Newsletters will resume as usual for September! We want to hear what is going on with folks and communities and would love to share with the network.
As a reminder, the content shared in our newsletter includes the following categories:
· News updates: Updates relating to our state, relevant health and/or social news, advocacy work The Alliance has pledged to join, and topical news updates closely related to our work.
· Network updates: Progress reports from workgroups, introducing new membership, announcing network initiatives, etc.
· Events: Share events designed to educate, strengthen communities, and heal community members.
· Training: Preventing alcohol misuse is a complicated topic that touches upon many fields of study. We encourage members to raise awareness of training on providing care, collecting and analyzing data, public messaging, and other helpful topics.
· Other: It’s our newsletter; we can do what we want! If you want to share a wellness tip, funny anecdote, or story you found uplifting, we encourage you to spread the joy.
For our upcoming newsletter, we ask that all submissions be sent in by noon Monday, August 30th, 2024. Please send your submissions to Recover Alaska’s Communication Manager, Blaze Bell @ and CC Sara Platt @