The Advocate April 2024

Sunday, March 31, 2024


Pr. Jackie Cook

Easter Sunday

Services are available on


and the CTK Website

This week's bulletin

"Welcome to the Advocate!"

A publication of celebrations and happenings in the lives of CTK family and friends. This Advocate will summarize what's happened, and give a preview to new events coming your way! So keep a lookout for this publication every 1st of the month. Birthdays and Anniversaries are near the bottom!

Message from Pastor Jackie


Blessed Holy Week and Happy Easter, friends in Christ.

As you enter into the celebration of Holy Week, how will your spiritual cup be filled?

On Tuesday, I attended the Chrism mass with other Rostered leaders in the Greater Milwaukee Synod. A Chrism mass is a special service where oil is blessed for use in anointing, Rostered leaders renew our ordination vows, and share Holy Communion. God renewed me and filled my cup, preparing me to experience Holy Week.

The preacher asked the question—how do we live into Holy Week? That is to enter into the experience instead of to observe. To allow ourselves to feel the emotions of the crowd, Jesus’ passion, and the celebration of the resurrection. She helped us to imagine ourselves on the in the room where Mary anointed the feet of Jesus before burial. I can smell the fragrance of the costly perfume. My body bristles as Judas scoffs, knowing that Jesus will later be betrayed. I am saddened by the events to come, knowing that Jesus willingly suffered and died out of love for me…for us….

My imagination moves me to the table with the disciples, sharing the Passover feast. The smell of the bread and wine. Experiencing the warmth and tenderness of Jesus… do this in remembrance of me. Then, I’m puzzled by Jesus’ words that one will betray him and Judas rushing off. Yet, I wonder, is it I, Lord? When have my words or actions betrayed you?

My imagination moves to the Garden of Gethsemane where I feel the agony of Jesus, deep down in my bones, while simultaneously, I am lifted up by his obedience. Then the bewilderment, and anger when they come to arrest our savior. I worry throughout the evening as Jesus is beaten and put to trial.

In the morning, a glimpse of my bloodied savior fills me with guilt. I try to stop my voice adding to the crowd: “Crucify him,” yet my sinful nature wins the struggle. I hang my head in shame. I feel despondent as the wearied Jesus carries his cross up that hill and turn away as he is nailed to it. He is lifted up for all to see. I’d like to imagine that I stay at the foot of the cross, but I really don’t know where I’d go or what I’d do next. And three days pass…

Jesus has done all this for me….. for you…. Out of love. To make us right with God. By entering into Jesus’ passion this deeply, I feel even more joy at what is to come.

The women go to the tomb and hear the announcement--- Jesus is not here, he has risen! Jesus has conquered death and the grave. My heart leaps within me. This joy cannot be contained—It must be shared with others! Nothing can separate me—us—from Jesus’ love! The risen Jesus lives in and among us! Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed. Alleluia! 

Easter blessing,

Pr. Jackie


Celebrating our connection with Christ

Mission Statement: Alive and Growing through God's Grace

What to Expect at Worship

For your convenience, masks will be made available in the entrance areas and hand sanitizing stations are also available around the building. We ask that if you are not feeling well, or feel that you may have been exposed to COVID, you view the service via live-streaming. You can find this on our website:

More on What to expect
Click here to give to CTK

You are invited to Holy Week and Easter Opportunities:

Maundy Thurs.Worship 7 pm.

Family-friendly worship. Instead of a sermon, there will be a time of “open spaces.” The stations will be: foot washing, prayers (with coloring pages), hand washing, healing, and

Foods of the Last Supper (foods to sample). 

Good Friday open Sanctuary noon- 1

7pm Tenebre Worship Tenebre which means there are readings, music, and the gradual extinguishing of candles. 

Easter Sunday 8:00 am (changed from 8:15 am) and 10:30 worship

Egg hunt for kids following first service

Easter breakfast at 9:30 am in the Great Hall (Freewill donation taken for youth Lutherdale Bible Retreat and ELCA Young Adult Gathering).

In addition to our Prayer List you are now able to click on the Icon to and submit a prayer at any time.

Individual Prayers: MattAudrey, Casey, John and Norma, Alice, Jeff, Brenda, David, Eileen R.Alice SSandy M, and for all those who grieve, and those who suffer from mental illness.

Ongoing Prayers: Elaine, Tim, Maddie, Dave, all military persons and their, families all those who are in hospice and care facilities, and the healthcare workers who care for them.

