"Welcome to the Advocate!"

A publication of celebrations and happenings in the lives of CTK family and friends. Formerly, the Advocate was a printed newsletter with church information. This Advocate (will be printed for those who would like it) will summarize what's happened, and give a preview to new events coming your way! So keep a lookout for the publication every 1st of the month. Birthdays and Anniversaries are near the bottom!

This week's bulletin

Holy Week Worship

April 2 Palm Sunday 9 am

April 6 Maundy Thursday 7 pm

April 7 Good Friday 7 pm

April 9 Easter Sunday 8:15 & 10:30 am services. 9:00 am Breakfast is organized by the Education Committee and Confirmation.

Maundy Thursday prayer service/Open Spaces Experience

This day, instead of a sermon, you will have the opportunity to participate in various stations or can remain in your spot for personal prayer. During this time, soft music will play in the background. A toll will occur every 3 minutes for those who wish to move to another station. You can choose to move to another station before the 3 minutes and choose which stations you will visit.

Station Options:

1.     Foot washing. Located in front, on the Pulpit side.

**At this station, you can have your feet washed. Sit in the front pew and remove your socks and shoes.

2.     Hand washing. Located in the back of sanctuary on pulpit side.  

**At this station, you will wash the hands of another and have your hands washed by them. Wash hands slowly and methodically. As you are washing hands, offer a silent prayer for the other.

3.     Foods of the Last Supper station: Located in the upper sanctuary

**At this station, you will learn about and sample the foods most likely eaten at the Last Supper.

4.     Healing station. Located in the front, next to baptismal fountain.

**At this station, you will be prayed for and anointed with oil.

5.     Prayer station.: Located in the back of sanctuary on baptismal font side. 

**At this station, you will offer up silent prayers by writing them on the paper provided and place by the cross. You can also pray using the prayer labyrinth following the directions provided,


From Pastor Jackie--Journey with me into God’s Amazing Grace of Holy Week and Easter.

During Lent, we have been contemplating how God’s amazing grace manifested itself in the lives of some Biblical characters like the woman at the well, Isaiah, the man born blind, and Paul. The promise we have in Jesus is that God’s Amazing grace is for us too, here and now. During the dialogues, it was mentioned that the line: “That saved and set me free” was preferred over “That saved a wretch like me.’ Yes, we are “wretches”, sinful human beings. And when face the fact that we are sinful human beings (the law), we see that we need a savior (the gospel). When we know that we cannot save ourselves and God does not leave us stuck there. God sent Jesus to save and set us free!

Jesus came to live among us. He loves people –warts and all. He ate with sinners and tax collectors, people like you and me. He reached those on the margins, that society would not include. He brought all to his table of mercy and love preaching about the Kingdom of Heaven. A message that threatened the powers that be. So, we enter into Holy week.

Continue reading article


"This is the Feast of Victory for Our God"

For many weeks, musicians from in and outside our church community have been planning and preparing the music for Holy Week. beginning with the Sunday of the Passion, also known as Palm Sunday, and culminating with the great feast of Easter. Here's what to expect and look forward to as we worship together in person or online.

Palm Sunday Guest musician, Joseph Tyksinski, upright bass, will join us for worship. Joseph has a master's degree from Indiana University in performance, plays with the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, and plays in many jazz circles and has performed with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. Joe will join our CTK Sanctuary choir in moving music reflecting on the Passion of Christ.

Holy Thursday - Vocalists, Katie Ellenberg, frequent soloist at churches in the area, and Marty Tyksinki will lead us in song as we remember Christ's last meal with his disciples.

Good Friday - Our CTK Sanctuary choir will lead us in sung prayer and the CTK Handbell ensemble will move us to prayer with a couple of beautiful settings of the solemn Good Friday hymns. 

Easter Sunday - Katherine Wilhelm, a trumpet player from Mukwonago High School, will add a triumphant sound to our hymns. The CTK Sanctuary Choir and CTK Handbell Ensemble will join us. Youth members, Brynn Udovich and Peyton Goetz, will sing alongside our choir and percussionist, Bryce Udovich, will join us on a special anthem to celebrate the day. (This invitation is open to other youth, but please contact our music director asap for materials)

 Comfort for All

At Christ The King, we want our worship service services to be accessible and comfortable for everyone. Recently we learned that we need to provide arm chairs in the upper sanctuary to assist people in standing up from a seated position. The arm chairs we have placed in the upper sanctuary will meet that purpose! As you can see in this photo, Marlis Porteen is able to elevate her casted leg during the service and then more easily stand up when the service is finished. Her sister, Eileen, is next to her ready to assist if needed!

In this photo, Al Laatch is showing off the headphones used for hearing assistance system which Paul Neumiller is able to provide for those requesting that service. Paul us also able to aid those with hearing aids with a downloadable app for smart phones!

