Tell Us Your WG Sampling Day Plans - March 25, 2020
Whole Grain Sampling Day to draw extra attention to your whole grain products—plan a giveaway, pass out samples at a local after-school program or assisted-living facility, share pictures and recipes online -- the options are endless!
Tell us what you have planned and we'll promote it on
our website.
Learn how
sponsoring our conference can benefit your brand recognition and boost your networking opportunities with customers and suppliers.
Reach out today to discuss the possibilities and
join us in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 14-15.
Our Response to Proposed Regulatory Changes in Brazil and Mexico
We routinely submit official comments on proposed government regulatory changes, advocating for whole grains and supporting our members. In March we submitted comments to ANVISA (the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency) and last month we submitted comments to the Mexican Ministry of Economy.