3 Photos of a friend and ally of ABLE2, ABLE2 logo in white and text under it saying "moments"

ABLE2 Moments June 2024

Thank you for empowering people with disabilities for over 50 years!

For 50 years, we have served more than 250,000 people with disabilities and their families in our community. Over 20,000 volunteers contributed more than 1,000,000 hours in empowering people with disabilities to live fulfilling lives.

Thank you for believing inclusivity matters!

Read more about how your support is changing lives

Thank you to the Ottawa Race Weekend runners, donors & supporters!

Photo of Amri, Debbie and Neena at the Ottawa Race Weekend. Graphic of the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend logo. Text displayed: Thank you to the runners: Neena Kushwaha, Amri Murray, Wade Marshall, & Stephane Fournier, and all the donors and supporters of this year’s Ottawa Race Weekend!

Thank you to our runners, donors & supporters of this year's Ottawa Race Weekend!

Your support will provide growth and development, facilitate independence, reduce barriers, and improve mental and physical health of people with disabilities in the community!

We are grateful for you! 💙 

My EiTM24 Experience by Stacey Bielaski

Photo of Stacey Bielaski with Larry the Lobster at the SHELL fee station at Evening in the Maritimes

"Music, Lobster, East Coast vibes in the Capital; Evening in the Maritimes 2024 (EiTM24) was so much fun. It was my third time attending; what a night for an incredible fundraising event for ABLE2!"

Stacey is a Program User, the chair of the Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) and Board Member of ABLE2.

Read more about Stacey's EiTM24 experience here.

David Hall, ABLE2's Founder, receives Community Builder Award

Photo from The United Way East Ontario LinkedIn page

Last May, United Way East Ontario awarded David Hall, founder of ABLE2 the Community Builder Award! The organization recognized David's dedication to community building efforts, and empowering vulnerable members of the community!

Congratulations, David!

Read more about David Hall's contributions to the community here.

2023 AGM & Annual Report

ABLE2 Board Members at the 2023 AGM on June 12 2024

Last Wednesday, June 12, ABLE2 held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 312 Parkdale Ave.

Board Chair Nick Korhonen and Executive Director Heather Lacey expressed gratitude for the Ontario Trillium Foundation grant which provided adaptive office equipment for ABLE2's employees with disabilities.

Read the full Media Release here.

Members of the Board highlighted significant events from 2023, reported on the organization's financial position at year-end, and welcomed new Board Members Michael Barak, Marsha Gilchrist, and Randy Shepchik.

Read the full 2023 Annual Report here.

SAVE THE DATE: ABLE2 Annual Picnic

ABLE2 Celebrating 50 years logo on top left corner, with text displayed: Annual Picnic at Andrew Haydon Park, August 17, Saturday at 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. SAVE THE DATE! Graphic contains images of ABLE2 program users and volunteer, red gingham picnic mat pattern with watermelons and a sunflower on the mat

You're invited to ABLE2's Annual Picnic!

Join us for some games, food, friends and fun in the sun on August 17, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Andrew Haydon Park!

More details coming soon!

In the community

Photo of Rabia Khedr

Rabia Khedr at the Helm of Disability Justice in Canada

National Director of Disability Without Poverty and a member of the Disability Advisory Group of the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, Rabia Khedr, talks about how her lived experiences have shaped her advocacy work, the intersectionality of race, gender, and disability, and the Canada Disability Benefit.

Read more about Rabia Khedr here.

June is Pride Month!

Image consists of rainbow background colors, a white heart in the center, with text displayed: love, respect and equality. ABLE2 respects diversity and equality for all!

ABLE2 is proud to be allies of the LGBTQIA+ community! Let's celebrate diversity and advocate for equality for all, not just on Pride Month, but all throughout the year! Spread the love!

Happy Pride!

Other Community Resources

Service Coordination Support

Whimble - On-demand attendant services

Connected Canadians - Technology training and support for older adults

OC Transpo Travel Training Program

211 Ontario

Developmental Services Ontario: https://www.dsontario.ca/

Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services: Services for adults with Developmental Disabilities

Thank you to our supporters!

Lumentum logo
Government of Canada logo with text displayed: Funded by the Government of Canada's Community Services Recovery Fund
Text displayed: Community Services Recovery Fund with logos of the Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, and United Way Centraide Canada

Princess Warrior Charitable Fund – Ottawa Community Foundation

Harry E. Foster Charitable Foundation

Do you have any concerns or questions about ABLE2's programs or services?

We have an external feedback and concerns resolution policy and procedure in place.

Get in touch with us
ABLE 2 Celebrating 50 Years Logo

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