"Welcome to the Advocate!"

A publication of celebrations and happenings in the lives of CTK family and friends. This Advocate (will be printed for those who would like it) will summarize what's happened, and give a preview to new events coming your way! So keep a lookout for this publication every 1st of the month. Birthdays and Anniversaries are near the bottom!

“Ahhh--- the dog days of summer”

It seems like summer takes so long to get here and now it’s nearly July. Looking back to last month, CTK hosted the “Surf Shack” vacation Bible school. We were blessed with the teamwork of the staff, and the number of volunteers and the children who attended grew in faith. Thank you to all who participated and volunteered. We couldn’t do it without you!

I was curious about what the phrase ‘dog days’ means. I jokingly wondered if ‘dog days’ refers to Chewy (Maggie’s dog) who is a frequent visitor in the office. He brings comfort and joy to many who stop in. It’s amazing how God reminds us of God’s love through the unconditional love of Chewy and our pets. Come to find out that Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky appears at the end of July and marks the beginning of the hottest days…or the days of the dog star.

The stars in the sky and the hot days of summer are gifts from God. The heat (and Chewy’s example) remind me that it is ok to slow down and lay around because it is too dog-gone hot to do anything. In the beginning, God created and then rested on the 7th. So, Sabbath is a time set apart as holy. Time to slow down, reconnect with loved ones, reconnect with your spirit, and reconnect with Your maker and redeemer.

As we begin these dog days of summer, we are excited that Jenny will be starting her new role as CTK’s intern. We are grateful to Jenny for sharing her experience in the Holy Land with the congregation. The service on July 2nd will be a ‘service of beginning’ and a potluck for Jenny. CTK is so blessed that Jenny will continue to share her God-given talents with us and look forward to teaching and learning from her. Be sure to check out her office hours and stop by to introduce yourself to her!

May you find time during these ‘dog days’ to renew your Spirit and grow closer to the one who created and redeems you,


Pr. Jackie

This week's bulletin

Announcement Safety Policy June 2023

Protection Policy for Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults

In January 2023, Christ the King’s council passed a Protection Policy for Children, Youth, and Vulnerable Adults to promote a safe environment for all of God’s beloved children. A training session will be held this fall and on a regular basis afterward. To follow is the first section of that policy. A copy of the policy is posted by the council minutes and will be available upon request. If you have any questions, feel free to speak with Pr. Jackie, a council member or a member of the education team.

Read the Safety Policy

Mission Statement: Alive and Growing through God's Grace

What to Expect at Worship

For your convenience, masks will be made available in the entrance areas and hand sanitizing stations are also available around the building. We ask that if you are not feeling well, or feel that you may have been exposed to COVID, you view the service via live-streaming. You can find this on our website: https://ctkdelafield.org/

There are chairs with arms in the Upper Sanctuary for those who need assistance and support when transitioning to a stand. Visitors using wheelchairs/walkers may wish to sit upstairs. Pr. Jackie will bring communion to those who remain in the upper sanctuary.

In the lower sanctuary, there are open spaces for wheelchairs on either side of the first pew near the baptismal font. Access to the lower sanctuary is via the ramp in the hallway.

*Hearing assistance is available during worship as well as large print bulletins

Please ask an usher for help with whatever type of assistance you may need. 

Church Office Closed for the July 4th Holiday!

Growing with God in connecting with Christ

New Beginnings

Jenny Nettesheim has new role at CTK as Pastoral Intern.

The internship is a practical experience essential in ministry competencies, developing skills through practicing ministry and actively reflecting upon those experiences, and placements that are both rooted and reaching.

Please join us Sunday, July 2nd in worship for Jenny's "New Beginnings". Afterward, in fellowship with a potluck in the Great Hall.

Christ in Out Home is now available on the Welcome board at the Church entrance or in the Church office.

Summer 2023 Worship Series

God’s Creative Connection – the creative work of the Spirit on Pentecost began way back in Genesis by Jacqueline J. Lewis

This six-week series begins with the creative agency of God’s Spirit at Pentecost. God uses the power of language to create and connect a new people. Even as God is doing a new thing, we know this same creative Spirit has been at work since the very beginning, from the creation of the world to the creative ways God works to connect with humanity.


July 2                              Creative Provision

July 9                              Connecting Individuals-forming community

Special Happenings in June

VBS success at the Surf Shack!

Paloma and Trey thrilled the children with this year's mascot puppet, Snappy the crab.

Jenny's trip to the Holy Land was a presentation to remember.

***We will not be participating in the Delafield 4th of July parade. We did not have a good response to participate and the deadline has past to register. Maybe next year!

***CTK appreciates the very generous donations of furniture and the like. In the future, we ask that prior to making donations of furniture or other such items, that you please consult with Paul Sternemann in property and grounds to determine if it will fit into the current needs. Thank you,

PLEASE NOTE: Are you missing out?? If you see "Message Clipped: View entire message" in this email, that is not the end! There are more announcements!

Click "View entire message" to read more.

