August 2023 / Vol. 01

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August 4

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August 7

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August 8

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In 2019, the City engaged TriData, LLC to conduct a study on the feasibility of providing primary first response Advance Life Support (ALS) transport. At present, the City contracts with a third party to offer this service. The TriData study showed that required response times were not met contractually for several years. To address this issue and enhance services to City residents, the City Commission will consider approving a recommendation to establish a ballot proposal at the November 7, 2023, election to ask the electorate to restore up to 1 mill for the purpose of fire department emergency transportation services and facilities.

Several regional Fire Departments, including Blair Township, East Bay Township, Green Lake Township, Long Lake Township, and Peninsula Township, are already providing ALS services. By offering ALS transport through the Traverse City Fire Department, the City could improve response times and create more efficiencies for its residents. Additionally, there would be continuity in care from City employees, and City resident billing that would involve accepting the amount covered by most insurance. With these benefits, the proposal could provide improved emergency transportation services for City residents.

How 1 Mill Affects Your Tax Bill

Cost per $100,000 in taxable value (PRE/Homestead) is $100. Therefore, a home that has a taxable value of $100,000 will pay approximately $8.33 per month.



The City has substantially completed a multi-year bridge rehabilitation project with the recent completion of the the S. Union Street Bridges in July and the N. Cass Street in June.

N. Cass Street Bridge

Improvements included replacement of existing deck, concrete beams and railing on the existing foundation, widening sidewalks to 8' 7.5", installation of an MDOT crash tested/approved bridge railing detail painted black with aesthetic treatment at ends, and pedestrian railing approaching the bridge. Intermittent lane closures to finalize remaining items on the bridge will occur in the future.

S. Union Street Bridge

Improvements included replacement of existing concrete deck and steel beams on the existing foundation, widening sidewalks to 9' 10", installation of an MDOT crash tested/approved bridge railing detail painted black along sidewalk edge with historic balustrade pedestrian railing to restore original aesthetic treatment, and a pedestrian railing approaching the bridge. Intermittent lane closures to finalize remaining items on the bridge will occur in the future.

City staff coordinated the projects with MDOT’s Traverse City Transportation Service Center and Local Agency Bridge program, the City’s municipal utilities and public services, DDA, State and Federal agencies, property owners, and water recreation businesses. The total for both bridge projects was approximately $4 million with the majority of funds from the MDOT Local Bridge Funding program.



Join the City and Jacobs Engineering for a public open house at the Traverse City Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility on Friday, August 4th from 10 am to 2 pm.  

Tour-goers will follow the path of wastewater as it travels through multiple treatment processes to remove pollutants, and protect the waterway. Attendees will learn how and what microorganisms remove organic matter, what role membrane filtration plays, how biogas produced during digestion is recycled as an energy source, what happens to the solids during and after treatment, and much more.

Plant tours will be provided on the hour

  • 10:00 am
  • 11:00 am
  • 12:00 pm
  • 1:00 pm

Tour Requirements

  • Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult
  • All participants must wear close toed shoes
  • Hard hats and safety glasses are required and will be provided
  • For security purposes, photos are not permitted



AUGUST 7,2023

Decarbonization and Climate Resiliency Resolution

The City is taking an important step towards a more sustainable future with the consideration of adopting the Resolution Towards Decarbonization and Climate Resiliency at the August 7, 2023 City Commission meeting. The resolution builds upon the City's previous efforts to increase renewable energy and sustainability, and expands the focus to decarbonization and climate resiliency.

The resolution provides specific goals for the City to work towards, while also allowing staff to identify the most energy, environmentally, and financially responsible ways to achieve these goals. This approach ensures that the City can balance its operational and service demands with its sustainability goals. By adopting this resolution, the City is demonstrating its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and becoming more resilient to the impacts of climate change. It sets a positive example for other communities to follow in the fight against climate change and creating a more sustainable future.

By June 30, 2025 the resolution calls for the completion of the following:

  1. Baseline Carbon Emissions Inventory
  2. Dashboard and Metrics
  3. City Budget Policy
  4. Budgeting/Funding

Electrification Policy

In addition to the Resolution Toward Decarbonization and Climate Resiliency, the City Commission will consider adopting a Building Electrification Policy at their August 7, 2023 meeting. Decarbonization of the built environment is building electrification. The concept of building electrification has gained significant traction in recent years as a key component of decarbonization efforts aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Essentially, building electrification involves transitioning away from traditional fossil fuel-based systems for heating, cooling, and other energy needs, and instead relying on electric-powered alternatives. This approach can significantly reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future.

The potential benefits of building electrification are numerous, including lower energy costs, improved indoor air quality, and increased resilience to power outages and other disruptions. As such, many cities and municipalities are exploring policies and incentives to encourage building electrification as a means of achieving their decarbonization goals.

The proposed Building Electrification Policy under consideration by the City Commission is one such effort to promote electrification in the built environment. If adopted, this policy would encourage the use of electric heating, cooling, and other systems in new construction and major renovations, while also promoting the retrofitting of existing buildings to transition away from fossil fuels. By taking action to promote building electrification, the City can take meaningful steps towards achieving its climate resiliency goals and creating a more sustainable future for all.

Decarbonization of Energy Production for all of Traverse City is being addressed by TCLP goals of 40% renewable electricity by 2025 and 100% renewable electricity by 2040. Specific to City of Traverse City facilities, the 100% renewable electricity goal was met at the start of 2020.




Recently, the TCFD crew conducted training with a probationary on hose line advancement and motor vehicle extraction! Way to go team TCFD!


August 4th is a significant day in the United States as it marks the U.S. Coast Guard Birthday. Since 1790, the U.S. Coast Guard has been keeping the nation's waterways safe and secure. The U.S. Coast Guard is one of the six armed forces in America, and it is the only military branch under the Department of Homeland Security. This military organization is known for its discipline, valor, and bravery in protecting the country's waterways.

In 1938, a Coast Guard aircraft was assigned as an Air Patrol Detachment at Traverse City. It was tasked to operate on a seasonal basis and determine the feasibility of constructing an air station. This marked the beginning of the Coast Guard's presence in Traverse City. Eventually, in April 2010, Traverse City was designated as a Coast Guard City. It was a recognition of the city's support and commitment to the Coast Guard's service members and their families.

The designation of Traverse City as a Coast Guard City is a great honor. It shows the city's appreciation and gratitude towards the Coast Guard's role in keeping the country safe. The City Coast Guard Committee members have been actively involved in various activities to support and recognize the Coast Guard's presence in Traverse City. One such activity involved sprucing up the public art installation, Guardian, with new letters!

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