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September 16, 2021
Thanksgiving Harvest 2021
Special Edition #1 :
Our Thanksgiving Harvest will be in 8 weeks- on Sunday, November 14!

This is a parish event and our major fundraiser of the year

Please find out how you can actively participate in our Harvest:

  • Join one of the Harvest committees. The following are some of the committees: Publicity, Finance, Food, Music/ emcee, Decorations, Thanksgiving Bazaar, etc. For more information, call or text our Thanksgiving Harvest 2021 coordinator, Maureen Ogbueh, or call the office at 973-623-0258.

  • Come to our grand Thanksgiving Harvest event on Sunday, Nov. 14. Come in your ethnic attire. Invite your extended family & friends.
  • Invite your personal contacts to become sponsors and benefactors of our Harvest fundraiser. A complete solicitation kit with flyers, pamphlets, solicitation letter, etc will be available soon to help you reach out to your contacts.

  • Sign up to participate in our Family Harvest offering on any of the remaining 8 Sundays leading to our Thanksgiving Harvest event. See below for more info
Dear St. Antoninus family & friends:

In 1975, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal took root here at St Antoninus Church and the parish was “born again” in the power of the Holy Spirit. Since then it has grown into a dynamic, culturally rich, unabashedly Catholic, family friendly community, where lively Spirit-filled worship (especially at Sunday Mass) and a sense of community draw people back each week from near and far. 

In the past 45 years, 6 priests and at least 2 religious can trace the roots of their vocations to this little parish. I am one of those priests. Everywhere I go around the Archdiocese and beyond , I meet people who have been impacted by what the Lord has been doing here.
Helping others to have a life changing encounter with our Lord Jesus - that Jesus may be known and loved and served, continues to be the mission which permeates everything we do here. This is needed more than ever as we continue to deal with the the effects of all of the Covid realities. 

Would you consider being part of that mission here?

Please come and support our 2021 Thanksgiving Harvest celebration on Sunday, November 14. 

Holy Mass is at 10am, followed by our Thanksgiving Harvest luncheon and festivities. This joyful celebration is our primary fundraiser each year for major vital Infrastructure repairs and improvements to continue the Lord’s mission here at St Antoninus. This year 70% of our Thanksgiving Harvest funds will go toward those vital infrastructure projects, 20% will be for general expenses and 10% will be used exclusively to help those in need.
Our goal this year is $150,000. Please consider being a Major Sponsor or Benefactor (see the enclosed pamphlet and sponsorship form). Also, please invite family, friends and business associates – that many others may share in this mission too, building a future for the generations yet to come.
We look forward to your presence and support. May our good God, the Lord of the Harvest, eternally reward your generosity in Christ Jesus Our Lord.

In Jesus through Mary (and St Joseph),
Fr Joseph A. Meagher

With love & thanksgiving,
from our families....

Please participate in the beautiful tradition of the Sunday Family Thanksgiving Harvest. This is an occasion for an individual, family or group to make a special thanksgiving offering on any of the Sundays leading up to the Thanksgiving Harvest day.

It is a time to give thanks to God for the blessings received, especially over the past year- and it would mean that you would invite extended family & friends to join you on that day in processing to the altar to present your offering during the Offertory of the Mass.
We just have 8 Sundays remaining for our Family Harvest Offering. Choose your day!

Sept 19
Sept 26
Oct 3
Oct 10
Oct 17
Oct 24
Oct 31
Nov 7

Please call the office 973-623-0258 if you would like to schedule your Family Harvest. Or email us directly right here. We can accommodate up to 3 sets of families or individual or groups on each of the 8 Sundays (Sept 19- Nov 7)

You can also go directly to Eventbrite, an event calendar (below). First, go "Tickets", then to "Register" (green button). This date defaulted is this Sunday, Sept 19, but you can choose any other date from the 7 Sundays by clicking on "Select a date" below it.
Thank you and God bless you for your blessing!
Sun, Sep 19, 2021 10:00 AM EST
FAMILY HARVEST OFFERING- choose your date!
Photos from our previous Thanksgiving Harvest celebrations- click below to view.
Click below to donate to our St Antoninus Thanksgiving Harvest 2021.

Choose among convenient online options by clicking the "Donate" button.
You can also use Zelle.
To open a Zelle account if you don't have one:

Put St Antoninus as a recipient and enter the following info:
Name: St. Antoninus Catholic Church
Email: saintantoninuschurch@gmai
When you sign up, please include your email or phone number. Thank you and God bless you!.

Schedule of our regular Liturgies & Events. Click on image below to view:
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)