Dear Fellow Alliance Members,

Our team's feeling invigorated by the spring sun’s warmth and the promise of brighter days. With this revitalized spirit, we come together to celebrate and advocate for a cause close to our hearts.

May 12-18th marks National Prevention Week, an essential occasion to amplify our collective efforts in curbing alcohol misuse and fostering mental health and wellness across our communities. This week serves as a poignant reminder of the tireless work undertaken by organizations and individuals nationwide, including our very own Alliance network members, to prevent substance misuse and promote holistic well-being.

With this in mind, we’re thrilled to shine a spotlight on our youth social norms campaign, Choose Connection (more details on the campaign activities are provided in this newsletter). Grounded in the belief that fostering connections and purpose can safeguard our youth throughout their lives, Choose Connection empowers young minds with positive messaging and actionable strategies. By encouraging reflection on the activities, places, and relationships that imbue their lives with meaning and belonging, we sow the seeds for a resilient and thriving generation.

Over the past weeks, Choose Connection has been on the move, engaging with communities far and wide. From the Hooper Bay Sobriety Celebration to the Native Youth Olympic Games to the Suicide Prevention Conference, our campaign traversed to spread the message. As we embrace the theme of "celebration of possibilities" during National Prevention Week, let us seize this opportunity to Choose Connection within our own network.

Your ongoing participation and commitment to our shared mission are invaluable, and for that, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. May your nets be full, your spirits buoyant, and your summer days filled with joy and purpose.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me (Sara Platt), at, to find out how you can get more connected.
We will always do our best to publish upcoming events in a timely, regular manner for our newsletter subscribers. We also keep an event calendar through the Recover Alaska website that allows our partners a secondary means of sharing their event news with our community. We welcome your submissions!
Examining FASD Diagnosis ECHO

The Examining FASD Diagnosis ECHO is a virtual learning network that will explore the necessity of establishing a holistic system of care to support those impacted by prenatal alcohol exposure. The series will feature the expertise of those with lived experience and professionals in screening, assessment, and evaluation, as well as treatment integration.

This is a Zoom event that is free to attend and is intended for interdisciplinary, multi-sector clinical and non-clinical experts who provide support and services to individuals impacted by prenatal alcohol exposure. This ECHO series is sponsored by the Department of Health, Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention and hosted by University of Alaska Anchorage, Center for Human Development, Project ECHO. Free continuing education credit will be offered and more information will be available.

Affirming Our Identities: Awareness to Action Conference

May 15-17, 2024 at Centennial Hall in Juneau, Alaska
Audience: Mental Health Professionals

The conference will explore the complex and multifaceted ways in which our various identities shape us, intersect, and influence one another. Over the course of three days, hear from a diverse group of speakers, participate in interactive workshops, and engage in thoughtful discussions on topics such as race, culture, gender, sexuality, ability, ethnicity, and more. This is an opportunity for Alaska's professionals to network and learn together with mental health practitioners from across the country! The goal is to raise awareness and move to action as change agents who are culturally informed, trauma informed, anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and more sensitive to all of our clients' identities. Learn more and register here.
Choose Connection – Youth Underage Alcohol Use Prevention Campaign

The Choose Connection campaign is on the road! Over the last few weeks, we attended the Hooper Bay Sobriety Celebration, visited STrEaM Academy 7th graders with Sober Hero Derrick Moore, and hosted booths at the Anchorage Youth Speak Out event, Native Youth Olympic Games, and the Suicide Prevention Conference. The public response to the campaign has been overwhelmingly positive, and we look forward to continuing our outreach and engaging with more communities throughout the state.

Choose Connection is designed to encourage youth to think about the activities, places, and loved ones that bring them a sense of purpose, safety, peace, and belonging, with the goal of encouraging habits that will protect youth throughout their life. The heart of this campaign lies in the stories shared by Alaska teens and young adults, which have shaped our artwork and campaign strategy. Campaign audiences are invited to visit the Choose Connection landing page, where they can share their stories of connection, access resources, and request materials for local campaign implementation.

