Can we help you?
Customized Solutions offers your company a full suite of one-call and damage prevention services that can significantly reduce your overall locating expenses.
Update Filtering
Excavators request Updates for two reasons: they want to extend the life of the ticket or the locator's marks are no longer visible and need to be remarked.
Texas law allows operators to decide whether to respond to a ticket that is updated only to extend the life of a ticket.
Update Filtering captures when an excavator says they are requesting an Update to extend the life of the ticket, but they believe the lines do not need to be remarked. This gives you the option of not going back to the worksite when the excavator says the lines are still visible and saving the associated locating expenses. Members using Update Filtering are clearing about 5% of their total ticket volume.
Secondary Research (Ticket Screening)
Utility companies spend up to 40% of their locating budgets on notices that are marked "Cleared" or "No Conflict" by the locator at the worksite. Often these locates can be cleared with additional research at the notification center prior to being sent to locators. Members using Secondary Research are experiencing clear rates between 25% and 60% of locates on their overall volume thus saving the associated locating expenses.
Savings vary based on the number of locates a utility receives a month and the preciseness of the underground facility mapping (unbuffered or centerline data).
Damage Reduction through Analytics
Analytics - using data to increase knowledge and understanding - holds great promise for one-call notification and damage prevention. What we used to only imagine has now become reality.
Texas811 populates the risk assessment model with tens of millions pieces of historical data to predetermine the level of risk for damages from a specific notification. Factors considered: excavator history, type of line in the worksite, geographic area, excavating equipment used, excavation depth, etc.
Research suggests that 10% of locate requests lead to more than 50% of excavation damages. So providing you with a real-time Risk Assessment Score gives you new tools for early intervention and enhanced damage prevention.
Texas811 helps you recognize these risks and respond to them before they become damages, providing the intervention via a phone call to the excavator.
Locator Auditing
Texas811 will introduce Locator Auditing later this spring. Locator Auditing allows a utility to track:
- Locates not completed with 48 hours, including the number of "No Response" tickets issued against your locator.
- Locator performance based on financial parameters of your contract with your third party locator.
Locator Auditing can be adapted to track any aspect of the one-call process that a member requests helping you to better manage your financial arrangements with your third party locators to make sure you are getting what you pay for.
Contact Kyle VanLandingham, Director of Customized Solutions, at or 972-280-8783 to learn what Customized Solutions can mean for you.