We are preaching the Gospel and starting churches in the most remote areas of Russia and everywhere God leads us!!

We bring Hope, Peace, Joy & Love to Georgia!

I just came from the country of Georgia! I visited 3 churches and encouraged them to continue reaching out to the villages around with the Gospel of Peace and Joy!


Telavi is the centre of Kakhetia region !

Pastor Romani and his wife Marina right behind him are leading the church and reaching out to their community, helping people in their daily needs, bringing the Good news !

Kareli Church is dynamic and evangelistic.

I love this church because Pastor Mirza and his wife Natia are on fire to win for Jesus as many people as possible. They have another church in the town where Stalin was born - Gori ! It is so wonderful to see how God is establishing His Kingdom in the places historically connected with so much evil.

I preached on the importance of forgiveness! Jesus paid for ALL sins of ALL people!!!! This is what the Gospel is about - FORGIVENESS OF UNFORGIVABLE!

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Tbilisi church is the centre from where missionaries are sent out!

During Sunday service in Tbilisi I preached on the importance of a miracle of being born again in the life of a believer. And one of the characteristics of it is re-prioritization of love. The love of God becomes more important to you rather than the love of any human!

Next to me is the interpreter Slavic!

Little Sandra is 6 months old and is the most happy baby I have ever seen. She is pastor Mamuka's and his wife Eka's first grandchild!


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 World Missions Advance

for Natasha Schedrivaya  

P.O. Box 764408 

Dallas, TX 75376 


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