Dear Austin Women Invest to Elect Members-

There are so many urgent issues in our country right now that it can be hard to focus, but voting rights is one that is both important, urgent and daunting in its complexity. Continued voter disenfranchisement will erode democracy and entrench minority rule. 
The Ossoff/Warnock senate wins in Georgia were an amazing example of what happens when voters organize and engage. The reaction to November's Democrat sweep of our federal government branches has been a rash of state-level activity to disenfranchise voters, especially those of color. So much of the effort to suppress voter influence happens at the state level in the form of government organizational structure with strategic attacks including but not limited to; at-large districting, gerrymandering, and voting laws including voter ID requirements and mail-in ballot restrictions. 
Our member meetings focus on education.  We will be hosting a virtual event to explore the MANY Texas-specific threats to voting rights on March 30 from 6-7:30PM. 
We have an amazing panel comprised of leaders from MOVE Texas, TCRP, Austinites for Progressive Reform, and All on the Line Texas with Jehmu Greene , Mimi Marziani, Laura Hernandez, Charlie Bonner, and I2E's own Genevieve Van Cleve moderating.
Please RSVP here and feel free to bring guests who may be prospective members. While this event is free to attend, we will be tracking any contributions members and guests make to our panelist organizations to count toward our member Texas contribution commitments--stay tuned for links.
We hope to see you there!

Password - 2021X0vmfWcz5
Executive Committee members:
Casey Chapman Ross, Beth Falcone, Karen Meyer, Karyn Scott, Kelly Dixon, Mary Anna Paul, Stacy Alexander, Hannah Temple, Laura Rose Wilson, Tanya Payne, Nan McRaven, Helen Bryan, Laura Cho, Lizza Harrison, Meena Vendal, Pooja Sethi, Amy Brown, Yael Ouzillou, Susan Blount, Laura Hernandez and Elizabeth Bray

Group and Committee Chairs:
I2E Co-Chairs 2021 - Laura Hernandez and Elizabeth Bray
Candidate Co-Chairs- Lizza Harrison (EWA) and Pooja Sethi (Texas)
Membership Co-Chairs-  Beth Falcone and Kelly Dixon
Events Co-Chairs- Amy Brown and Tanya Payne
Finance Chair- Susan Blount
Governance Chair- Laura Scanlan Cho