to all the Heart Mama's
Thank you, to all those with the heart of a mother today.  Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to the little one's whom God has put in your life.  Whether the Lord has chosen in His Sovereign, perfect plan to give you Babies born from your Belly OR Babies born from your Heart, your heart beats the same and your love is the same.   

Today marks a day for many women of flowers and candy, where they are joyfully celebrated as the wonderful mother's they are.  For other Heart Mama's, it is a different story.  You are still waiting for that precious child the Lord wants to put in your arms.  For both, thank you.  Thank you for all you do for children.  Your love and prayers for children ARE making an impact in the world, no matter if the child is right in front of you needing breakfast this morning or still a longing in your heart and body - whom your soul is crying out to hold.  The Lord is faithful.  He never forgets us nor the longings of our heart.  Isaiah 49:15 says, "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?  Though she may forget, I will not forget you!"  The Lord hears your prayers.  You are not forgotten. 

It amazes me how much He uses the prayers of others to usher in major events for children.  Just this week, a family we serve received news that a child was placed in their home.  The way the events led up to this placement were nothing short of miraculous.  A few days later, I learned a friend of mine with a beautiful Mama's Heart had been fasting and praying for this child to be placed into this other family.  To be released from orphanage life and find the love of Jesus through this family.  The Lord is listening!  Our prayers are a beautiful incense at the feet of the Father.  He delights to give us the desires of our heart.  And He really delights when it has to do with caring for His little one's in the orphanage! 

The same Father who cannot forget you and hears your prayers, also cannot forget these children in the orphanage and is hearing their prayers.  He understands the heart of a mother.  His heart is even more broken, compassionate, loving and nurturing than a mother who just gave birth to a child and is feeding that child from the breast.  Her body won't let her forget that she has a baby.  The minute the baby cries, her body has to run to aid that baby.  Even more so, the Father runs to care for the little children AND for you!  So trust Him today.  You can trust Him with your heart.  Wait on His perfect timing in your life, with whatever trial you are facing... from longing for a child, to longing for your child to speak.  Whatever the trial, the Father has NOT forgotten you, nor the children.  Thank you, to all you Heart Mama's today.  Keep praying for the children.  Keep loving on the child in front of you, even if they are not your own.      

Heart's Cry Children's Ministry | +919 926 1332 | info@hccministry.org www.heartscrychildren.com