Ministry Partners: The Evangelical Lutheran Churches in El Salvador and Tanzania and their Bishops, and Imbaseny parish in Tanzania, Serenity Inn, Family Promise, Reformation Lutheran Church, Lutherdale Bible Camp, All God's Children, Mt. Meru Coffee Project & Outreach for Hope Congregations, and those who work to end human trafficking.

PLEASE NOTE: Are you missing out?? If you see "Message Clipped: View entire message" in this email, that is not the end! There are more announcements!

Click "View entire message" to read more.

Celebrating the Connection with Each Other


Sunday School

Sunday School (4 years old through 6th grade) is held twice a month on an irregular schedule. The next meeting is Sunday, April 7. After communion children will be dismissed with their teachers.

 Sunday School children's noisy collection for God's global barnyard was a huge success collecting $380! Thank you for your participation. They will be selecting animals of chickens, pigs, and goats to buy.

Confirmation 2023-2024

No Confirmation this Sunday, March 31st, Happy Easter! Next:

Reflections on Lenten services due April 7th. Fellowship and resurrection lesson with Mentors April 7th 5:45- 7:00 pm. Please reach out to your Mentor with this date.


VBS 2024

Learn about mending God's world at Operation Restoration! Ages 3-12 will make new friends, play games, hear bible stories and make crafts. Mark your calendars for June 10-13, 2024. Watch here for more details.

Adult Bible Study

Pr. Gary Grindeland will be spending a month in our area and will have a Bible Study at CTK on the gospel of Mark. Sunday, April 21st and Sunday April 28th after worship. Grab your coffee and head to the bell room for some great discussion.


LINE DANCING in the Great Hall   Yee-Ha!!!

We have a chance to get moving and dancing on Sunday May 5th! Dianne Thayer is a line dancing instructor who uses a variety of styles of music to get people dancing! Wear your cowboy boots is you wish but any shoes will do! We will gather on Sunday afternoon at 3pm for about an hour or so to have an introduction to line dancing – NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED!! Come and have some fun – in fact, invite some friends!!! Please sign up on the clip board in the upper sanctuary if you are planning to attend so we have a rough idea of how many people will be joining in the fun. Come and have some fun!!!


Property and Grounds: Mondays at 6:30 pm

Prayer Shawl Ministry: 2nd & 4th Monday at 1:00pm 

Al-Anon: Mondays 6:30 pm

Women's Bible Study: select Mondays at 9:30 am April 8

Worship and Music: 2nd Monday of the month at 3:00 pm

Executive Committee: Second Tuesday at 6:30 pm

Church Council3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm 

Education: second Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm

Outreach: 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 pm

Men's Bible Study: Fridays at 7:00 am

Alcoholics Anonymous: Fridays 7:00 pm

Boys' Breakfast Bible Study: 1st & 3rd Saturdays at 8:00 am (at CTK & via Zoom)

April 1 - Easter Monday Pr. Jackie's Easter holiday

April 2 - Executive Committee

April 3 - Wellness Wednesday @ noon

April 7 - Council Installation

April 8 - Women's Bible Study, Prayer Shawl group,

Feel free to attend a committee meeting of your choice to be part of the exciting things happening at CTK!

*Please remember that events and times are subject to change. Check the CTK calendar on the website for updates!

Celebrating our Connection with Community

Where is my Church Photo Directory?

We received a rough copy of the directory on March 18. Right now we are currently proofing the directory for the last time. If you have had any updates in the last few months change of address, phone or email please report to the office by April 1st. After we complete the entire process to get it printed, we should receive the finished copy at the beginning of June. Thank you for your patience.

Non Congragate Shelter Grant Approved

We are excited to announce that Family Promise of Waukesha County has been awarded funds to purchase a facility for non-congregate shelter. These funds can be used to acquire and/or rehabilitate a facility. Non-congregate shelter is a model of providing temporary housing to individuals experiencing homelessness by giving them their own space. Our Apartment Shelter Program, which we have been using since 2020, is an example of this model. We currently lease five apartments.

Read full article

Thank You!

Thank you for your Support for the Cushing Girl Scouts. The great support from our congregation for the Girl Scout cookie sale was tremendous! They were happy to have sold around 70 boxes!!

Lent Wellness Wednesdays with Pr. Jackie

Noon-1:00 pm in the bell room.

During this hour, we will discuss and engage a variety of beginner level activities to tend to our bodies. Activities may include and are not limited to: listening to our bodies through breathing, mediation, and visualization. Sharing recipes, discussing healthy eating habits. Participants will want to bring light weights or soup cans for some basic exercises. The group may decide to read a book together about health such as: Women, Food, and God.


The Mt. Meru Spring Blend is now available to order.

