December 22, 2021

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Families as Allies


We are thinking about all of you and cherishing all of your children—those who are doing well and those who are not, those who are with their families at the holidays and those who are not. For those of you who have lost children, we know holidays can be especially hard. We are holding you in our hearts and remembering your child. We are saying their name.

Joy Hogge signature



The Mississippi Department of Mental Health put out its Mississippi Youth Programs Around the Clock on December 17 and the public comment period ends at 5 PM on January 10.  More information is here and here.

The Coordinator for Mental Health Accessibility filed his second quarterly report and it can be read here.


Family members may drop in to share any concerns or get feedback from others about handling different situations.
Presenters will describe the programs and discuss preliminary research efforts to implementing suicide prevention in schools.
Join other parents for a monthly meeting and online gathering to coach and support other parents in any system.
The Mississippi State Board of Education meeting will be held on Jan. 20th. Participants may attend live or view the meeting via live stream.
This hour is open for any family member to drop in for all or some of the time to ask questions or get feedback about IEP issues.
Join in as we share an overview of Families as Allies’ parent peer support training curriculum and ongoing support and training.
Join Families as Allies on Jan 24th for a combined virtual event including the Annual Community Partnership and Annual Open House.


This winter season we have invited our experts to join us in providing their best tips and resources for managing emotions and supporting families. Holidays and family gatherings can bring joy and laughter, but they can also bring added stress for youth and adults alike. We recognize systemic racism and a second winter of COVID add challenges and stress to the youth and families we serve.
Christmas is usually a time of excitement and fun for everyone, especially children, but for kids who struggle with anxiety, it can be a stressful time.
Whether it is in a crowded room or at home by yourself, loneliness is painful.

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