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Bob Kramer's 10-Person Challenge
“Every single one of us in this room needs to be sure we have at least 10 people who stand on our shoulders. That means mentoring. That means time spent, because that’s where we have the greatest impact,” said Nexus founder Bob Kramer during his Career Achievement acceptance speech at the McKnight’s Pinnacle Awards ceremony.

Leaders in the aging services industry need to take on Kramer’s challenge, John O’Connor writes in McKnight’s Senior Living.
“It seems like a failure of industry because you’ve got money on the table and you have people who could afford monthly rents and the industry is not meeting that need,” said Nexus Fellow and Executive Director of The Peterson Center on Healthcare Caroline Pearson, the lead author of a landmark 2019 demographic study called “The Forgotten Middle,” warning that millions won’t be able to afford long-term care in old age.

ATI Advisory CEO and Nexus Fellow Anne Tumlinson told McKnight’s Senior Living that “[i]t’s simply a matter of Medicare Advantage plans waking up to the opportunity to design plan products that offer supplemental benefits and quality improvement programming — as well as value-based contracts with in-house primary care organizations — to reduce the cost of senior living services to the residents, and to offer a higher-value, more comprehensive aging-in-place option.”

The senior living industry has a golden opportunity to embrace value-based care, improve resident outcomes and save money — but more operators must be willing to take the first step. Nexus Fellow Jill Vitale-Aussem, CEO of Christian Living Communities, speaks with Tim Regan.

Learn about the recommendations from CMS’s Coronavirus Commission on Safety and Quality in Nursing Homes and the National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine Commission.

In the first episode of The Green House Project’s Mission Possible podcast, Nexus founder Bob Kramer talks about potential financial levers for change in long-term care.

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Nexus Fellow Bob Kramer
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Nexus Founder Bob Kramer
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