Centennial Celebrations

Conclude in Budapest

Despite the frigid temperatures, the conclusion of the SSS Centennial Celebrations on Saturday, January 20th, 2024, was filled with a joyful warmth which emanated from the community of Sisters and Associates gathered to celebrate the closing of the SSS 100th Anniversary Year. The afternoon began with a period of recollection in the Church of Blessed Sara Salkahazi in Budapest. A beautiful slide show and photo exhibit highlighted the many events of the Jubilee year.

A presentation by Sister Magdolna Kővári reminded all of the graces that abounded throughout the year. All present were then invited into small groups to share their personal reflections. The presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable within and among the assembled community. It was, indeed, a Pentecost moment.

To read more, click HERE!

Sr. Maribeth celebrates with Sisters Magdi, Anna and Marti (Selfie credit Sr. Marti)

The beautiful mountains outside Budapest, with views of the Danube in the background (photo credit Sr. Maribeth)

The Sisters of Social Service Celebrate 60th Anniversary of Ministries in Mexico

Sister Suzanne Simo Celebrated

Her 100th Birthday with Pizzaz!

Click the video below to join the celebration!

Sister Suzanne celebrated with special out-of-town guests, including Hungarian Sisters Maria from Buffalo (left), and Terez from Budapest; and niece Laura from Ohio (far right).

Preparing for Lent

Ash Wednesday is February 14

Almighty and ever living God,

you invite us deeper into your world, your people, your Lent.

May this time be one of outward focus;

seeking you in those we often ignore.

Help us live a Lent focused on freedom, generosity, and encounter.

Give us hearts hungry to serve you

and those who need what we have to give.

Click the Holy Spirit Retreat Center logo for Lenten Opportunities.