Our next Open Barn Visiting Day is February 2, 2019
The Latest From The Barn
“Let a horse whisper in your ear, and breathe on your heart. You will never regret it."
Welcome Tess, Georgia, & Ellie!
They say timing is everything...

We said yes to an aged Belgian mare named Ellie in NY. Her trip here was delayed twice because of the weather. She arrived the day after we said yes to helping two other mares locally.

The other two new gals are Tess, a late teens Belgian mare, and Georgia, a late teens Georgian Grande.

Who knew they would all arrive on the same weekend?

Many photos and updates will be coming!
Update on Bill!
Congratulations to Bill!

Bill left for his new home where he will be part of a therapeutic program for veterans!

We are very excited to learn more about his new job.

We will share updates as we get them!

Bill has made a great recovery, is healthy, and quite a character.

Thank you for supporting his care along the way.

Thanks To You!
Thank you to Cheshire Horse for offering a donation to us based on a percentage of online sales. This was a huge help!

Thank you to J Roy Excavating for your donation of farm sand and for making the quarantine paddock safe and comfortable for the new gals.

Thank you to NH Magazine for including Draft Gratitude in an article about local horse rescues!
Keep An Eye Out!
Our annual report is complete and will be sent out soon!

Keep an eye out for our annual report showing income, expenses, and impacts!

Thank you!!
Grant Writing
Do you have any experience grant writing?

Do you have any experience researching grants?

Last year $13,400 came to Draft Gratitude by way of grants! Can we get to $20,000 this year?

If you have some time to dive into this with us, we would love to connect.

Send us an email to: info@draftgratitude.com

Thank you!
Draft Gratitude | (603) 762-3266 | info@draftgratitude.com| www.DraftGratitude.com