We Donated...Will You?
We're Caroline and Lindsey, two rising seniors at Glenelg High School and members of HC DrugFree's Teen Advisory Council (TAC). This summer, we're working with HC DrugFree Executive Director Joan Webb Scornaienchi as Outreach Assistants trying to prevent youth substance abuse through public service announcements created by teens, fun contests, and various events sponsored by the organization. We both donate because through our work, we've realized that any amount helps. Every day we see our peers making poor decisions that can impact them tremendously. Your donation matters to the lives of our classmates and friends. Please consider contributing a tax-deductible donation of any amount and we'll add your name to our list of "Friends" on www.hcdrugfree.org. To make a donation, go to http://www.hcdrugfree.org/donate.html. Thanks for your support!
Also, we will be having a Facebook photo contest throughout the month of July, so get your selfies ready! More info to come.

Caroline and Lindsey
Caroline Simon Outreach Assistant
Lindsey Mazer Outreach Assistant

Tell Them More Than "Say No" 
As parents and guardians we spend a lot of time telling our children to say no. What we forget to tell them is how to say no. In this article, "The One Conversation That Could Save Your Teen's Life (and Your Own)," Glennon Melton discusses the importance of practicing situations with your child and helping them create and believe in their reasons to back up their "No." She discusses the importance of helping them find the words to address a friend who is texting and driving, kids being teased or bullied, uncomfortable sexual situations, as well as drugs and alcohol. From, "Have you MET my mom?" to "Don't risk it man," Melton outlines what could be the most important conversation you and your teen ever have. 

Americans and Narcotic Painkillers
Prescription drug addiction has been in the news lately. Click on the link to read an National Public Radio story titled "Americans Weigh Addiction Risk When Taking Painkillers."

Marijuana Myths
Click here to read the latest news from the National Institute on Drug Abuse regarding the facts versus the myths of legalization of marijuana.

If you would like to receive any of the free pamphlets below, send your name and address to info@hcdrugfree.org.
Si le gustar�a recibir cualquiera de los folletos gratis abajo, favor de mandar su nombre y direcci�n fisica a info@hcdrugfree.org.

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HC DrugFree | 443-325-0040 | joan@hcdrugfree.org | Wilde Lake Village Center
10451 Twin Rivers Road Suite 206
Columbia, MD 21044