June 8, 2023
MassAchieve. Learn Grow Succeed.
Dear Colleagues,

Thank you to the thousands of employees who provided feedback through our recent MassAchieve survey. We appreciate all feedback, and understanding your successes and challenges in MassAchieve help us build an even better learning experience! 
Key Survey Findings 💬
Based on your experience so far, how would you rate your overall MassAchieve learning experience?
The communications I receive about my annual required statewide training are clear and easy to understand. 
Chart explaining survey resutsl. Good- 51 percent. Excellent-27 percent. Average-17 percent. Poor-5 percent.
Overall, 78% of employees shared that they have a positive MassAchieve learning experience (Good or Excellent). 
Pie chart referencing agree 49 percent. Strongly agree 46 percent. Disagree 4 percent. Strongly disagree 1 percent.
Overall, 95% of respondents agree that MassAchieve communications are clear and easy to understand (Agree or Strongly Agree).
MassAchieve makes it easy for me to find online trainings that I am interested in.
My primary reason(s) for using MassAchieve is... 
Pie chart referencing agree 57 percent. Strongly agree 29 percent. Disagree 11 percent. Strongly disagree 3 percent.
Overall, 86% of respondents agree that MassAchieve makes it easy to find online trainings (Agree or Strongly Agree).
Required trainings- 71 percent. Professional development- 22 percent. Sharing content with colleagues-4 percent. Assigning content to my staff - 3 percent.
Overall, 71% of employees indicated required training is their main focus for using MassAchieve.
Our Commitments Based on Your Feedback
  • We appreciate that 78% of survey respondents noted a good to excellent learning experience in MassAchieve. Thank you!
  • In reviewing the “poor user experience” comments, we noticed most were related to technical issues completing compliance training. We will continue to work with our vendor, Cornerstone, update our Learning & Development user-friendly portal for support, and partner with MassAchieve learning administrators in agencies and secretariats to provide updated tip sheets to enhance overall user experience.
  • 95% of survey respondents replied that our MassAchieve communications about required training were easy and clear to understand. We will continue to review and improve our communications based on input and feedback from you and our MassAchieve learning administrators.

  • 86% of survey respondents identified that MassAchieve makes it easy to find online trainings of interest.
  • We will continue to share MassAchieve playlists highlighting various professional development topics of interest.
  • We will also produce and share a short video to help employees successfully navigate the course catalog, where you can access over 3,000 courses available to you.

  • We understand that many of you utilize MassAchieve to complete your required training. And some of you know that MassAchieve can provide extensive professional development courses that go well beyond your annual training requirements.
  • We aim to promote professional development courses and playlists more, so that more of you will explore, discover and create your own personalized professional development paths.
  • Please let us or your MassAchieve learning administrators know what we can do to support your professional development more fully with MassAchieve resources.

If you have additional feedback on MassAchieve or missed the survey window, you can email us here.

If you're logging into MassAchieve for the first time please:

User name: Your Employee ID number 
Temporary Password (including exclamation mark):  Welcomemassachieve1!

You’ll find more than 3,000 online courses on a wide variety of topics to choose from.
MassAchieve Background