Dear Colleagues:
As the school year draws to an end, we would like to take a moment to reflect on all that you have accomplished for New York’s students and their families. 
In a year like no other, we witnessed your incredible acts of heroism, compassion, and professionalism. The entire education community has worked so incredibly hard to provide all students with the best education possible in the face of extraordinary, unprecedented challenges. It has been truly awe-inspiring to witness the work you and your colleagues did – and continue to do – every day to ensure that our students receive the instructional and support services they need to thrive.
You set the tone. You modeled the work ethic that your students will one day emulate. No one can do this work alone, and we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to our local boards of education; school and district administrators; classroom teachers; counselors, psychologists, and social workers; bus drivers; maintenance staff; clerical workers; support staff; and, of course, parents and families.
Together, you made certain that our students received not only academic instruction, but tech support, counseling, social and emotional support, healthy meals, and so much more. It has been nothing short of inspirational to behold.
There were important achievements at the State level too. The Board of Regents advanced a number of initiatives focused on ensuring equity throughout New York’s education system. The Board adopted a framework and policy statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; created the New York State Seal of Civic Readiness and proposed the Civic Readiness Pathway to graduation; and took critical steps to help achieve far greater digital equity for New York’s students. Further, the Legislature has committed to fully funding the Foundation Aid Formula within three years, which will do much to advance equity statewide.
A new school year brings with it the promise of renewal – and we cannot wait to continue working with you on behalf of New York’s children, youth, and families.
With our deepest and most sincere gratitude, we wish you a summer filled with love, laughter, tranquility, and health.
Chancellor Lester W. Young
The Board of Regents
Commissioner Betty A. Rosa