Creating a Culture of Wellbeing:
Taking Care of Educators Who Take Care of Kids
Module 2 (Culture) Resources
Educator well-being requires both top-down and bottom-up support. As Westside educators learn various strategies and supports for their well-being in the upcoming months, they will need guidance from leaders to uptake and use them consistently.

Two ways we discussed delivering this guidance was by fostering a supportive implementation climate and cultivating a sense of psychological safety. Those are the targets — now comes the work.

Below are handouts to complete various exercises to help wrangle the why and how of prioritization for well-being, as well as resources for continued education and specific strategies for fostering climate and psychological safety. There is also a single poll question to gauge how much support from MHTTC personnel you want for this work.
Webinar Recording
Poll - Please complete by Friday, Sept. 25!
Would you utilize a Consultation Hour with our trainers to help plan for educator well-being?
See you next time!
Mid-America MHTTC | 402.552.7697 |
The Mid-America Mental Health Technology Transfer Center is a SAMHSA-funded program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The Mid-America MHTTC provides training in evidence-based practices to the four-state area of Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas. 
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