July 14, 2023

Terry House Finishes 1,000th Refurbished Sewing Machine

On June 20th, regular volunteer, Terry House, refurbished his 1,000th Sewing Machine at Midwest Mission. 

Terry has volunteered at Midwest Mission since 2011, working wherever was needed. Shortly after Terry started volunteering, long-time volunteer Jack Bell, who has since passed, asked him to help in the sewing shop. Since he always liked fixing things, Terry agreed, and hasn’t left the shop since.

His service at Midwest Mission has been such a blessing to the organization and the people we serve. Every time Terry finishes a machine, he tapes the needles onto the side with a colored piece of tape. One year, we received a story and pictures from a few women who received sewing machines in Ethiopia. One woman stood beside a sewing machine with her hand on top, and on the side was that colored piece of tape. Since then, Terry felt a connection to her, knowing he could play a small part in providing what was needed.

We asked Terry a few questions about his time at Midwest Mission:

Do you like working on electric or treadle sewing machines more?

I like them both, but most of the time, I work on electric machines.

What is your favorite part about volunteering at Midwest Mission?

My favorite part is seeing new faces, meeting new people, and learning about them — why they came, where they're from, etc.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about volunteering at Midwest Mission?

The whole process is so rewarding. You get more from Midwest than you give — you get the feeling of accomplishment of helping others. We aren’t doing it for ourselves, but doing it for God and His people.

At the end of the conversation, Terry shared this sentiment to his time with Midwest Mission: “This place is kind of addictive. Once you come, you have to go back — you want to go back.”

Feminine Hygiene Kits Give Girls a Chance to Stay in School

While we were in Jamaica, we were able to give Feminine Hygiene Kits to a homeless shelter, and to an all-girls children's home.

Having access to feminine hygiene products is one key to giving girls around the world the chance to receive an education. Without feminine hygiene products, many girls have to stay home from school for three to eight days each month. This time off of school quickly adds up. They fall behind in their studies, begin to do worse on exams, and eventually have to make the difficult decision to stop going to school altogether. 

Without continuing their education, these girls won’t have the opportunity to get good jobs, go on to college, or travel to other countries for business opportunities. From an early age, their dreams and aspirations have been limited to what can be done without an education, simply because they are female and don’t have the resources they need.

Having access to feminine hygiene products could change a young girl’s life. 

That’s why Midwest Mission sends Feminine Hygiene Kits. This kit contains a hand towel and washcloth, a bar of soap, three pairs of underwear, six reusable day pads, three reusable night pads, a drawstring carrying bag, a waterproof bag, and a one-handled cloth bag to carry everything in.

The Feminine Hygiene Kit provides everything a girl would need to sanitarily be able to go to school while menstruating. The items in the kit are reusable, so they can be washed, dried, and ready to use again.

These kits have been sent all over the world, changing lives by giving girls the chance to receive a complete education.


Several of the items in the kit must be handmade by volunteers. In order to make more kits, we are in desperate need of Day Pads! 

Volunteers can make these wherever they are using our pattern and instructions, and then send them to Midwest Mission or bring them by the campus — 1001 Mission Drive, Pawnee, IL 62558.

You can find the pattern at midwestmission.org/patterns

Thank you for being a part of sending hope and empowerment to young girls around the world.

Click here to see pattern for Reusable Day Pads

Prayers to Lift Up

This week, we reflect on all that God has done for us, for Midwest Mission, and for our brothers and sisters around the world and around the corner. We pray for eyes to see the goodness of God, and the blessings He pours out on us.

“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you."

Jeremiah 32:17

Midwest Mission Weekly Projects

Work of the Mission Volunteers

Work Done

  • 36 desks built
  • 37 electric sewing machines repaired
  • 17 bikes repaired

  • 310 Birthing Kits
  • 70 Layette Kits
  • 1790 Personal Dignity Kits
  • 569 Rice Meals 

  • Counting into inventory
  • Sorting outfits
  • Sewing
  • Making plarn
  • Stuffing Impact Reports
  • Cleaning
  • Groundskeeping


  • ShareFest Will County, Wilmington, IL: 22 Bikes Value: $1,980.00
  • Hope Church — White Earth Reservation, Pine Point, MN: 216 UMCOR Hygiene Kits Value: $2,808.00

Midwest Mission is able to do this work because of your generous donations and willingness to volunteer. Thank you!

Share some GOD news with those you love!

Do you have family or friends that need some GOOD News - GOD News - to uplift them? If so please click on the button below and share the link provided. The more we can spread the word about the work God is doing here, the more we can make the world a happier place.

Link to Share the Midwest Mission Newsletter

Ready to Get Involved?

Volunteer at Midwest Mission

Dates are available in 2023, 2024, and 2025

Need a Saturday option for team volunteering

or assistance in booking?

Contact Pat Wright at pat@midwestmission.org

or 217-697-4063

Click below to check calendar openings and to reserve your spots.

Volunteer Reservation Calendar

2025 Volunteer Calendar is now open for dorm reservations!

Go to our Reservation Calendar, log in, reserve your rooms, and submit payment for your Non-refundable Reservation Fee via credit card or electronic check. We will email you the Access Code to reserve Volunteer Shifts for your team. You must complete this step for your team to volunteer at Midwest Mission.

For local teams and individuals: Volunteer Shifts will only be available 3 months ahead of time. Beginning October 1, 2023 you will be able to reserve Volunteer Shifts for January of 2024.

Thank you for your patience as we try to improve the reservation experience for both local teams and those staying in the dorm.

Volunteers at Work

July 10 - July 14, 2023

Volunteer Leaders

Chuck and Karen Porter

Brighton, Illinois

Susan Ryon

Des Moines, Iowa

Volunteer Teams at Illinois Site

Schultz-Price Family

Shawnee, KS

Don and Jean Sanders

Plainfield, IN

Petersburg UMC Youth Mission Camp Group 1

Petersburg, IL

Petersburg UMC Youth Mission Camp Group 2

Petersburg, IL

Waverly FUMC

Waverly, IL

Beth and Michael Biendenfeld

Manson, IA

Trevor Oetting and Melissa Taylor

Oakwood, IL


Waukesha, WI

Ortiz Crew

Springfield, IL

Darlene Powell

Springfield, IL

Not Pictured:

Springfield FUMC Sewing Group

Grace UMC, Jacksonville, IL

We are so grateful for all our regular volunteers, and the time they give towards volunteering at Midwest Mission. We appreciate their passion and dedication to the ministry!

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