Thank you to those who attended the 2018 ISB Celebrating the Legacy of Muhammad Ali Gala! The ISB honored The Late Mr. Said Malas for his philanthropy, The Honorable Pedro Marin for Public Service, and Mr. Shareef Abdur-Rahim for his leadership.  These leaders demonstrate courage, leadership, and excellence. 

Awardees at the 2018 Gala

At the gala, attendees experienced a historic and moving conversation between Ms. Maryum Ali, the daughter of Muhammad Ali, and Ms. Valerie Jackson, the former first lady of Atlanta.

Ms. Maryum Ali and Ms. Valerie Jackson

Ms. Maryum Ali and Ms. Valerie Jackson 

The Honorable Felicia Moore, President of Atlanta City Council, and Greg Bluestein of Atlanta Journal Constitution. 

The Honorable Felicia Moore, President of Atlanta City Council, presented the ISB with a Proclamation from the City of Atlanta. 

Rabbi Sam Kaye of The Temple, Rev. Dr. Simon Mainwaring of All Saints' Episcopal Church, and Ms. Jelena Naim of Al Falah Academy gave the invocation.

Dr. Rabeea Janjua and Dr. Nabile Safdar, Gala Co-Chairs, reflected on Muhammad Ali's famous sayings.

The ISB's accomplishments over the last 17 years of building bridges of interfaith were highlighted at the dinner.  We bring education about Islam and world religions to the public sphere within our communities.  We teach and collaborate in an open way to build a better tomorrow. 

ISB Executive Director, Soumaya Khalifa, stressed the importance of one community. Khalifa recognized the diversity of the attendees saying, "The  most inclusive time in Atlanta is at the ISB Gala!"

Mr. Bill Bolling, Ms. Nouha Zaabab, and Dr. Mohammad Al-Shroof spoke about the impact of the ISB.

We would like to thank all our sponsors, volunteers, community leaders, ISB members, and all our stakeholders to make the gala what it was.  We would like to give a special thanks to our gala team.

We are deeply thankful that you joined us in honoring the awardees, and we are extremely thankful for your support of ISB's educational interfaith work. We thank you in advance for continuing to support us here.

Here are a few links related to the event:

ISB's Accomplishments in 2018
Photo Gallery of Gala

Celebrating Muhammad Ali's Legacy
The Late Mr. Said Malas Legacy Award

With gratitude,

Soumaya Khalifa