Updates to the Madison and Jefferson project were recently presented to the City Commission after a series of public engagement with residents and approved in concept at the October 17, 2022 meeting.
Identified in the City’s Capital Improvement Plan is the reconstruction of Jefferson and Madison. The project character consists of replacing the existing streets with improvements to slow traffic and improve pedestrian accessibility, and also coordination with water and sanitary sewer utility upgrades.
Infrastructure Upgrades
Sanitary Improvements include new mains, upgrading from clay to new PVC. Sanitary Manhole upgrades and clay sewer leads will be replaced to eliminate Infiltration and Inflow (I&I).
Drinking water improvements include new water mains to replace the existing 4” and 6” main with 8”. Increasing the size will also accommodate fire flow and maintain capacity as recommended by the current Water System Reliability Study. New water services to upgrade all services to 1” copper and replace of known and unknow steel lines between the curb stop.
Stormwater improvements include the reduction of impervious surface in the two streets by narrowing the street and reduced crossing distances at the intersections bulb roots. The work includes nature based treatment for the first flush of storm events, to address target pollutants of sediments and surfactants. Treatment solutions include the use of Bio-Swales, Leaching Basins, Dry Wells, Infiltration Trenches, and Outlet Covers.
Increased Tree Canopy
27 Street trees will be planted to increase the density of the existing canopy.
Access & Mobility
A sidewalk on the north side of Jefferson is being proposed. Crossing widths at the intersections are reduced on Madison to encourage shorter pedestrian crossing distances. Parking is being recommended on the east side only on Madison to enhance mobility where sidewalks are most accessible.