This blend is 80% regular beans and 20% Peaberry beans. Cupping notes (natural flavors) include dark chocolate, citrus and coffee blossom.

The next coffee order will be placed on April 21st and ready for pick up on April 28th.

Please see the display in the upper sanctuary.

Equipping the Saints Greater Milwaukee Synod Mission Appeal-

Testimonies from a recent LCM Alumni Reunion about the impact of Lutheran Campus Ministry:

“When life was falling apart around me, it was the community of peers and friends living with me at The Corner House that helped care for me. I can never give back more than Lutheran Campus Ministry gave me.”

“The gifts I bring to my life and my job were formed through the opportunities for leadership as a peer minister. I would not be where I am in life without LCM.”

“Lutheran Campus Ministry at Marquette provided me with a pastor and friends and experiences of ministry that changed my life.”

Hear from students reflecting on what LCM means to them.

For over 60 years, the Greater Milwaukee Synod has taken the church to campus to meet young adults at a transitional time in life, and campus ministry has created relationships with God, other people of faith, and inner gifts and strengths that have carried people through a lifetime. As the world rapidly changes and young adults live with so much uncertainty about the future, the deep connections campus ministry provides are needed more than ever to make sure many more generations of young people can find the faith and hope they need to bring faith and hope to the world!

The congregational portion of the Equipping the Saints Campaign is underway now.  Congregations are not being asked to give through their budgets. Instead, congregations are asked to share the story of the campaign and invite your members to make a gift if they so desire.


Christ the King is giving you the opportunity to give to this campaign through April 14th. Over the next few weeks, additional information will be available through bulletin inserts, prospectus, and pledge cards. Please consider a generous donation to the work of the greater church.


 Click Here to Give

Synod News

2024 Greater Milwaukee Synod Assembly Keynote Dinner & Worship


Friday, May 17 | 5 pm Keynote Dinner | 7 pm Worship

Italian Community Center, Milwaukee


Did you know that our Synod Assembly dinner and worship on Friday, May 17 are open to the public?


Join friends from Christ the King Delafield and meet new ones from ELCA churches across Southeast Wisconsin! This year's keynote speaker and preacher is Vance Blackfox, ELCA Director of Indigenous Ministries and Tribal Relations.


Members of the general public can purchase dinner tickets online here for $50 each. Worship is open to all with no registration required. (NOTE: If you're registered to attend Synod Assembly, you already have a dinner ticket and do not need to purchase one.)


All are welcome! We hope to see you there!


Want to learn more about Synod Assembly? Contact the church office at Christ the King Delafield for more information about attending with our congregation. For general questions, visit or call the synod office at 414-671-1212.

Past Synod Newsletters


Dawson, Kimberly Apr 1

McCarley, Logan Apr 1

Klick, Rita Apr 2

Funk, Amanda Apr 3

Kilmer, Linda Apr 4

Quinlan, LeeAnn Apr 4

Rogers, Lee Apr 4

Goetz, Steve Apr 6

Kraemer, Christine Apr 6

Tagtow, Katherine Apr 7

Broberg, Elaine Apr 8

Carnell, Tyler Apr 9 2

Hjorth, Sally Apr 9

Hansen-Weidig, Christine Apr 11

Groh, Mike Apr 12

Hemschik, Wolfgang Apr 12

Knapp, Loriann Apr 12

Tagtow, Peter Apr 12

Larson, Kelly Apr 14

Hansen, Erin Apr 15

Kath, Andrew Apr 17

McCarley, Griffin Apr 18

Kilmer, Jon Apr 23

Jaeger, Vicky Apr 24

Bonness, Cindy Apr 25

Gottschalk, Valerie Apr 26

Palmer, Toni Apr 26

Accardo, Owen Apr 29

Danielson, Susan Apr 29

Ketter, Emily Apr 30

Petersen, Sheryl Apr 30

Schmitz, Judith Apr 30


Our Mission – Alive and Growing through God’s Grace

Our Vision – A dynamic congregation and growing in service to Christ and the Community. All are Welcome

                                                          Core Values

Celebrating our connection to Christ and each other

Harmony through the difference we make and the smiles we create

Recognizing the infinite worth of each person

Investing in ourselves, our energy, and our resources

Supporting the growth of the individual, the congregation, the community, and these relationships

Transforming through action, effort and commitment

Things to submit to the "Advocate" should be sent to by the 20th of the month.

Pastor Jackie Cook

Office Coordinator - Maggie Thompson

Music Director - Maria Tyksinski

Care Ministry Sylvia Kreutzmann

Office hours:
Mon. - Thurs 9am-3pm
Friday 9 am - noon
Worship Sundays at 9 am