Praying with children

The greatest truth about praying with and for our children is that we teach them by how we do it – not by how we talk to them about it. If we have anxiety about the right words, postures, locations, and tools, so will they, not only because they are worried about pleasing God, but because they want to please us. If we are able to relax, trusting in the Spirit’s deep sighs and guiding grace, our children will pick up on that. It is good for them to see us try different kinds of prayers – labyrinths, coloring, silence, reading, beads, candles, lectio divinia (a contemplative method of reading Scripture). While a particular practice might not be our favorite, it might really resonate with a child who is entirely their own person and has different perspectives and style.

I hope to share with my children the joy of my salvation and what it means to live into that truth, with God’s help, every day – by praying with my words, my body, and my deeds.

This message is excerpted from “Teaching by doing” by Julia Seymour in the September 2018 Gather magazine.

What is a Prayground?

Prayground is a place in the sanctuary where young worshipers (most often children) can experience worship through age-appropriate worship materials and tools that will help keep them engaged in worship. It's made for young children who are not comfortable sitting in a pew or leaving the worship service. Parents, other adults, and students may choose to sit in a nearby pew, or on the floor with the children.

CTK is working on adding a Prayground in the lower Sanctuary. The Prayground is located behind the last pew on the very right-hand side (looking at the alter from the back). Watch for it to develop this summer to welcome families with children.

Join us in prayer                           

Individual Prayers: Emily, Renee and her daughter, Becky, Pr. Gerry Goodrich, Elise and Cullen Parents of Baby Caleb, Sami, Matthew S, Dick, Erick, Andy, Judy, Barb, Brian, Jim, Steve, and all those touched by cancer.

Ongoing Prayers: Hadley and her family, Anthony, Adam, and Megan.  For all those who grieve, those who suffer from anxiety and depression, and all those who are in hospice and in care facilities. The Evangelical Lutheran Churches in El Salvador and Tanzania and their Bishops, and Imbaseny parish in Tanzania, All God's Children, Mt. Meru Coffee Project & Outreach for Hope Congregations, our military and their families, and those who work to end human trafficking.

Click on the Prayer Requests picture to send us a personal request.


Property and Grounds: Mondays at 6:30pm

Prayer Shawl Ministry: 2nd & 4th Monday at 1:00pm 

Al Anon: Mondays 6:30pm

Women's Bible Study: select Mondays at 9:30am TBD

Worship and Music: 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30pm **New summer Dates:: July 31, NO Aug meeting and Sept 11th. All meetings will be at 2 pm with a Zoom option.

Executive Team: 1st Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm Next: July 6 @ 5:30

Church Council: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm

Education: moved to second Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm

Outreach: 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm

Men's Bible Study: Fridays at 7:00am

Alcoholics Anonymous: Fridays 7:00pm

Boys' Breakfast Bible Study: 1st & 3rd Saturdays at 8:00am (at CTK & via Zoom)

Special Dates

July 2 New Beginnings Celebration for Jenny Nettesheim

July 4 Church Office Closed

July 10 Monday Mavens @ Skorik's house

July 17 Morning prayer via Zoom with Sylvia and Vicky @ 9 am

Aug. 21 Morning prayer via Zoom with Sylvia and Vicky @ 9 am

Sept. 10 Rally Day

Feel free to attend a committee meeting of your choice to be part of the exciting things happening at CTK!

*Please remember that events and times are subject to change. Check the CTK calendar on the website for updates!

Monday Mavens

Ladies, come join for a summer splash and fellowship on Monday, July 10 at 5:30 pm! The weather is warm and it would be nice to take a dip in the pool. Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share, a swimsuit and a towel. Water, soda and ice tea are provided. Located at Skorik's house 1752 N Genesee Street. Just down from the church. Carpool if you can.



Mt. Meru coffee is available for purchase in the upper sanctuary. Orders placed by the 3rd Sunday of each month will be available for pick up on the 4th Sunday after Service.

This global outreach is helping farm families in the Meru Diocese in Tanzania. This project is giving the farmers a hand up rather than a handout.

Help Our Reformation Neighbors

Reformation Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, desperately needs the following items for their Sonshine Pantry:

*TP: single rolls (must be individually wrapped) or a four-pack

*Family-size bar soap

*Body wash

*Men’s and women’s deodorant

The collection starts on June 18th and will continue through Sunday, July 23rd. Please see the table in the upper sanctuary for more information. Donated items can be left on the table.

The Sonshine Pantry benefits our Milwaukee neighbors. Thank you for your help.

Outreach Committee

Delafield Block Party/CTK Parking Lot

Since CTK is connected to our community, we have given the Delafield Chamber permission for attendees to use the parking lot on July 13-15 from 5 pm-midnight for the Block Party. There is a need for additional parking with more construction happening in town. This is a part of our mission to be connected to our community. So if you drive by and see the lot full you'll know why!

Mark Your Calendars!

Synod News

In May 2023, we talked with Pr. Matthew Short, our synod's Assistant to the Bishop for Evangelical Mission about the inspiring book "Deep Roots, Wild Branches." Learn how God is breathing new life into existing congregations, both in the UK and here, through small, lay-led missional communities! Click on the button below to view the youtube video.

