Journalists are heroes of democracy. For our 31st Anniversary on February 14th, SEJ is sending Valentines to our heroes throughout the years. If you have a journalism hero, tell us using #HonoringTheHeroes. There's no need to donate in order to give your journalism heroes a well-deserved shout-out, but as always we welcome your contributions in their name at and we'll add them to our Wall of Heroes.

SEJ ran its first Awards for Reporting on the Environment contest in 2002 and, since then, it's grown into a prestigious program with entries from journalists all over North America and beyond. The toughest job in the contest is handled by the judges, back-up judges and screeners — about 40 people annually. These dedicated volunteers tell me year after year that it would be a lot easier if the entries weren't so incredibly good. But we make it even more difficult by mixing media in every category (except the book category), so our judges and screeners have to compare apples to oranges to lasagna. The judges of the Rachel Carson Book award don't have that problem. They simply have to read 30-40 books in three months!

Even tougher, screeners have to comb through 50-100 entries that are top-quality journalism — some with five stories per entry — and whittle the list down to 40. And they only have about three weeks to pull this off. The work they do is nothing short of miraculous.

Happy Valentine's Day to the almost 300 individuals listed here who have served as judges and screeners over the past 19 years (and if I've missed you please let me know). Thanks to these volunteers, SEJ is able to recognize and celebrate great stories online, on TV and radio, and in print. And by helping us recognize excellence, you help increase and improve environmental journalism. You are my heroes.
Thank you!

Chris Bruggers
Director of Awards


Michael Abrams | Chris Adams | Robert Aglow | Erin Ailworth | Charles Alexander | William Allen | Cecilia Alvear | Rachel Ambrose | Erik Anderson | Sven Anderson | Richard Angelico | Papolu Anurag Prasad | Len Apcar | Emilia Askari | Janet Babin | Jacqui Banaszynski | Alisa Barba | Bruce Barcott | Felicity Barringer | Todd Bates | Patrick Beach | Jon Beaupre | Perry Beeman | Hal Bernton | Jim Bettinger | Jackson Bingham | Andrew Blok | Elizabeth Bluemink | Seth Borenstein | Gary Braasch | Dieter Bradbury | Randolph Brandt | Jane Braxton Little | Del Brinkman | Merrill Brown | James Bruggers | Mark Brush | Bob Calo | Frank Carini | Murray Carpenter | Ed Carroll | Jay Cashmere | Alex Chadwick | Neil Chase | Gary Chittim | Jennifer Christensen | Frank Clifford | Tom Clynes | Liddie Collins | Sharon Collins | Aly Colon | Cheryl Colopy | Marla Cone | Audrey Cooper | Sean Corcoran | Lisa Cordasco | Brian Craig | Steve Cuevas | Denis Cuff | Michele Curel | Steve Curwood | Beth Daley | John Daley | Natale Darlene | Ferris David | Rob Davis | Jackleen de La Harpe | Cornelia Dean | Gino Del Guercio | Peter Desbarats | Jim Detjen | Heather Dewar | Mariette DiChristina-Gerosa | Gloria Dickie | John Dillon | John Dinges | Leah Douglas | Brian Duffy | Jeffrey Dvorkin | Peter Dykstra | Bob Edwards | Dan Egan | Alexa Elliott | Sarah Elton | Paige Embry | Randy Evans | Dan Fagin | Jessica Fargen Walsh | Susan Feeney | David Ferris | Michael Fields | John Flesher | Samuel Fretwell III | Robert Garcia | Yolette Garcia | Beth Gardiner | Bruce Gellerman | Erica Gies | Michele Gillen | Dan Gillmor | Seth Gitner | Daniel Glick | Paul Glickman | Ben Goldfarb | Heather Goldstone | Peter Gorrie | Cody Gough | Elizabeth Grossman | Rochard Grossman | Noel Grove | Michael Grunwald | Jon Hamilton | David Harrison | Dennis Hart | Dan Haugen | Erin Hayes | Marc Heller | Thomas Henry | Rebecca Hersher | Mark Higgins | Zahra Hirji | Hannah Hoag | Margaret Hobson | Marguerite Holloway | Sharon Honore | Don Hopey | Katy Human | Stephen Hume | Jude Isabella | Derrick Jackson | Ed Jahn | Pat Jeflyn | Carolyn Johnsen | Christopher Joyce | Demetria Kalodimos | Paron Katina | Cheryl Katz | Jane Kay | Bill Keller | Bill Kelly | Colin Kinniburgh | Marley Klaus | Claire Konkes | John Krist | Elaine Kurtenbach | Alexa Kurzius Mathes | Bill Lambrecht | Stuart Leavenworth | David Ledford | Gary Lee | Mike Lee | Liz Lempert | Julianne Liebenguth | Michael Lindenberger | Vin Liotta | Coco Liu | Ingrid Lobet | Randy Loftis | Peter Lord | Peter Lundquist | Bill Luster | Lynn Luven | Betsy Marston | Alma Martinez | Dori Maynard | Mary Mazzocco | Samantha McCann | Shawn McCarthy | Karen McCrindle | Liz Metcalfe | Kayla Meyertons | John Miller | Karl Mondon | Susan Moran | Dan Moulthrop | Eugene Mulero | Sasha Nelson | Laurel Neme | Mark Neuzil | Dan Noyes | Miles O'Brien | Brian O'Donoghue | John Otrompke | Mary Otto | Robert Ourlian | Candace Page | Anne Paine | Tom Palmer | Katina Paron | Patti Parson | Vince Patton | Chad Pergram | Anna Phillips | Kendra Pierre-Louis | Todd Pitock | Craig Pittman | Bruce Plasket | Francis Plourde | Angela Posada-Swafford | Deborah Potter | David Poulson | Jim Poyser | Larry Pynn | Charles Quirmbach | Paul Raeburn | Sinduja Rangarajan | Rebecca Renner | Boyce Rensberger | Ray Ring | James Risser | Jacques Rivard | David Roberts | Raequel Roberts | Liz Roldan | Steven Ross | Dina Rudick | Cristine Russell | Jesse Ryan | Kerry Sanders | Deanna Sands | Steve Sapienza | Rachel Sarah | Neena Satija | Craig Saunders | Scott Sayare | John Schidlovsky | Zoe Schlanger | Mark Schleifstein | Deborah Schoch | Deborah Schwartz | Julia Scott | Simran Sethi | Megan Sever | Susan Sharon | Mark Sheehan | Shuyi Shen | Deborah Sherman | John Sherman | Spencer Silva | Lisa Song | Eric Sorensen | Streenath Sreenivasan | David Steinkraus | Douglas Struck | Neil Swidey | Herman Tess | Mark Thalhimer | Robert Thomas | Al Tompkins | Jean Trumbo | Michael Tymchuk | Laura Ungar | JoAnn Valenti | James Van Keuren | Karine Vann | Brian Vastag | Samuel Vigil | Paul Wagner | Eileen Waldron | Brett Walton | Kathy Warbelow | Stuart Watson | Paul Wedding | Matt Weiser | Ken Weiss | Anna Werner | Timothy Wheeler | Carolyn Whetzel | Allen William | Loretta Williams | Michael Williams | Dale Willman | Duff Wilson | Trish Wilson | Bruce Wirth | Cheryl Wittenauer | Wes Wolfe | Katherine Wzorek | Julia Yarbough | Bernice Yeung | Scott Zamost | Geri Zeldes | Irina Zhorov | Daniel Zwerdling