Texas TreEmail - January 2017
Lone Star Tree Appraisal Workshop
A Texas Chapter ISA Master's Series Event

March 3, 2017, Buda, Texas
March 24, 2017, Fort Worth, Texas

Need to stand apart from the crowd and take your arboricultural career to the next level?  If so, then the ISA-Texas Master Series' "Lone Star Tree Appraisal Workshop" might be for you!

Two of ISAT's own experts will offer insights into what actually works in Texas courts.  Todd Watson, Ph.D./BCMA, and Greg David, RCA/BCMA, will team-up to "shoot from the hip" about authentic, Texas-sized, tried-and-true tree appraisal techniques.

From simple "car versus tree" insurance incidents, through oil and gas surface damage claims, complex herbicide drift cases, and encroachment & wrongful removal cases, Watson and David will steer you through the appraisal techniques that make sense in Texas. 
We'll talk theory and methodology in the morning, and actual case reviews and scenarios in the afternoon.  Of particular interest will be an inside look at two recent precedent-setting appellate and Texas Supreme Court cases related to tree appraisal.

While the Lone Star Tree Appraisal Workshop will be of great interest to anyone providing tree appraisal and valuation services in Texas, a working knowledge of the concepts covered in the 9th Edition of the Guide for Plant Appraisal is highly recommended.

Volunteer Opportunity!
Promote Arboriculture at the Winter Tree Fest
This Saturday: Jan. 28, 2017 Austin

Share your knowledge and passion with visitors to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center on Saturday, Jan 28 We are looking for volunteers to work at our booth, you must be an ISAT member. This is a great chance for ISAT to communicate with the public and not just each other. Can you help? 

Shifts can be 30 minutes or up to 2 hours, whatever works for you. After your shift check out the oak collection in the Arboretum, tree climbing for kids & adults, and aerial tree yoga! RSVP April Rose:  apriltrose@gmail.com

What's Up With Texas Trees?
January In the Shade Newsletter 

Lots going on in Texas: A forest in Dallas?, new Texas tree books, native trees you should consider, kids and trees, Spanish pruning article, Texas celebrates Arbor Day and more!

Want to submit an article or news? Contact Rebecca Johnson at cercis11@gmail.com 

Bilingual Tree Care Workshop
Spanish and English Tracks
March 10, 2017, Schertz, Texas

It is time for the 8th Annual Bilingual Tree Worker Safety Workshop in San Antonio. Come learn from industry leaders Including Kevin Bassett of Arborilogical in Dallas, the Texas Engineering Extension Service and Tim Jackson and Eduardo Medina of Davey Tree in Chicago.

We will discuss professionalism in arboriculture, accident prevention, how to set up for safe work on roads, pruning and oak wilt. There will be outdoor demonstrations on chipper and chainsaw safety, and tree pruning. We hope to see you there!

2017 Texas Tree Conference
September 27-29, 2017
Waco Convention Center 

We are back! After hosting the International Conference last year the Texas Tree Conference is back in Waco for 2017. Mark your calendar now for the biggest and best Texas Tree Conference yet! 

We anticipate over 1,000 attendees again and will have Texas, national and international speakers. There will be tracks for Commercial, Municipal and Utility arborists with plenty of time to socialize and visit the exhibitors at the packed trade show.

Can Your Customers Find You?
There's an app for that

Want to make it easier for your customers to find you?

If your firm has a current Certified Arborist who is a member of ISA and the ISA Texas Chapter, you can advertise on the ISA Texas website!

Link to Find an Arborist app information
Texas Tree Climbing Championship
May 18-20, 2017
Austin, Texas 

Mark your calendars now for this years contest and pre-climb workshop. Winner of this year's competition will represent the Texas Chapter in the International Tree Climbing Contest.  This is the best event of the year for a working climber to attend if you want to improve your skills.

If you would like to volunteer or participate, contact Markus Smith at 512.467.8733 or markus@justtrees.com 
Dallas launched its new Urban Forestry Division Jan. 1, joining Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and Houston, all cities with professionally staffed forestry programs or departments. 

International Tree Conference and Tree Climbing Championship
July 28-30, 2017 Climbing
July 29-Aug. 2, 2017 Conference
Washington, DC

Mark your calendars now! The ISA Annual International Conference and Trade Show provides a forum for the exchange of information and opportunities to network with others in the arboricultural profession. The event provides a lineup of educational sessions led by industry leaders from around the globe, sharing their thoughts and views about the newest trends in equipment, practice, technology and research in arboriculture and urban forestry. It is the world's premier gathering of arboricultural professionals, where practicing arborists and urban foresters come together with top researchers and educators.
Features of the conference include:
  • Educational Sessions
  • Trade Show
  • Tree Academy Workshops
  • Climbers' Corner on the Trade Show Floor
Consider attending as a way to build your business network, meet the industry's leaders, and learn from the best in the profession

Click here for more information
Do Trees Collaborate?
How do trees talk to each other?

"A forest is much more than what you see," says ecologist Suzanne Simard. Her 30 years of research in Canadian forests have led to an astounding discovery - trees talk, often and over vast distances. 

Learn more about the harmonious yet complicated social lives of trees and prepare to see the natural world with new eyes. 
Starting a small business is equal parts exciting and overwhelming, especially if this is your first venture. You may have a great idea that you want to bring to market or just an itch to create something of your own and you're not sure what it is yet. 

This article can help you understand the necessities for getting your business up and running, as well as suggest some resources for more in-depth learning.

From acacia to yaupon and from abiotic to xylem

Want to identify that Texas Tree? Bookmark this awesome Texas A&M Forest Service website.

With over 275 tree-related terms and definitions, the tree dictionary helps you find the information you need. 

Calendar of Events

  • June (date TBA): Oak Wilt Qualification Course and Assessment, Johnson City
  • June (dates TBA): TRAQ Course and Assessment, San Antonio, Fort Worth
  • Sept. 27-29: Texas Tree Conference, Academy, Trade Show and Tree School