In July 2023, the City Commission approved awarding of the preliminary design stage contract for the Progressive Design-Build of the Traverse City Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Preliminary Treatment and Ultra-Violet (UV) Disinfection Improvements. This is a substantially large-scale project that will upgrade the front half of the treatment processes and the final treatment stage, UV disinfection The anticipated expenditure for this upgrade falls within the range of $23.5 million to $29 million. A loan request has been made through EGLE's CWSRF program for 2024 funds. The last comparable project of this scale at the WWTP plant dates back to 2002 when the bioreactor membrane treatment trains were introduced, following a design-build approach that totaled over $31 million. Funding for that previous project relied on municipal bonds, which were successfully paid off this past year.
At the December 4, 0223 meeting, the City Commission will consider entering into a consultant agreement with Hubble Roth and Clark (HRC) to oversee the preliminary design phase, which is planned for a duration of one year. The City has worked with HRC on a number of projects such as the Preliminary and Primary Treatment Headworks Study in 2021. HRC assisted the City with developing the Progressive Design-Build documents for the qualifications-based award of the project design and negotiated the procurement of the contract.
As the City continues to focus on the improvement of water systems, five year project plans for drinking water and clean water (wastewater) have been developed that prioritize project investments of approximately $48 million.