The Alumni Connection - February 2021
Vanguard’s International Student Program (ISP) welcomes international students from around the world to be a part of the 7th-12th-grade community. The 38 International Viking graduates have gone on to colleges around the world.

The impact on a student’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them, through the international student program, enhances our student body in immeasurable ways.

This feature is on one of our first international students in 1991- Giorgi Khaburzania, along with a recent graduate Chamroeun Chhay, as well as current student Grace Yoon.
Article written by - Gretchen Eichenberg
The Gift of an Education!
Alumni have given over $20,000 to support Vanguard Resilience Fund, Scholarship Fund and Vanguard Foundation.

Thank you to the Alumni and Alumni Families who have donated
and supported Education and Vanguard this year.

Giving is easy!

Alumni Giving Back
Vanguard Alumni Give Back Through Coaching

Vanguard's Russel Livesay ('94) vs. Texas Wind's Stef Harms Martin ('94).

Joe Schwartz ('14) and Jake Schwartz ('13), Vanguard Middle School Boys Basketball
Interview with Kyle Deaver
Communication Interns had the honor of meeting with Kyle Deaver, former Vanguard student, and alumni parent. The group talked about our Waco community and how we all have reflected resilience in our actions this last year. Students met the following Wednesday to discuss aspects of the video and what resilience means to them. Click Here to watch.
Check out Jackson Kelly ('20)

New Toyota commercial spot!

Celebrating Veterans Day with an Assembly on WWII & Vietnam History

Facilitated by Faculty, Brad Livingstone

Shelby and Nate Longfellow ('05) welcomed Calvin Shepard Longfellow into the world on Friday, January 15, 2021. They are all happy at home in Memphis, TN.
Exciting news from the Vanguard Foundation!
The Vanguard Foundation held its January meeting on the 27th. Exciting news with our new board members and new website!

The Vanguard Foundation was established in 1992 to help ensure Vanguard College Preparatory School’s position as the best private school in Central Texas for decades to come. It does this by awarding scholarships, building an endowment fund, and making occasional loans to the school to cover operating costs and special projects.
The Vanguard Review - Click below to read!
Quick Facts on Vanguard in 2021
Current Enrollment is 220
Reunions and Events!

Class of 2011 - This is your year! 10-year reunion!

Contact Director of Alumni Relations, Greta Knoll,
to coordinate reunion plans, virtual or in person, for the following classes:
10 year (2011)
20 year (2001)
30 year (1991)
40 year (1981)

Reunions have been celebrated in multiple year classes and around other events. Most 10 year reunions are celebrated in the Spring and 20 year+ at Homecoming in the Fall 

Contact Greta Knoll with questions

Alumni News - Keep us updated!
Click below link to make sure we have your email and address.

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