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4th Annual Innovations in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapies Award | October 4, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

The Frank J. Veith International Society is pleased to remind you of an exceptional opportunity for you to distinguish yourself as a leading professional in the global community of vascular surgery.

As a society devoted to driving progress in the field, we are excited to offer this competition as a platform for showcasing our shared commitment to excellence. By accepting this challenge, you not only demonstrate your expertise and vision in vascular surgery and endovascular therapies but also reinforce your position as a frontrunner in the field.

We urge you to seize this exhilarating journey to pioneer new frontiers, redefine boundaries, and make a lasting impact on our field. Join us in our mission, by submitting your abstract, to drive progress and become a part of our society's legacy of pioneering new frontiers and redefining boundaries. Let's make history and leave a lasting legacy.

Best regards,

Peter Lawrence, MD, President

FJVIS International Society


To create a forum to incentivize innovation and creativity in vascular surgery. A new open or endovascular procedure, a new device for vascular surgery or intervention, a significant improvement on an existing vascular device, a new or improved pharmaceutical product or to improve or cure vascular diseases, or any advance in artificial intelligence as it relates to the diagnosis or treatment of vascular disease are examples of subjects that the Committee is expecting.

Submit Your Abstract Today

From Wednesday, June 5th, 2024 to Wednesday August 21st, 2024 by 5 P.M. Eastern Time

All abstracts should be submitted to and should include:

  1. Title
  2. Authorship and Institution (if applicable)
  3. Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusions sections.
  4. Should not exceed 300 words (excluding title, authorship, and institution)
  5. A limit of 4 images/illustrations is acceptable.

Award: The winner will be awarded a check of $2,000.00 and a Certificate Issued by the Society

Announcement of the Winners & What Is

Required from Winners

The required webinar for the winners will take place on October 4, 2024, from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm EST

  1. Participation in the webinar is REQUIRED for the winners of the competition (First Prize and Honorary Mentions).
  2. During the webinar, each of the five selected authors will have 6 minutes to present his/her research work.
  3. This will be followed by a robust discussion led by a Distinguished faculty.

Our Faculty Judges Include:

Peter Gloviczki, MD

Thomas Forbes, MD

Caitlin W. Hicks, MD

Anil P. Hingorani, MD

Misty D. Humpries, MD

Armando Mansilha, MD

Patrick E. Muck, MD

Alberto Munoz, MD

Jean-Baptiste Ricco, MD

Maarit Venermo, MD, PhD