2017 MFF monthly newsletter
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Dear Friends,
Is it just us or did this year fly by? 2017 was an incredible year for the Milstein Family Foundation, and by sharing all of our stories with you made it even more special! We'd like to take this time to thank every one of you for being in our lives and helping make this year great. We're excited to see what 2018 will hold for us.
In our end-of-the-year newsletter, we are pleased to show off the winners of the second Milstein Meme Competition ! Make sure to read Adam's latest op-eds, How Israeli-Americans can be the glue that builds a stronger Jewish community in JTA, and Pride and Courage: Gifts for our Children in 2018 in Huffington Post and we also include an incredible innovation competition open to college students whose idea could win them up to $15,000!
Finally, we are proud to feature Hasbara Fellowships, an MFF-sponsored organization and partner.
Here’s to a 2018 that will be as incredible as our 2017!
With sincere love and admiration for Israel and the Jewish people,
Gila and Adam Milstein
Milstein Meme Competition
Winners Announced
Our meme contest is over and we have announced the winners ! Click on the link to view them! Thank you to everyone who participated to show your love and appreciation for Israel and the Jewish people.
More than 100 people from a dozen countries on six continents submitted over 200 memes, which received over 3,000 votes during the week-long voting period. You can also read about this competition here .
We live during a time of growing gaps and serious challenges in the Jewish community — both inside American Jewry and between Israel and the Diaspora. How do we address a less engaged Jewish population in the face of assimilation? How do we ensure that Israel is not a wedge that divides our community, but rather the glue that holds us together and strengthens us?

Read more in The Jewish Telegraph Agency
Milstein Family Foundation Innovation Competition
Our newest innovation competition: the most innovative out-of-the-box
pro-Israel initiative can win up to  $15,000 !

Three finalists will present their initiatives at the Milstein Student Reception 
at the 2018 AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington, D.C., on Sunday March 4, 2018.

Applications are due Friday, February 9 and are open to current college students only.
Adam has written about the eight most important gifts that we must give in every Jewish family in 2018 to make sure that our people will continue to thrive.

Read more in The Huffington Post
Featured Grantee: Hasbara Fellowships
Hasbara Fellowships is a leading pro-Israel campus activism organization working with over 95 universities across North America. Since 2001, Hasbara Fellowships has brought over 3,500 students to Israel, training them with the information and tools to return to their campuses as educators about Israel.
The Hasbara Fellowships Israel Training Program is an exclusive 16-day Israel advocacy training trip focused on offering pro-Israel student leaders the opportunity to gain leadership skills, network with their peers, meet Israelis and Palestinians, and travel to significant locations throughout the country..
When they return to campus, the Hasbara Fellows work with their Hasbara regional advisors to plan Israel-related initiatives, build relationships with student governments, learn social media management skills, work with campus media and other student groups, and combat anti-Israel campaigns like BDS and Israeli Apartheid Week.
They receive continual support and assistance from the Hasbara Fellowships campus team in the form of strategic planning, tabling materials, advocacy training seminars, and grants. Through the Milstein Coalition Building grant, students can receive funding to help plan relationship building initiatives with non-Jewish or non-Israel related groups, which is an essential factor in helping promote Israel on campus.
The Milstein Family Foundation also brings 40 Hasbara Fellows to the AIPAC Policy Conference every year. These students are offered the opportunity to network, sharpen their advocacy skills, hear from world-renowned leaders, and reunite with other Hasbara Fellows.
Because of the Milstein Family Foundation’s partnership with Hasbara Fellowships, pro-Israel students receive priceless opportunities to grow and succeed, while advocating for Israel on their campuses.
Hasbara is accepting applications for their winter program. To learn more about the program or to apply, go to hasbarafellowships.org/israelprogram
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The Mission of  The Adam and Gila Milstein Family Foundation  ("MFF") is to strengthen the State of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish People, and its special ties with the United States of America; and to ensure the special affinity to the State of Israel of the young and future Jewish generations.