Soon, we plan to make wheelchair seating available in the front of the third section of pews. This will enable those individuals easier visibility, audibility and immediate access to communion. This helps the families and caregivers as well as those serving communion!

Children are welcome in our sanctuary! Therefore we are developing a plan to create an area that will best serve families with young children. Watch for more news on that front!

We continue to look for ways to make our services inclusive for all. Contact members of the Worship and Music team with your thoughts!

Special Sundays in March

Lenten Dinners were provided church committees weekly before mid-week worship. Loaded Baked potatoes were a hit!

March 15th was a youth led Lenten service.

Women's bible study group prepared a salad bar feast.

PLEASE NOTE: Are you missing out?? If you see "Message Clipped: View entire message" in this email, that is not the end! There are more announcements!

Click "View entire message" to read more.


The Outreach Committee would like to thank all who contributed to the Kettle Moraine School District Hygiene Products Drive! Bags of items were dropped off on Monday at the high school that included 46 toothbrushes, 23 tubes of toothpaste, 8 floss packets, 33 lip balms, 44 combs/brushes, 39 shampoos/conditioners, 19 moisturizers, 34 deodorants, 17 soap/body washes, 7 sanitary products, emery boards and dusting powder. Thank you for caring about our local students!

Youth and Children Corner

Confirmation class assignment: Attend 2-4 Services through Holy Week. April 16 - Learning with Mentors

*SAVE THE DATE - May 13th Lutherdale Retreat

May 21 Confirmation Sunday

Sunday school - Meets April 2 Palm Sunday and collection for God's Global Barnyard during Worship

Easter Egg hunt after 8:15 worship on Easter morning!

Easter Egg Candy Donation

Christ the King will be having an Easter Egg hunt for the kids on Easter morning between services. If you would like to donate candy, we would really appreciate it. Please only donate individually wrapped candy - loose candy. We do not need effs at this time

  • Mini candy bars
  • Mini bags of M & Ms
  • Fruit snacks
  • Individually wrapped candy that would fit into the plastic easter eggs
  • Quarter.

Please leave donations in the basket by Jenny's office door. Thank you!

If you have questions contact Jenny at Jenny@ctkdelafield.org

God's Global Barnyard

This week, Palm Sunday (April 2nd) the kids will be walking around church collecting any extra change you would like to give. I hope you will support them in their service project!

The Sunday School students are doing a service project! They are collecting money during Lent to buy animals for families in need through God’s Global Barnyard program: https://goodgifts.elca.org/gods-global-barnyard  

The kids are so excited to pick out animals for people! They have each been given a bank to collect change from family and friends, and they have been encouraged to do extra chores in order to earn money to put in their bank.  

Jenny, Faith Formation Coordinator

Save the Date!

Vacation Bible School -

June 13-15.

Four fun days of fun and catching the Wave of God's Amazing Love at the Surf Shack!

Join us in prayer                           

Individual Prayers: For the friends and loved ones of Jerri Jones, Marlis, friends and loved ones of Zoe, the family and loved ones of Dale, Brian, Jim, and Steve.

Ongoing Prayers: Hadley and her family, Anthony, Adam and Megan.  For all those who grieve, those who suffer from anxiety and depression, and all those who are in hospice and in care facilities. The Evangelical Lutheran Churches in El Salvador and Tanzania and their Bishops, and Imbaseny parish in Tanzania, All God's Children, Mt. Meru Coffee Project & Outreach for Hope Congregations, our military and their families, and those who work to end sex trafficking.

Adult Education

Our Education committee has set up Adult Forums for anyone to attend.

Mark your calendars for these dates:

April 23 Thrivent presentation after worship

Wed. May 10 - "A Glimpse into the World of Widowhood" Author Bonnie Merryfield

The format will be 6:00-6:30pm refreshments, 6:30-7:30pm presetation

CTK Welcomes, Jake Manne, Thrivent Community Engagement Leader

Sunday, April 23rd after the 9 am worship (approx. 10:15)

Come and learn how Thrivent Action Teams, choice Dollars, and estate planning can make a difference today and in the future. 

CTK Boiler

Replacement of the Boiler that provides heat to AGC and the Great Hall is starting March 27th! Hurray! It lasted just long enough to reach spring break for the youngsters as planned. Thank you to all who have helped on this project so far. The installation will take a few weeks. We are asking for continued prayers for a smooth installation and the safety of the workers. Any meetings in that part of the building will need to meet on the office side. Please contact the office for room availability. This project was approved at the Special Congregational meeting on Sunday, January 8th

Meet with friends from CTK to walk together

Partners & friends - 

Reformation Lutheran Church invites you to its 2023 Good Friday Neighborhood Walk. Like the stations of the cross, our group will stop at sites in the community that demonstrate signs of despair and transformation. We will read Scripture, and the group will sing and pray together, lifting high the symbol of the cross in our heart of the city neighborhood.

