Grace Church  
in Salem
The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Rector
385 Essex Street
Salem, Massachusetts 01970

15 May 2024

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Bible Study

Wednesdays at

5:00 pm

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Facebook page



Calendar for the Week




10:00 - 4:00 pm

Office Hours

2:00 - 6:00 pm

Boys and Girls Club

5:00 pm

Bible Study

7:30 pm

Choir Rehearsal




2:00 - 6:00 pm

Boys and Girls Club


2:00 - 6:00 pm

Boys and Girls Club


7:30 am

Election for Bishop Diocesan

10:00 am

Music Together


9:15 am

Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am

Holy Eucharist

11:00 am

Red Food Pot Luck

4:00 pm

Celtic Service

5:00 pm

Red Food Pot Luck




2:00 - 6:00 pm

Boys and Girls Club

5:30 pm



2:00 - 6:00 pm

Boys and Girls Club

7:00 pm

Knitting Group



10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Office Hours

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Boys and Girls Club

5:00 pm

Bible Study

7:30 pm

Choir Rehearsal



The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Rector

Assisting Clergy

The Reverend E. Clifford Cutler

The Reverend Manny Faria

The Reverend Ann Perrott



Ryan Patten,

Sr. Warden

Barbara Layne,

Jr. Warden

Lisa Duffy, Clerk

Joanne Moar, Treasurer

Melissa Barnes

Marianne Cannon

Lisa Duffy

Joanna Troy

Susan Tweed

Matt VanHamersveld

Holly Willis


Mark N. Peterson, Music Director

Tom and Karen Tucker, Sextons


Cheryl Robinson, Bookkeeper


Anti-racism Team

Maureen Bingham

Marianne Cannon

Cliff Cutler

Ryan Patten

Kourtni Patten

Jane Thompson

Angela Williams

Debbie Phillips


Joanne Moar

Barbara Layne


Gavin Watson-Bertrand 

Altar Guild

Laura Beasley-Topliffe,


Lisa Duffy

Caroline Ogah

Holly Willis


Flower Committee

Deb Papps, Chair

Jane Thompson

Maureen Joyce


Celtic Meditations Team

Ryan Patten, musician

Kourtni Patten

Eric Wagner

Paul Massari

Christine Reichert

Kathleen Tone


Director of Church School

Melissa Barnes


Ministry Team

Tom Gaither

Debbie Papps

Ad Hoc Fundraising

Peggy Carter

Melissa Barnes

Joanne Moar

Kourtni Patten


Eric Wagner

Deb Papps

Tom Tucker

Jason Barnes

Ryan Quinlivan

 Creation Care

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Louise Faria

Tom Gaither

Jane Stewart

Garden of Life

Jason Stonehouse


Convention Delegates

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Joanne Moar

Eric Wagner, Alternate

Deanery Delegates

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Joanne Moar

Thought for the Week

Dear Friends,

Yesterday at Clericus (the gathering of Episcopal clergy on the North Shore), we had a presentation from an organization whose focus is reaching out to women experiencing postpartum depression. One brave soul came and told us her story.

In the conversation after, I asked her if she had heard from one such as herself while she was struggling, would it have made a difference. She said that it absolutely would have made her feel less alone and numb.

Anyone who has ever been part of a twelve-step program will tell you about the power of the story; for both the story-teller and the receiver of this gift.

This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, the sending of the Holy Spirit to stir up the story of God's loving purpose within us and to equip us with the tools to tell this story. Always remember that your own experiences of struggle and love have to power to heal, comfort, and reconcile. All you have to do is tell it.

In the Way of Love,


This Sunday

At our 10:00 am Choral Holy Eucharist, we will celebrate Pentecost. In our prayers, we will give thanks for our Stewardship Team. We will also renew our Baptismal Vows.

Don't forget to wear RED!!!

Jim Harrison will lector will lector,Lisa Duffy will chalice, and Faith Aroko and Peggy Carter will usher. Our Red Potluck will follow in Abbot Hall.


At 4:00 pm, Celtic Evensong and Communion will offer a meditation on Pentecost and we will celebrate William Hobart Hare's Feast Day. Kai Freyleue will offer the reflection and Eric Wagner will read the prayers. Mairanne Cannon will usher. Our Red Potluck will follow in Abbot Hall at 5:00 pm.

Services are also broadcast on Facebook Live. Leaflets may be found on our website.

Please join us wherever you are 

in your search for meaning. 

Everyone is welcome at any and all services at

Grace Episcopal Church

Parish Prayer List

Please keep the following in your prayers:

For the Diocese of Massachusetts and our Bishop-Elect, for those battling cancer, especially Faith’s friend and the Princess of Wales, Heather and Prescott,, Ariana, Sheridan, Faith Aroko and Family, Jesse Hurst and Family, Angela Williams, Neal and Maureen Joyce, Arthur, Jane Thompson, Deb Young, Cindy Rhodes, Ron, Gerald Tucker, Allison Mascolo, Melissa Glassman, Max Joyce, Inga, Henry, and Lucas, Mel, Corey MacNeil, Dianne, Michael Towey, Jenny, Loretta and Kris, Deb Papps, Derek Fuller and Family, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and their ministries, for Ukraine and Haiti; the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Salem, the Salem Public Schools and for an end to racism, war, anti-Semitism, gun violence and oppression. In thanksgiving for our Stewardship Committee. If you have prayer requests, please email by Tuesday at noon for publication in that week's e-news.

Upcoming Events in June


June 2: Young and the Restless at 9:00 am

Come join us as we sing the story of the man who searched for the Pearl of Great Price and share the Holy meal together.


June 15: Retreat—”Joy” from 9:00 am—11:00 am

During this time we will study the joy of those liberated from slavery by the Egyptians, consider how joy can be a form of protest and resistance, listen to and participate in the joy of music, and prepare joy prayer ribbons to be tied to our tree. This retreat is sponsored by our Anti-Racism Team. Light refreshments will be provided.


June 16: Vespers for Juneteenth at 4:00 pm

The service commemorates the emancipation law becoming enacted in the last outpost of slavery in America. During this time, we will hear readings from Scripture and from Black poets and other writers. We will have an opportunity to renew our commitment to dismantling racism in whatever way we are called. And we will sing; sing wonderful music from the African American experience. (This service is in place of the Celtic Evensong on this day)


June 30: A Service Celebrating Pride Month at 10:00 am

During our morning Eucharist, we will hear stories and have readings that celebrate the great diversity in our community. We will consider ways we can commit to equal access, especially to health care. We will also remember the Stonewall Rebellion of 1969 on the Sunday closest to this historic event.


All of these events are free and we invite all to come


The Rector is available Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays for regular business.

Please continue to contact her for pastoral emergencies as they arise.

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