (total $5,015,000) for a 3-year project that included replacement of private galvanized water services that were previously connected to a lead gooseneck. In year one, 118 replacements were completed. It is estimated that approximately 700 additional service lines will need replacement. The City has been awarded a $2 million grant from the Michigan Department of Great Lakes and Energy for the project. It is anticipated that the grant dollars will be able to fund the cost of the remaining service lines.
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On International Women's Day, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the remarkable women who contribute their talent, dedication, and passion to the City of Traverse City, shaping our community with their invaluable efforts! (missing from photo are full time employees Lauren, Leslie, Julia, Jahna, Ann, and Jacqueline) | |
The City of Traverse City's first female mayor was Diane C. Gilbo in 1975.
International Women's Day is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal point in the women's rights movement. The 2024 campaign for International Women's Day is "Inspire Inclusion."
When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.
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