February 2021
Technology Law Update

Control Software Audit Disclosures by Keeping an Eye on the Audited Entity
The most critical stage of any audit is confirming and then remaining diligently cognizant of the scope of an audit. Over-disclosure can cost a company millions of dollars.

Don't Take Your NDA for Granted During Software Audits
Many businesses expend far too little effort in securing appropriate non-disclosure agreements during software audits. An NDA often represents the only opportunity to put a fence around the scope of a software audit. 

How Can Scott & Scott, LLP Help You?

We have more than a decade of experience and our legal and technology staff have handled hundreds of software licensing transactions, software audits, technology contracts and IT transactions.To learn more about our services, contact Robert J. Scott, Managing Partner, at rjscott@scottandscottllp.com for more information.