The walk begins at 3:15 PM on Friday, April 7th after a brief time of fellowship inside the church located at 3806 W. Lisbon Avenue. The walk lasts approximately 45 minutes and will conclude at the church. The walk and church facility/restrooms are wheelchair accessible. The walk is suitable for all ages. Carpooling is a good idea; street parking is available.

 We hope to see you as together we witness to God's presence in our community!


Marge Johnson, Ministry Coordinator

An Invitation for Good Friday Breakfast

The YMCA at Pabst Farms and Shorehaven invite you to an upcoming breakfast/worship on Good Friday. This is a nice opportunity to worship with lots of different folks from different denominations.


The cost is $12. Pr Nick Slater, Shorhaven's chaplain will deliver the message. Sign up needed through the YMCA website or speak to Pr. Jackie , if you would like to go.


Property and Grounds: Mondays at 6:30pm

Prayer Shawl Ministry: 2nd & 4th Monday at 1:00pm 

Al Anon: Mondays 6:30pm

Women's Bible Study: select Mondays at 9:00am

Worship and Music: 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30pm *April to be rescheduled

Executive Team: 1st Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm

Church Council: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm

Education: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm 

Outreach: 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm

Alcoholics Anonymous: Fridays 7:00pm

Men's Bible Study: Fridays at 7:00am

Boys' Breakfast Bible Study: 1st & 3rd Saturdays at 8:00am (at CTK & via Zoom)

Special Dates

April 2 Palm Sunday and Installation of new Council Members in Worship

April 6 Maundy Thursday service @ 7 pm *See special instructions for service*

April 7 Good Friday Service @ 7 pm

April 9 Easter Sunday worship 8:15 & 10:30 am Breakfast 9:00 am

April 23 Thrivent presentation after worship

May 5 - Ecumenical Women's Breakfast *SAVE THE DATE*

Wed. May 10 - "A Glimpse into the World of Widowhood" Author Bonnie Merryfield, Adult Forum 6 pm refreshments 6:30 presentation

Please remember events and times are subject to change due to local COVID safety measures.

Please see the CTK calendar on the website for updates!

The next coffee order will be placed on Sunday, April 16th and be ready for pick up on Sunday, April 23rd.


Mt. Meru coffee is available for purchase in the upper sanctuary. Orders placed by the 3rd Sunday of each month will be available for pick up on the 4th Sunday after Service.

This global outreach is helping farm families in the Meru Diocese in Tanzania. This project is giving the farmers a hand up rather than a handout.

2023 Women Build

April 25th - 29th & May 2nd - 6th

Join us for 10 days of empowerment by sponsoring our 2023 Women Build. As a sponsor, you will help ten families obtain homeownership by helping to build five new townhome duplexes at Prairieville Village and Domenica Park, Waukesha.

Girls Play House.

Women Build Them!

Click below to register.



Dawson, Kimberly Apr 1

Klick, Rita Apr 2

Funk, Amanda Apr 3

Kilmer, Linda Apr 4

Quinlan, LeeAnn Apr 4

Rogers, Lee Apr 4

Goetz, Steve Apr 6

Kraemer, Christine Apr 6

Hase, Meredy Apr 7

Tagtow, Katherine Apr 7

Broberg, Elaine Apr 8

Carnell, Tyler Apr 9

Hjorth, Sally Apr 9

Waltz, Beverly Apr 10

Groh, Mike Apr 12

Hemschik, Wolfgang Apr 12

Knapp, Loriann Apr 12

Tagtow, Peter Apr 12

Funk, Cory Apr 13

Larson, Kelly Apr 14

Kath, Andrew Apr 17

Kirschenmann, Joan Apr 22

Kilmer, Jon Apr 23

Jaeger, Vicky Apr 24

Bonness, Cindy Apr 25

Gottschalk, Valerie Apr 26

Palmer, Toni Apr 26 1965

Accardo, Owen Apr 29

Danielson, Susan Apr 29

Ketter, Emily Apr 30

Schmitz, Judith Apr 30

April Anniversaries

Stephen & Jayne Hinkens April 3

Steve & Karen Huser April 27

Our Mission – Alive and Growing through God’s Grace

Our Vision – A dynamic congregation and growing in service to Christ and the Community. All are Welcome

                                                          Core Values

Celebrating our connection to Christ and each other

Harmony through the difference we make and the smiles we create

Recognizing the infinite worth of each person

Investing in ourselves, our energy, and our resources

Supporting the growth of the individual, the congregation, the community, and these relationships

Transforming through action, effort and commitment

Things to submit to the "Advocate" should be sent to office@ctkdelafield.org by the 20th of the month.

Pastor Jackie Cook

Office Coordinator - Maggie Thompson

Music Director - Maria Tyksinski

Faith Formation-Jenny Nettesheim

Office hours:
Mon. - Thurs 9am-3pm
Friday 9 am - noon
Worship Sundays at 9 am