Let’s look at the AFTERMATH for Frail Elders after a Fall:
Physical Injury: The most obvious concerns…
1. Musculoskeletal injuries. Commonly: Fractures, sprain or strain — Hip, Wrist, Shoulder—etc.
2. Head injury: Concussion, affecting cognition, mood, memory skills, etc.
3. Tissue damage (rhabdomyolysis) — from laying on the floor without moving for an extended period of time.
Emotional Injury or POST FALL SYNDROME — “decompensatory ‘domino effect’ and mortality”. Perhaps the most common outcome: BECOMING FEARFUL OF FALLING or POST FALL SYNDROME
Following the fall, its is likely to see…
- Retropulsion. (leaning backwards)
- Leaning back of the trunk in a sitting position.
- Loss of the anterior projection of the trunk in order to stand up.
- Positioning the feet forward when changing from sit to stand.
- Severe tendency to clutch and grab and unable to walk unsupported with tendency to fall backwards when standing.
- At increased risk for functional decline and death