Saint Mary's Episcopal Church

Hampton Bays, NY


August 9, 2024

Anniversary Celebration

Nancy and Jim marked a remarkable milestone this weekend, joyfully celebrating their 28th wedding anniversary—a testament to their enduring love and partnership! Father Justin bestowed a special blessing upon them, adding a touch of divine grace to their festivities. Here's to many more years of love, adventure, and perhaps a few more blessings as they continue to celebrate their marriage.

Birthday Celebration!

This week, the air was filled with joy and celebration as Elaine Curry marked another year of life, radiating warmth and gratitude on her special day. She received a heartfelt blessing from Father Justin. Such beautiful gestures remind us of the importance of community and the blessings that come with each birthday, turning a simple celebration into a profound acknowledgment of life's milestones and the love that envelops us. Here’s to another fabulous year ahead, brimming with laughter, good health, and cherished moments!

Summer Worship at Saint Mary's Parish

This month we continue our Summer Sunday 9am worship in the air conditioned Parish Hall, we welcome all vacationers and visitors to join us! We continue to have a 5:30pm Saturday Service, during the Summer, weather permitting, we will hold this Service in our new Chapel in the Woods! In the event of rain, the Service will be held in the Church.

Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King are excited to announce the commencement of their monthly meetings starting in September!

The first meeting scheduled for:

Monday, September 9, 2024

from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM in the Fireside Room.

Moving forward, these meetings will take place on the first Monday of each month, maintaining the same time and location.

We invite both new and returning members to join us!

Church Income & Expense 6 Month Report from the Parish Finance and Stewardship Committee

The following summary provides an overview of the church's financial activities over the first six months of the year, from January to June 2024.

Income: $108,395.33 

Expenses: $134,956.44

Shortfall: - $26,561.12

Monthly transfers from Bernstein: $1,375 per month = Total of $8,250 in 6 months

Christmas Fair Meeting

Come one, come all for a general meeting about the 2024 Christmas Fair

Please join us on

Sunday August 18, 2024

Time: 11:00am

Where: Fireside Room

St. Mary The Virgin

Our Feast of Title

Thursday, August 15: St. Mary the Virgin, Morning Prayer in the church at 9am


Sunday, August 18: Parish observance of St. Mary the Virgin 

Read what our Church says about this feast day of St. Mary click here

Parish Standing Committees Appointed Members for 2024

Property Committee: Care for Building and Grounds.

Richard Brown                      Pat McCrave

John Mitchell                         Todd Anderson

Barbara Anderson

Finance and Stewardship Committee: Financial Records of the Church, Investment Recommendations, Organizing an effective Stewardship Program for the Parish.

Russell Rose                         Janet Hanks

Kevin Sullivan


Youth/Sunday School: Christian Education and youth involvement in the Church Services

Adrian Drake                         Karen Lucas

Julia Distenfeld                     Jerylyn O'Connell

Community Outreach/ Welcoming Committee: Organize our service to the community and welcome new people to our Parish!

Elaine Curry                           Mary Castro

Susan Rumph                         Kathy Luce

Doris Fernandez

HR Committee: Father Justin, Mary Castro, Susan Rumph

Social Media: Karen Lucas and Ana Alarcon

Online Giving through Amplify

For anyone that may be interested, below is the link to our online giving and stewardship option. Your willingness to contribute online is greatly appreciated and we are truly grateful for your support. Your generosity helps us continue our mission and make a positive impact in the community. Thank you and God bless!

Click here: Online Giving Link

Parish Prayer List

Lord Christ,

Bless all whose lives are closely linked with ours, including those serving in our military especially Robert, Brandon, Greg, James, Matthew, Lisa, Chris, Zachary, and Jonathan and for all veterans.


Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body, mind, or spirit, especially those suffering from the war in the Middle East, the people of Ukraine and those on St. Mary’s prayer list: Teddy, Trish N., Deborah, Mother Bernadette, Jesse, Beverly, Don, Nancy, Rhonda, Pat, Winnefred, Craig, Giacomo, Jackie, Priscilla, Ron, Joe C, Keri, Patricia, Mark & Susan, Marilyn, Ron & Bonnie, Nancy, Tom & Christine, Bob, Kenzie, Peg, Sandy, Joseph, Bob, Jean, Joyce O., Annie, Betty & Freddy, Harper S, and Donna M.


We ask this in your most Holy Name. Amen.

We are excited that you have subscribed to our email community! Throughout the year we will be sending you updates of parish ministries and events!

Keep In Touch!

Parish Office: 631-728-0776

Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs from11am to 3pm



Facebook: Saint Mary's HB

Instagram: Saint Mary's HB Instagram

Saint Mary's HB Church App: Download phone app for Saint Mary's Hampton Bays from MinistryOne

Service Times

Sunday: Holy Eucharist at 9am

Saturday Vigil: Holy Eucharist at 5:30pm

Wednesday: Healing Eucharist with Anointing at 9am

Holy Days as Announced

If you have any news or announcements to share please contact Ana and Karen Lucas!

You can reach us at:

Ana: or 631-728-0776
