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Meeting Hub @ISBNPA2024

At ISBNPA2024, we understand the importance of networking and collaboration. This is why we have incorporated several meeting and networking opportunities into our program, as a part of our Research Impact Strategic Plan. We believe that a scientific conference extends beyond the scientific and social agendas, offering a platform for you to connect with your peers in person.

To facilitate this, we have allocated specific times and locations within the program for you to engage in discussions and collaborations. Therefore, start planning your meetings for WEDNESDAY, May 22, 1415-1455h. While in Omaha, make use of the rooms we have reserved especially for you.

We also provide an additional room at the venue specifically designed for spontaneous discussions. Feel free to utilize this space during breaks or even during the scientific program sessions.

Keynote and One-to-Watch Sessions

We strongly encourage you to attend all our keynote sessions. We have an impressive lineup of four plenary keynotes.

Additionally, mark your calendars for our six "One-to-Watch" invited sessions on TUESDAY, May 21, 1415-1455. These sessions feature promising and innovative speakers who will be sharing insightful talks. Be sure not to miss them!

Highlighted Award Sessions

One of the prime features of the conference are the coveted Award Sessions. Each Special Interest Group (SIG) has carefully selected the top three abstracts pertaining to their respective topics, scheduled for presentation on the first day of the conference. Be sure to attend these sessions on MONDAY, May 20, 1715-1830.

Meeting Application and Abstract Book

Keep an eye on your inbox in the coming days for detailed instructions regarding the use of our exclusive Annual Meeting application. With this app, you'll be able to plan your schedule well in advance, connect with all other attendees, and even access a draft version of the abstract book.

A finalized version of this book will be made available immediately after the conference concludes.

Launch of ISBNPA Carbon Footprint Management Plan

The Climate Action Strategic Plan Initiative has now released ISBNPA's Carbon Footprint Management Plan.

This comprehensive plan outlines our dedicated efforts to DEFINE, MEASURE and REDUCE ISBNPA's greenhouse gas emissions.

You can access the full plan [HERE] for a detailed insight into our strategies.

Vegetarian meals as default @ISBNPA2024 =

50% less emissions

By opting for vegetarian meals as the default option, we are potentially decreasing our greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 50%. This is a stark contrast to when conference meals were primarily meat or fish-based. With this decision, we are contributing towards a healthier environment.

If the meals at the conference were meat/fish based --- 111.33 tonnes CO2e

With the vegetarian as the default ---59.02 tonnes CO2e

Source and data (considering that the food and beverage cost at ISBNPA 2024 is 150K USD, [ - Carbon Footprint Calculator](

Pilot of the ISBNPA Building Future Leaders is starting next week

We are thrilled to announce that our inaugural Building Future Leaders course is set to commence on May 13, 2024. This specially crafted program encompasses a variety of leadership-related subjects, meticulously designed to equip Mid-Career Researchers for future leadership roles within the realms of behavioral nutrition and physical activity domains.

The program curriculum will undergo rigorous testing with the colleagues participating in the pilot. Our goal is not only to learn from their experiences and feedback but also to refine our program based on these insights. We aim to roll out an improved version of the program next year for the entire ISBNPA community.

ISBNPA Research Project Database with three new entries

The ISBNPA Research Project Database (IRPD) is excited to announce the addition of three new entries:

- BACKFIT, from Spain

- HEALTHY BACK, from Spain

- Dialling up Health, from Australia

We invite you to include your research project in this comprehensive database. Kindly fill out the provided form.

Our objective at ISBNPA is to enhance communication and dissemination efforts for all scientific projects managed within our community. We aim to broaden their visibility and foster a conducive environment for networking.

The IPRD aligns with three key initiatives under the strategic plan of ISBNPA, namely:

1. Inclusivity and Diversity

2. Impact

3. Growing the Next Generation

Join us at our webinar "spring season" finale

There's just one more webinar left in our spring series - don't miss out on the season finale.

If you've missed any of our past webinars, fear not. You can catch up with all of them on our YouTube channel. For educators out there, consider incorporating these recordings into your lesson plans as student tasks. It's an approach some of us have been taking for a while now and it has proven to be a fantastic resource.

Watch all the recordings on our [YouTube Channel]. And please subscribe, we are aiming at 400 subscribers until the end of the year.


SIG Early Care and Education: Reducing food waste where children live, learn and play: Future directions for policy and practice in high and middle-income countries



May 14, 2024, 1100 UTC

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