An Early Childhood Conference for Parents, Caregivers, & Child Care Professionals

This past Saturday, May 18, it was our pleasure to host each and every attendee at our Greatness Grows Here Conference at Charles Herbert Flowers High School. Main Street was packed with 28 exhibitors and in the classrooms there were over 35 workshops presented, overall we had over 400 in attendance! It was a rainy day outside but inside a ray of sunshine, as it was filled with child care professionals, caregivers, exhibitors, presenters and partners. Our keynote speaker, Christina Lopez set the tone by sharing her inspirational journey as a multi-dimensional woman that wears many hats. She connected with our audience because as she phrased it, she was born and raised in Prince George's County and she's "PG PROUD". However, it was clear that her reach is far beyond one county. Her experiences as an educator, as an advocate and as a parent came through via her interactive presentation. Christina acknowledged the various roles we play in children's lives but urged us not to lose sight of the fact that we are more than the many roles we execute on a daily basis. We are individuals and somehow the connections we make at a human level far exceed any of our titles. We hope you left inspired and in awe of your community as we did. See you next year!

The Office of the County Executive and Child Resource Connect formerly Prince George's Child Resource Center partnered to host Greatness Grows Here: An Early Childhood Conference for Parents, Caregivers, and Child Care Professionals.

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