Deep Roots, Wild Branches
Past Synod Newsletters

Oconomowoc Historic Boat Tours Return

Aug. 14– 18 during Oconomowoc’s famous Festival Week, Shorehaven is again hosting the Oconomowoc Historic Boat Tours from its Lac La Belle lakefront. The event features a 1 and a 6 p.m. 90 minute narrated cruise with an assigned driver and narrator. This is a great opportunity to learn the history of Lac La Belle with people from across the state. Tickets must be purchased in advance. Tickets are on sale now at $20 a ticket. Checks payable to Shorehaven, mail to Shorehaven, attn: Boat Tour, PO Box 208, Oconomowoc WI 53066. Include date, tour time, address and phone number with your check. Cash or check only please. Tickets will be mailed out on receipt of payment. All riders must be ticketed.

No phone reservations are accepted. No refunds. Boats travel rain or shine. This event sells out quickly. Proceeds benefit Shorehaven residents. Call Deb Friedrich at 262-354-1920 or email dfriedrich@lho.org to check ticket availability.

Hope Center Golf Outing – July 17, 2023 at Broadlands Golf Club. 

Support a worthy cause while enjoying a pre-golf buffet,

an 18 hole

scramble with fun on-course events, and an evening social with

appetizers, raffles and prizes!

Registration form and online sign-up available at hopecenterwi.org and below.

Hope Center Golf 

St. Paul’s Oconomowoc Food Pantry-Lord's Cupboard

210 E. Pleasant Street, Oconomowoc



Facebook: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School

email: lordscupboard@splco.org

We are open on the first and third Mondays of each month

(some adjustments due to holidays, etc.) from

5:30pm-6:30pm as a drive thru pantry.

Come to the parking lot (west entrance) of the church/school

and we will direct you. Please stay in your car.

2023 upcoming pantry dates:  

*6/19, 7/10 (closed 7/3), * 7/17, 8/7,

*8/28 (closed 8/21), 9/11 (closed 9/4), *9/18

*We offer a free meal to go if you want to take it home

with you on the third Monday.

Contact the office with any questions.

Please share this info with your family, friends and neighbors.

God bless you!

-We invite you to watch our 8am church service streamed live on Sunday mornings. Please go to our website: www.splco.org

or go to www.youtube.com and search for St. Paul’s Oconomowoc.

-You can find videos of all the recorded sermons on You Tube. www.youtube.com      Search for St. Paul’s Oconomowoc.

-Our 8am Sunday service is broadcast live on the radio on WTKM 104.9 FM

Please let us know if you would like to be added on to our prayer list or be contacted by one of our pastors. Call 262.567.5001 or email us at lordscupboard@splco.org

July Birthdays

Ellena, Brock Jul 2

Grandy, Wayne Jul 2

Schnorr, Toni Jul 2

Schultz, Judy Jul 2

Maria Tyksinski July 2

Tagtow, Benjamin Jul 3

Bertino, Jill Jul 4

Lieske, James Jul 4

Kalman, Luca Jul 5

Passo, Raelyn Jul 5

Short, Marilyn Jul 5

Hine, Timothy Jul 7

Dolphin, Glenda Jul 8

Saager, Sherry Jul 8

Von Haden, Rick Jul 8

Wilson, Laurie Jul 9

Carnell, Michael Jul 11

Hinkens, Stephen Jul 11

Doll, Kathleen Jul 12

Quinlan, Kathryn Jul 12

Galassini, Lucca Jul 15

Udovich, Brian Jul 15

Ellena, Mark Jul 16

Southard, Donna Jul 16

Schleich, Audrey Jul 18

Neumiller, Paul Jul 19

Ellena, McKenna Jul 21

Fedder, Ronald Jul 21

Ziarek, Kenneth Jul 21

Bonesho, Amy Jul 23

Larson, Melissa Jul 23

Butzlaff Voss, Bambi Jul 24

Kalman, Kellan July 25

Beiler, Kate Jul 26

Schick, Joey Jul 26

Hombsch, Marcia Jul 29

July Anniversaries

Derek Brammeier & Carmen Zayas Aponte July 5

Michael & Terri Carnell July 13

Kenneth & Sharon Ziarek July 14

Robert & Nancy Wierichs July 16

Kirk & Marlee Carlson July 18

Judson & Pamela Pinahs-Schultz July 28

Julie & Chad Kreblin July 31

Neil & Bonnie Voskuil July 31

Our Mission – Alive and Growing through God’s Grace

Our Vision – A dynamic congregation and growing in service to Christ and the Community. All are Welcome

                                                          Core Values

Celebrating our connection to Christ and each other

Harmony through the difference we make and the smiles we create

Recognizing the infinite worth of each person

Investing in ourselves, our energy, and our resources

Supporting the growth of the individual, the congregation, the community, and these relationships

Transforming through action, effort and commitment

Things to submit to the "Advocate" should be sent to office@ctkdelafield.org by the 20th of the month.

Pastor Jackie Cook

Office Coordinator - Maggie Thompson

Music Director - Maria Tyksinski

Faith Formation-Jenny Nettesheim

Office hours:
Mon. - Thurs 9am-3pm
Friday 9 am - noon
Worship Sundays at 9 am