As we continue our outreach, we are learning more about how this campaign could be implemented and adapted to meet the needs of each community. So far, we have found value in an activity inspired by Hope Finkelstein, where we ask participants to share the people, places, or things that help them feel a sense of connection. Using a map of Alaska, contributions are written on post-its and placed in participants’ home communities. This activity has helped us gather stories, engage with more youth, and has resulted in a heartwarming and inspiring visual.

Wondering how you can get involved? In addition to sharing opportunities for events and outreach, don’t forget that we have an Outreach Toolkit available for all members, and you are welcome to share campaign posts from The Alliance’s Facebook or Instagram pages. We would also love to hear your ideas for additional ways to help others engage with the campaign. Please contact Kelby Murphy at with any ideas, questions, or requests for outreach efforts or campaign materials.
Upcoming Workgroup Sessions

Data and Learning: The next Data and Learning Workgroup meeting is scheduled for May 15, 2024 at 11:30 am. Email Rebecca at if you need additional information about attending. During this meeting, participants will work on the Alliance's Data Equity Values Statement.

Communications (Social Norms): The next Communications Workgroup meeting is scheduled for May 14, 2024 at 1 pm. Email Kelby at if you need additional information to attend.

Strategic Design: The next Strategic Design Workgroup meeting is scheduled for May 21, 2024, at 3 p.m. If you need additional information to attend, email Sara at

Evaluation: The next Evaluation Workgroup meeting is scheduled for June 6, 2024, at 10 a.m. If you need additional information to attend, email Sara at

July Pause: As a reminder, all Alliance workgroup activities will be suspended during July. Enjoy being outside! We'll resume normally scheduled meetings and activities in August.
Loyd Platson Finishes Role as Southeast's Regional Co-Chair

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Loyd Platson for his dedicated service as The Alliance's Southeast Regional Co-chair. Loyd's unwavering commitment to fostering healthy communities, his exemplary leadership, and his readiness to step up have significantly enriched our organization. His spirit of service and the wisdom he has imparted to fellow members will have a lasting impact. While Loyd will no longer serve in this role, he remains an integral part of our network, and we eagerly anticipate future collaborations. As we bid farewell to Loyd in this capacity, we announce that his position, along with several others, is now open for interested applicants. Please see the announcement below for more details!
Join The Alliance as a Regional Co-Chair

We're on the lookout for dedicated individuals to become Regional Co-Chairs across the state, specifically in the Copper River Delta, Rural Interior, Northern, Northwest, Southeast, and Yukon Kuskokwim regions of Alaska.

As Co-Chair, you'll play a vital role in bridging the gap between your region and The Alliance, fostering real-time communication and collaboration. Recognizing the significance of local relationships, we invite those with a passion for recovery and community empowerment to take on this meaningful role. If you or someone you know is ready to make a positive impact, reach out to Stephanie Stillwell at

Stephanie is the current Gulf Coast Regional Co-Chair and the Co-Chair Builder for The Alliance. Join us in building a stronger, more connected recovery network in Alaska!
About The Alliance

The Alliance is a collaborative effort of multiple and diverse partners across Alaska who recognize the impacts of alcohol misuse on individuals and communities. We are personally and professionally committed to working together to address this complex problem in our state.

Our primary goal is to connect and engage communities as partners — increasing protective factors, reducing risk factors, and changing social norms — to prevent underage alcohol use and eliminate adult misuse in Alaska.

Alliance Materials

Get Involved

Between starting new work and sustaining our progress, there are many opportunities to participate in The Alliance! All current workgroups are open to any member who would like to join. You can always read more about our workgroups and their purpose on the Get Involved page of our website. Our network practices an emergent strategy, and we update information based on our network's needs.

  • The Communications/Social Norms Workgroup will be supporting the social norms campaign and The Alliance's various other internal and external communications needs. The Comms Workgroup meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 1-2 pm.
  • The Data and Learning Workgroup will be supporting data equity conversations and practices.
  • The Evaluation and Learning Workgroup is where members can participate in developing and overseeing the process of reflecting on the work of the network to identify what is working well and where more attention may be needed so we can continue to develop and grow.
  • The Strategy and Design Workgroup builds structures and processes for the network to work in alignment with our values and theory of change.

You are welcome to reach out with questions about those workgroups or to ask to join any of them.
If you would like to submit content for The Alliance newsletter, please email Sara at and Erin Torgerson at